Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 666 Death and Superman

Clark never thought that he would fall into such deep trouble after accepting the interview with reporter Xia Louise.

He always believed that his actions were only for justice and for those who needed help, and never thought that this would become a big trouble in his life.

Every time he completed a heroic rescue, there would always be reporters who heard the news and moved, hoping to dig out more stories from this superman.

However, Clark is not a good speaker, he is more accustomed to expressing his beliefs with actions. Therefore, every time he faces the camera of the reporter, he always seems a little at a loss, even a little nervous.

If he does not accept the interview with the reporter, the reporter will say that he is unfair and cannot treat everyone equally. They also have the right to know and the right to interview.

If someone said this to Luther, he would definitely die, but Clark is different. He is a guy with soft ears, so he had to accept the interview.

However, his decision attracted the attention of some people with ulterior motives.

Some of these people were out of curiosity, some were out of jealousy, and some were out of some ulterior motives.

They began to carefully analyze every interview of Clark, trying to find out his personality traits and thinking model.

There is no need to say much about the people here, such as the dark bat man in a bat cave, the black-bellied Wayne man in Wayne Manor, and the big bat that only comes out at night.

His analysis and attention are naturally because of the god of death.

He has been paying attention to Clark, trying to find out the source of Superman's power.

Although Clark has repeatedly denied that his power is the same as that of the god of death, the dark bat man will not easily believe it. He firmly believes that only through his own investigation and observation can he find the real answer.

At the same time, the black-bellied Wayne man also plans to see if he can deal with the god of death through Superman. The nocturnal big bat cannot deny that the god of death saved Gotham City, and his impression of the god of death has also changed.

However, he still can't trust the god of death, not to mention that the other party now has a dirty bomb that is missing.

The character of the dark bat man is like this. He is absolutely not at ease with the dirty bomb in the hands of others. He only wants to find the dirty bomb and keep it for himself.

He has been looking for a force that can fight against the god of death, and Clark's appearance seems to provide him with a possible opportunity.

He began to study Clark's behavior patterns, trying to find his weaknesses so that he can gain an advantage in future confrontations.

"It seems that Superman's power is indeed the same as that of the god of death, both of which are beyond the scope of human beings!"

The dark bat man sat in front of the bat computer, analyzing various interviews and reports about Superman collected from the Daily Planet, and compared the power shown by the god of death before, and came to this conclusion.

Of course, in addition to these forces, official forces also played an indispensable role in this storm.

Since the god of death came to the world and shocked the whole world with its amazing power, official agencies have developed a strong interest in it. They know that the ability shown by the god of death has far exceeded the scope of human understanding and is enough to subvert the existing military balance.

Military experts have conducted in-depth analysis and evaluation of the power of the god of death. Their conclusion is amazing: the strength shown by the god of death is enough to defeat any non-nuclear conventional military force. This power lies not only in its amazing speed and strength, but also in its almost invincible defense capabilities and mysterious means of attack.

Some people even began to doubt whether nuclear bombs, the most powerful weapon of mankind, are really effective against the god of death. After all, the power displayed by the god of death seems to have surpassed the laws of physics understood by humans.

Therefore, official agencies began to consider how to obtain this power. They believe that if they can master the power of the god of death, they can carry out military strikes on a global scale and even change the world.

At the same time, Superman, as another existence with superhuman power, naturally entered their sight. Superman's power, which is comparable to that of the god of death, also aroused their great interest.

In the meeting room of the Pentagon, the atmosphere was extremely solemn. A group of high-ranking generals sat around the conference table, discussing how to deal with the current situation.

"It seems that we need to contact this Superman!" A general broke the silence first.

"Contact Superman? How to contact him? Do you still want to recruit him into our army and serve us?" Another general immediately questioned.

"We can definitely find a way to let Superman work for us and become a sharp sword for us to deal with the god of death!" The general who spoke earlier explained.

"It's easy to say, how can you make Superman work for us? Don't forget, when we contacted Superman before, we had already tested his attitude, and he had no interest in working for us!" Another general retorted unhappily.

Indeed, not long after Superman appeared, the official agency had tried to contact him. They sent a special envoy to propose to Superman to join them and serve the country. However, Superman refused without hesitation. He made it clear that he didn't want to be anyone's thug, but just wanted to live his own way.

Faced with such an answer, the official agency naturally had nothing to say. They knew that Superman was a person with his own principles and beliefs, and would not be easily moved by them.

However, this does not mean that they give up. On the contrary, they began to look for other ways to try to make Superman work for them.

They began to study Superman's background and experience, trying to find his weaknesses or places that can be used. They even began to secretly observe Superman's actions, trying to find opportunities to contact him.

Of course, all this was done in secret. They did not want to arouse Superman's disgust or vigilance. After all, they still needed Superman as a sword to deal with the god of death.

However, can such an approach really succeed? Will Superman really be used by them? All this is unknown.

Superman began to think about how to deal with this situation. He did not want to be used by anyone, nor did he want to be a tool for anyone.

That's why he rejected the invitation from the American officials.

However, he soon didn't need to worry about this problem.

Because General Zod and his men were already here.

Earth, outer space.

In the vast universe, a huge spaceship quietly revolved around the near-moon orbit.

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