Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 656 Don’t call me Terminator.

They acted quickly, like a group of well-trained hunters, and began to investigate the mastermind and purpose behind the attack. They knew that this incident was not trivial. It was not only a blow to Blackgate Prison, but also a serious threat to the entire Gotham City.

As one of the important institutions in Gotham City, Blackgate Prison has always shouldered the heavy responsibility of maintaining social order. It is not only a place to imprison criminals, but also an important barrier to the safety of Gotham City. However, this attack almost razed it to the ground, the towering walls collapsed, the sturdy iron doors twisted and deformed, and the entire prison seemed to have experienced a devastating disaster.

Blackgate Prison is located about five kilometers away from the city of Gotham, built on a fortress on a small island in the sea. It is surrounded by cold sea water and sharp reefs. This unique geographical location makes it a natural cage that makes it difficult for prisoners to escape. The prison is surrounded by towering walls, up to 50 meters high, which is daunting. These walls are extremely strong, as if they can withstand all external forces.

The interior of the prison is even more severe and terrifying, as if it is a hell on earth. The most vicious prisoners are held here, and almost every one of them has several lives on their shoulders. They are severely punished here, and they also suffer endless despair and fear.

However, this attack broke the peace here.

Those prisoners who were originally imprisoned in the cells, and now the serious criminals who have successfully escaped from prison, are ready to set off a new storm in Gotham City with weapons and hatred. They fled in all directions, some hiding in the corners of the city, and some began to commit crimes blatantly. Their appearance has plunged the entire Gotham City into panic.

And the prison guards in charge of guarding also suffered heavy losses in the attack, and many of them died heroically and paid the price of their lives to defend the prison.

Batman, the guardian of Gotham City, also quickly intervened in this incident. He began to pay close attention to the dynamics of these escaped prisoners, wanting to find their hiding places as soon as possible and re-arrest them.

He knew that these jailbreakers were skilled and resentful. Once they started wreaking havoc in Gotham City, the consequences would be disastrous.

At the same time, the citizens of Gotham City began to feel the panic and anxiety brought about by this disaster. They were worried that these jailbreakers would harm themselves and their families, and they were also worried that the safety of the entire society could not be guaranteed.

The originally bustling and noisy streets have now become deserted and depressed. People are cautious when walking on the road, fearing that they will become the next target of the jailbreakers.

After the jailbreak, the police took immediate action, strengthened patrols and security measures, and went all out to maintain social order. However, the number of jailbreakers is large, and they seem to have extremely high anti-detection capabilities. They have been scattered in various corners, and it is not easy to arrest them one by one. The police know that it is difficult to effectively track their whereabouts with the current strength and resources alone. They need more clues and intelligence to take the initiative in this pursuit.

On the other side of Gotham City, underground forces have also begun their actions. They knew that this jailbreak not only caused great trouble to the police, but also brought them a huge impact. The originally stable underground forces began to become turbulent due to the influx of a large number of criminals. Many underworld tycoons began to panic, and they were worried that their status and interests would be threatened.

However, some visionary tycoons saw the opportunities behind this incident. They understood that if they wanted to be invincible in this crisis, they had to cooperate with the police to fight against the emerging black forces. As a result, these tycoons began to contact the police secretly, providing the intelligence and clues they had to assist the police in hunting down the jailbreakers.

As time went on, all forces in Gotham City began their own actions. Batman, as the guardian of the city, also joined the ranks of hunting down the jailbreakers. He used his wisdom and courage to work closely with the police to jointly develop strategies and strive to bring the jailbreakers to justice as soon as possible.

The underground forces began to reshuffle and look for new partners and allies. In this crisis, some gangs that were originally irreconcilable began to put aside their prejudices and join forces to fight against common enemies. The whole city was plunged into an unprecedented chaos and turmoil.

Luther stood quietly on the height of Gotham City. The Gothic gargoyle statue under his feet stood at the highest point of the city, like a watcher, silently watching everything in the city. His eyes were as deep as the abyss, as if he could see through everything in the world.

He was wearing a black tights.

Luther, who had changed his clothes, had an extra cloak on his body, which became his most eye-catching symbol. It was a black cloak as huge as a parachute, as if it was woven from the darkness of the night sky.

In the absence of a trace of wind, this cloak seemed to have life, automatically without wind, gently fluttering, giving people a mysterious feeling.

Gotham City under Luther's feet was a place full of darkness and chaos. The night of this city seemed to be shrouded by a thick layer of dark clouds, making it impossible to see its true face.

Although the moonlight fell through the clouds, it could only illuminate a vague white light, so that people could only see the outline of the city, but could not see the details.

In this atmosphere, Gotham City seemed to have become a horror film set, full of weirdness and uneasiness. The firelight and shadows on the streets intertwined to form a series of distorted pictures. Chaos and order coexist in this city, as if it were an irreconcilable contradiction.

Luther stood on the gargoyle statue, overlooking everything happening below. He kept hearing gunshots and explosions, which echoed in Gotham City at night like a symphony of death. However, Luther seemed to be out of it, with no expression on his face, as if all this was expected by him.

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps caught Luther's attention. He tilted his head slightly, his eyes passed through the dark night sky and fell on the street in the distance. There, a group of fully armed gangs were engaged in a fierce street battle with the police.

These militants wore black battle clothes, masks on their faces, and held various weapons, launching a fierce attack on the police. Their movements were swift and agile, and every attack hit the target accurately.

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