Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 670 You have violated the law!

"Shut up!"

Fiora shouted these words angrily, her voice filled with unquestionable determination. She cannot bear anyone's criticism of her civilization. The glory and dignity of the Kryptonians occupy the supreme position in her heart.

Her anger is not unfounded. She is deeply resentful of the challenges and obstacles she has encountered since being sent to Earth by General Zod to hunt down Kal-El. Kal-El's escape, the resistance of the people on Earth, and the sudden appearance of the powerful supervisor of the galaxy, all made her feel extremely heavy.

However, Fiora is not one to give up easily. She knew that she couldn't be defeated like this. So, she decided to call for backup and have General Zod personally come to handle the situation.

General Zod is the military leader of the Kryptonians. He has powerful combat capabilities and excellent command capabilities. In Kryptonian society, he has a very high reputation and status. He has always been very concerned about his subordinates and people, so naturally he cannot ignore Fiora's call for support.

Although General Zod felt unusual about Fiora's situation, he decided to fly the spacecraft to Earth himself.

He clearly knows Fiora's strength. She is not only his right-hand man, but also one of the best warriors on Krypton.

She has a calm mind and extraordinary strength. No matter what kind of enemy she faces, she can deal with it calmly. However, at this moment she actually sent out the highest level call for support signal, which meant that she was facing unprecedented danger.

General Zod could not bear to put his men in danger, so he immediately adjusted the course of the spacecraft and flew towards the earth.

His heart was filled with anxiety and worry. He was afraid that something would happen to Fiora and the others, and he was even more afraid that Krypton's plan would be affected.

"Did you call for backup?"

Luther's question came out of the blue, breaking the tense and depressing atmosphere. His voice was calm and firm, as if it could penetrate all the chaos and reach people's hearts.

Fiora's body stiffened slightly, she turned her head and looked at Luther with complicated eyes. There was confusion, vigilance, and even a hint of subtle fear in her eyes.

She did not answer immediately, but continued to remain silent, seeming to think about how to respond to the question.

Clark stood aside, his eyes wandering between Luther and Fiora. He felt the unusual atmosphere between the two and became even more confused. He was unsure of Luther's intention in asking this question, and he didn't understand why Fiora had such an expression.

At this moment, a huge spacecraft suddenly appeared above the earth. Its appearance is strange, like a huge meteorite, exuding a cold light. The symbol on the spacecraft is clearly visible, it is the symbol of the Kryptonians.

General Zod stepped out of the spaceship, his eyes as sharp as an eagle scanning the ground below. When he saw Fiora and the other Kryptonian lieutenant lying on the ground, his brows immediately furrowed.

He walked quickly to Fiora and the others, squatting down to check their condition. He found that although their bodies fell to the ground, their breathing and heartbeat were normal, but they had temporarily lost the ability to move.

General Zod breathed a sigh of relief, feeling slightly less worried. He stood up and turned his eyes to Luther and Clark, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

"Fiora, what happened?"

General Zod's voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

Fiora took a deep breath and told General Zod what happened before in detail. She recounts how they tracked Clark to Earth, how they clashed with Clark, and how they were ultimately defeated by Luther.

During the narration, although her tone was calm, her eyes shone with unwillingness and anger.

Especially when she mentioned Luther's identity and abilities, her tone became more excited. She told General Zod that Luther claimed to be the Inspector of the Galaxy and possessed great power and mysterious abilities.

General Zod was silent for a while, thinking about the credibility of what Fiora said. He felt strange and confused about the identity of the Milky Way Inspector. He had never heard of such an existence.

General Zod frowned, and his eyes became sharper and colder. He looked at Luther with eyes full of hostility and vigilance, as if he wanted to see through him.

"Who are you?" General Zod asked in a deep voice. His voice was full of menace and hostility, as if he was about to attack at any moment.

Luther faced General Zod's questioning without any panic. He looked at General Zod calmly, his eyes showing confidence and determination.

"I have already said that I am the Milky Way Inspector. My duty is to monitor the normal development of all civilizations in the Milky Way and maintain the peace and stability of the universe. The actions of you Kryptonians have violated the law and order of the Milky Way, and I must intervene. ”

Luther's voice was sonorous and powerful, and every word seemed to hit General Zod's heart. There was unquestionable firmness and majesty in his eyes, as if he was really an inspector with supreme power.

However, General Zod did not believe Luther's words. He has traveled across the universe for many years and has never heard of the existence of a galactic inspector. In his opinion, Luther was just an arrogant and ignorant guy.

General Zod's expression became even more gloomy.

He sneered and mocked: "It doesn't matter whether you believe your words or not. What matters is whether your actions can stop us. What do you think you are? The savior of the galaxy? Let me tell you, our Kryptonian civilization once We fought against the Green Lantern Corps and they couldn't stop us, so why do you think you can?"

The Green Lantern Corps is a famous cosmic police force in the galaxy, with the mission of maintaining peace in the universe. They possess great power and are revered by many civilizations in the universe.

However, in General Zod's mouth, they seemed not worth mentioning.

Luther was not angry at General Zod's taunt.

He smiled faintly and said: "The Green Lantern Corps is indeed a powerful team, but their responsibilities and authorities are different from mine. I am the Milky Way Inspector, and my responsibility is to ensure that all civilizations in the Milky Way follow natural laws and morality. Act according to the principles. Your actions have violated these principles, so I must intervene.”

Luther was talking nonsense seriously, and he was not worried about being exposed at all. After all, he had the power to crush all dissenters. In this case, you had to believe it even if you didn't believe it.

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