Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 667 General Zod appears

The surface of the spacecraft is covered with a solid metal shell, which reflects a deep and dazzling light like a forest under the sunlight.

This spacecraft, like a steel behemoth, floats quietly in the darkness of the universe, exuding an indescribable majesty and power.

The interior of the spacecraft is vast and magnificent. Various advanced equipment and instruments are running silently, and their light flickers in the darkness like stars. And in the center of the spacecraft, a wide observation deck stands there. On the observation deck, a warrior wearing heavy armor stands quietly, his eyes penetrate the darkness of the universe and overlook the blue planet under his feet-the earth.

This warrior is General Zod, the military leader of Krypton. His armor presents a deep black color, inlaid with silver runes, which flash mysteriously under the light.

Every inch of the armor is carefully crafted to protect General Zod from external harm and enhance his strength and speed.

General Zod's face is resolute and firm, and his eyes are shining with sharp light, as if he can see through everything. He is tall and burly, with clear muscle lines and explosive power.

Every movement of his is calm and elegant, as if dancing with the rhythm of the universe.

From the moment he was born, General Zod was destined to become the guardian of Krypton.

In his body, biotechnology has encoded the genetic templates of fighting instinct, command talent and defense of Krypton.

These genetic templates have gradually demonstrated his extraordinary talents and strength during his growth.

The love and protection of Krypton are deeply imprinted in Zod's soul.

So when he saw that group of incompetent elders sitting high in the parliament seat and only obeying the laws left by their ancestors, he was determined to overthrow the rule of this group of corrupt and incompetent people and let Krypton regain vitality.

Zod launched a coup and organized a group of rebels.

Unfortunately, due to the strong obstruction of Kryptonian scientist Superman's father Jor-El, he did not succeed in obtaining Krypton's Life Code - this is Krypton's gene bank. A long time ago, Krypton achieved artificial intervention in reproduction.

So the next generation of life is not born naturally, but artificially cultivated.

The Life Code records the genes of all Kryptonians, which means that Kryptonians are not qualified to choose their own lives, because their future is destined from the moment they are born.

For example, Zod was born a warrior and a military strategist. Responsible for leading the army and becoming a leader. These are all implanted into genes in the form of coding, and eventually form biological instincts.

In this way, a lot of time costs for education and training can be omitted, just like ants, individuals are divided into different types, and social division of labor is clarified, so that the efficiency of the entire planet is maximized.

In the long and endless history, Kryptonians have forged their own glorious civilization. At that time, Krypton continued to expand outward, countless spacecraft traveled through the universe, and outposts were set up on countless planets, looking for planets suitable for survival.

However, the extremely prosperous miracle of civilization did not last long. Due to the exhaustion of huge resources, Krypton had no choice but to give up the move of exploring the outside world.

Thus embarked on another form of civilization process - setting the career and life of Krypton life by artificial cultivation.

Zod looked deep into the endless dark space of the universe.

The blue planet exudes a soft light full of vitality, like a magnificent and dazzling huge celestial body, which makes people extremely addicted.

He was born to protect Krypton, and the mother planet had already collapsed and shattered in the explosion of the earth's core.

So the continuation of the race became Zod's only purpose.

The Life Code was fused into his son by Jor-El, and the excess became something similar to the earth's USB storage device, which was the hope of Krypton's rebirth.

Jor-El's son is the only natural person born on the long-destroyed Krypton.

There is no setting in his genes, and the Life Code is in the hands of the other party.

The Life Code is equal to the future of Krypton in Zod's heart. Without the code, Krypton cannot be rebuilt.

Therefore, he must get the Code of Life at all costs!

At the same time, countless electronic screens on the earth suddenly flashed, whether it was huge billboards, neon lights on high-rise buildings, or mobile phones, tablets, and TV screens in people's hands, all lit up with dazzling light without exception. It seemed that the whole world was controlled by a mysterious force, and all electronic devices started synchronously at this moment.

In this sudden light, people felt dizzy. They looked up and looked around, only to see that the lights around them suddenly went out completely, as if they were swallowed by an invisible force. In the darkness, only those electronic screens were still flashing faint light, which seemed extremely strange.

At the same time, various signals began to flash on the screens of mobile phones, televisions, computers and other devices. These signals were like garbled codes, jumping irregularly. Then, a voice came from these devices, it penetrated the darkness and echoed in everyone's ears.

"You are not a person." This voice repeated in various languages, whether it was English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese, it was constantly playing. Everyone who heard this sentence couldn't help but feel an inexplicable fear. They didn't know what this sentence meant, nor did they know what would happen next.

As the sound played, all kinds of messy letters began to appear on the screen, and these letters kept flashing and changing. They were like some kind of code, making people unpredictable. However, in the flashing of these letters, people gradually discovered some patterns - these letters were the translation of the sentence "You are not alone", and they repeated this sentence in various languages, as if announcing something to the world.

Just when people were in doubt, the picture on the screen suddenly became blurred. A blurred figure gradually appeared in the picture. He was wearing armor, with a cold face and a firm light in his eyes.

"I am General Zod. I come from a world far away from you. I have come to you across the universe and the sea of ​​stars. I will return the people who are sheltered in your world to me." This voice is full of majesty and unquestionable tone, which makes people unable to ignore it.

As General Zod said this, the picture on the screen became clearer. People can clearly see every detail of his face and armor.

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