Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 655 Blackgate Prison

At this time, night had fallen, but the lights in Blackgate Prison were still as bright as day. The prison guards were busy at their posts as usual, maintaining order in the prison. However, they did not realize that a sudden crisis was quietly approaching.

Suddenly, a piercing roar broke the quiet night sky. Then, the hatch of the transport plane slowly opened, and a cold wind mixed with a strong smell of gunpowder came. The prison guards looked up and saw a huge transport plane hovering over the prison, its belly open, revealing rows of black muzzles.

"Oh no, it's a gunship!" An experienced prison guard exclaimed. As soon as he finished speaking, countless bullets poured down like a rainstorm, instantly making the ground riddled with holes. These bullets were so powerful that they easily shattered the reinforced concrete structure of Blackgate Prison, making the entire prison shaky.

The prison guards fled in panic, trying to find cover to avoid the deadly attack. However, the gunship's firepower was too dense, leaving them nowhere to hide. Bullets whizzed through the air, hitting the walls with a dull sound and splashing sparks. Some unfortunate prison guards were hit by bullets and fell in a pool of blood.

"Fuck, we request support!" A prison guard shouted loudly on the radio, his voice full of fear and helplessness. Sweat rolled down his forehead, mixed with dust, forming stains. His hands tightly grasped the baton in his hands, but it seemed so pale and powerless in front of the rain of bullets.

The surrounding air seemed to be ignited by artillery fire, filled with the smell of gunpowder and burning. The prison buildings collapsed one after another under the destruction of artillery fire, bricks and stones flew, and dust flew. The flames spread everywhere, making the night look like day.

"There is a gunship... Fuck, at least it's a gunship converted from a transport plane... Raid..." Another prison guard hid in the corner, his voice trembling and his eyes full of fear. He tried to report the situation to his superiors via the radio, but only harsh noises and intermittent responses came from the radio.

The chaos and panic in the prison were spreading rapidly. The prison guards fled everywhere, trying to find a safe shelter. However, the gunship's attack showed no signs of stopping. It continued to hover in the air, pouring down countless bullets, turning Blackgate Prison into a sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, the heavy prisoners who were originally imprisoned in the cells also began to become restless. They took advantage of this opportunity to break free from their restraints, picked up weapons, and launched a fierce confrontation with the prison guards. The screams, shouts, and gunshots in the prison were one after another, which made people terrified.

In this chaos, some prisoners took the opportunity to escape from the prison. They ran towards freedom through the collapsed buildings and blazing flames. Their faces were full of madness and greed, as if at this moment, all the constraints and rules were thrown out of the sky.

Some stubborn prisoners chose to stay in the prison and fight to the death with the prison guards. They attacked the prison guards fiercely with weapons seized from the prison guards. Although the prison guards fought desperately, they seemed powerless in front of these serious criminals.

The gunship's attack continued, and each bombing made the prison buildings more dilapidated. The flames spread everywhere, and the thick smoke was suffocating. The battle between the prison guards and the prisoners became more and more intense, and both sides were fighting desperately for survival.

Suddenly, a shaking vibration came, and the entire Blackgate Prison seemed to be shaking. The originally silent night sky was torn apart, and the gunship flew low and dropped a heavy bomb. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and the heartbeats of the people and the countdown of the bombs intertwined to form a tense symphony.

The bomb was like an angry meteor, streaking across the sky and heading straight for the center of the prison. At the moment when its target was about to be destroyed, time seemed to freeze. Then, a deafening explosion sounded, and the entire prison was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire. The airflow generated by the explosion swept in like a gust of wind, tearing the surrounding buildings into pieces, and dust and bricks and stones flew everywhere.

The prison guards and prisoners were shaken to the ground by the sudden impact, and their faces were full of fear and despair. Some people tried to find a shelter, but there were flames and ruins all around, and there was nowhere to escape. The airflow generated by the explosion swept them away mercilessly and disappeared in the sea of ​​fire.

However, at this moment of chaos and despair, a black figure jumped off the transport plane. Immediately afterwards, more and more people in black uniforms appeared on the ruins of the prison. They were armed and moved quickly and orderly. They ignored the chaos and danger around them and walked straight towards the serious prisoners.

These people in black uniforms were obviously strictly trained agents, their eyes were calm and firm, and their actions were quick and decisive. They quickly set up a temporary command post on the ruins and began to organize the serious criminals. Under their command, the serious criminals began to break out in an organized manner.

The prison guards tried to stop them, but they seemed powerless in the face of these armed agents and serious criminals. Their weapons seemed so powerless in front of these well-trained agents, and they could only watch the serious criminals escape from the blown-up door one by one under the command of the agents.

As time went on, more and more serious criminals successfully escaped with the help of the agents. They held weapons and had ferocious smiles on their faces, as if at this moment, they had finally gotten rid of their shackles and gained freedom. They cheered and shouted, and their voices echoed in the night sky, intertwined with the explosions, forming a crazy symphony.

And Blackgate Prison became dilapidated in this chaos. The flames spread everywhere, and the buildings collapsed one after another under the destruction of artillery fire. Thick smoke billowed, and the flames shot up into the sky. The whole prison seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth. The prison guards sat on the ground exhausted, their eyes full of despair and helplessness, watching the once familiar prison turned into a ruin.

Although the senior officials of Gotham City received the alarm, they were unable to mobilize enough troops to support them in time because of the sudden incident. They anxiously waited for news, praying that the situation would not deteriorate further. However, as more and more serious criminals successfully escaped from prison, their mood became heavier and heavier.

The Terminator and Batman were also alarmed by this sudden attack.

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