Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 654 New Situation

Talia followed the Terminator and Catwoman closely. The three of them formed a temporary Justice League, determined to fight against the increasingly rampant evil forces in Gotham City.

As an agile and meticulous fighter, Talia is not afraid of any challenge.

The crime in this city is so rampant that even foreign gangs dare to do evil here.

Luther doesn't quite understand why gangs invade here.

He looked at the sky covered by haze in the distance, full of doubts.

Why did these gangsters choose to come to Gotham, a seemingly chaotic place?

Although the security situation in Gotham is indeed better than that in New York, and there seem to be more opportunities, the air pollution index here is seriously exceeded.

Gotham City, the notorious capital of crime in the DC universe, is shrouded in gloomy darkness every night.

Sometimes, even during the day, due to the deliberate creation of the dark atmosphere in the work, it also gives people a feeling of not seeing the sun.

The towering buildings are like lonely tombstones, standing under the gray sky, as if telling the endless sorrow of the city.

The amount of exhaust gas emitted by industry and traffic is astonishingly large, while the green area of ​​the city is seriously insufficient.

This has caused the air quality in Gotham City to deteriorate, and citizens have to endure pungent odors and turbid air.

Like London, Gotham pursued profits and urbanization unilaterally during the industrial period, but ignored environmental protection and sustainable development. Driven by the four ancient families and gangs, Gotham has not achieved healthy modernization like the metropolis.

The excessive discharge of chemical waste has made the sky in Gotham always gray, which makes people feel depressed even during the day.

There are a large number of towering buildings in the city, most of which are made of bricks, stones, cement and other ground materials. They have large heat capacity and high thermal conductivity, and are very likely to form a heat island effect.

This effect makes the temperature in the city center significantly higher than that in the surrounding areas, exacerbating the climate problem in Gotham City.

The prototype of Gotham City is quite similar to New York, which is also a city with a more obvious heat island effect.

Therefore, it can be inferred that Gotham City also has the problem of heat island effect.

The interaction between the heat island effect and air pollution makes Gotham City in a dark and dull environment all day long. In addition, the monsoon on the east coast of America is not strong, and toxic gases are difficult to evacuate, and the environmental conditions in Gotham City are getting worse.

Batman's family all lives in the suburbs, which also reflects from one side how serious the environmental problems in Gotham City are.

As the guardian of Gotham City, Batman knows the dark side of this city, but he can't change its deep-rooted problems. He can only choose to stay away from the hustle and bustle and pollution of the city center and seek a relatively quiet world.

In such an environment, the rise of Poison Ivy's extreme environmentalism has become a matter of course.

As an extreme environmentalist, Poison Ivy is eager to breathe fresh air and see the blue sky.

She tried to change the environmental conditions of Gotham City in her own way. Although her methods were too radical and extreme, her starting point was understandable.

What's wrong with a girl just wanting to breathe some fresh air!

So, in such a bad place, there are still gangsters and criminals running over in an endless stream. Luther has to wonder if these people are mentally ill.

A mere gangster is naturally no match for Luther and his team, and was easily dealt with.

Luther waved his hand lightly, and Talia and Catwoman Selina beside him floated out like two ghosts. Talia, as a female ninja from the Assassin's League, her movements are light and agile, and every move is as accurate and deadly as a cheetah hunting. And Selina, after Luther's training, has grown from an ordinary catwoman to an excellent killer. Although her movements are not as elegant as Talia's, she exudes a wild beauty.

The gangsters obviously didn't expect that they would meet such a strong opponent this night. Their movements seemed so clumsy and ridiculous in the eyes of Luther and others, like clowns on the stage, performing clumsy plays hard.

Soon, the battle was over. The gangsters fell to the ground one by one, their blood dyed the streets red, but Luther and others didn't even have a trace of blood on their clothes. This is the difference in strength, and it is also the reason why Luther and others can easily deal with these gangsters.

Soon, everyone in Gotham City knew that the Terminator had another female assistant. Because the other party was in the image of a female ninja, she was called "female ninja".

They knew the image and concept of ninja.

Although Luther wanted to call Talia a Taimanin with a bad taste.

In the hearts of the men in Gotham City, Luther has undoubtedly become the object of their envy.

After all, whether it is Catwoman Selina or female ninja Talia, they are the kind of women who can make men fall for them. And they all became Luther's female assistants, which naturally made other men jealous and envious.

It's a pity that they don't know that reality is more cruel.

Talia couldn't get close to Luther. She found that the will of the Terminator was very terrible, far beyond ordinary people, which made Talia more interested in the Terminator.

She wanted to challenge the impossible, so she wanted to conquer the Terminator even more.

Luther knew what Talia wanted to do, so of course he had to play hard to get.

At the same time, a huge transport plane slowly took off from the runway of Gotham City Airport, and the fuselage shone with metallic luster under the reflection of the morning sun. In the tower of the airport, the staff were busy recording flight data, but they did not realize that this seemingly ordinary transport plane was about to cause an unprecedented storm.

Shortly after the plane took off, a burst of urgent alarms suddenly came from the cockpit. The pilots looked at each other, and an inexplicable uneasiness surged in their hearts. Then, an urgent order came from the radio, requiring them to change the route immediately and go to Blackgate Prison. Although the pilots were puzzled, they had to adjust the flight direction according to the order.

The senior officials of Gotham City soon got the news, and their faces became solemn. Blackgate Prison is an important facility in Gotham City, where many serious criminals are detained. Once a problem occurs, the consequences will be disastrous. However, they could not know the purpose of this transport plane, nor could they take effective measures to stop it.

The transport plane sped in the air and soon arrived over Blackgate Prison.

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