Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 671 My power is stronger than yours!

Don't you know the existence of the Galaxy Supervisor?

Of course, it's because your vision is too low and you can't see the existence above your head.

Once a person has determined something, even if there are some suspicious points that contradict his cognition in some small aspects, he will follow his own logic and associate countless reasons.

Then he will choose the most reasonable one or more reasons to make sure that this matter is in line with his cognition and logic. We usually call this behavior brain supplement.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not. What matters is that your behavior has violated the Galaxy Justice Law. If you continue to be stubborn, then I can only take necessary measures."

General Zod sneered after hearing Luther's arrogant words.

"Then try to stop me!"

He took a step, and the whole person burst out with terrifying speed in an instant, rushing towards Luther. His fist carried a strong energy fluctuation, as if to destroy everything.

However, when his fist was about to touch Luther, he suddenly felt a terrifying pressure acting on him.

This pressure was like a mountain pressing down on his head, making General Zod unable to resist. Even though he was wearing a powerful armor made of Kryptonian technology, he was still crumbling under this pressure.

The distance between his fist and Luther was so far away that it was out of reach!

"Kneel down."

Luther said calmly. Although his voice was not loud, it exploded in General Zod's heart like thunder.

The next moment, General Zod was crushed to the ground by the gravity that was like a mountain. He struggled to stand up, but found that he could not move at all.


The other ten Kryptonian soldiers were very anxious when they saw this, and they all charged forward to help. However, they were also attacked by the mysterious force. They fell to the ground and could not move as if they were tied by an invisible rope.

At this moment, they finally understood why Fiora and the other two had been lying on the ground and could not get up - it turned out that all this was Luther's fault!


General Zod truly believed in Luther's identity and strength at this time. He wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words. He looked at Luther with a gloomy face, his heart full of unwillingness and anger.

Luther ignored his emotions, he looked at General Zod and the soldiers calmly.

He knew that although they were suppressed by his power, they would not succumb. They were Kryptonians, creatures with great power and wisdom.

"Your actions have violated the Galactic Justice Law."

Luther's voice echoed in the empty cabin, and every word seemed so resounding. His words, like a heavy hammer, hit General Zod's heart hard.

General Zod, the general who once ruled Krypton with an iron fist, seemed a little flustered at this moment. He looked at Luther, and a trace of unwillingness and anger flashed in his eyes.

His soldiers, those warriors who were once loyal to him, also fell silent at this moment. They knew that facing such a powerful and determined opponent, they seemed to have no chance of winning.

"If you are willing to give up your plan to conquer the earth, I can consider giving you a chance to reform."

Luther continued, his voice calm and firm, as if everything was under his control.

When General Zod heard this, an indescribable anger surged in his heart. As the guardian of Krypton, how could he give up so easily?

However, he also knew that if they continued to be stubborn, what awaited them would be a devastating blow. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his anger and unwillingness.


General Zod couldn't help but roar.

Luther smiled slightly, as if he had expected General Zod's reaction. He said lightly: "Because my power is stronger than yours, don't you think that the law of the jungle is the truth? Why are there so many whys?"

General Zod was choked by Luther's words and couldn't speak.

He did believe in the truth of the law of the jungle, but now, he found that this truth seemed so pale and powerless in front of Luther.

"Besides, there are so many planets with life in the universe. Why do you have to keep an eye on the earth?"

Luther continued, his voice still calm and firm.

Fiora couldn't help hearing this.

She stood up excitedly and shouted loudly: "We have been looking for more than 30 years! There is only this one planet with life!"

Her voice was full of despair and unwillingness.

Luther glanced at Fiora and said lightly: "You are trash."

"If you are willing to spend more time and energy to explore the universe, I believe you will be able to find more planets with life."

Although his words were calm, they were like a sharp knife that pierced Fiora's heart deeply.

Fiora's face turned red with anger at Luther's words, but she couldn't refute it.

Because she knew that Luther was telling the truth. They did search in the universe for more than 30 years before they found the planet with life, Earth. However, this cannot be an excuse for them to conquer the Earth.


Fiora pointed at Luther angrily, but couldn't say a complete sentence.

General Zod took a deep breath and tried to calm his anger.

He stared at Luther and said word by word: "It's the same question as before! Why are you so partial to this planet!"

"No need to be partial." Luther said calmly.

"I protect every planet with life for the same reason - that is to maintain the balance and justice of the universe. If the destruction of your Krypton was caused by an alien invasion, I would also help; but the fact is not the case, but you Kryptonians have brought it upon yourself."

When General Zod heard this, his anger was ignited again.

He roared angrily: "Shut up! What do you know! What do you understand! You don't understand our feelings at all! You only think you are an outsider!"

Luther ignored General Zod's anger and said calmly: "The purpose of my existence is to protect life in the universe and maintain the peace and justice of the universe. The destruction of you Kryptonians was caused by your internal conflicts and struggles, which led to the destruction of the entire planet. You did not learn from it, but wanted to make up for your losses by conquering other planets. This behavior is no different from the destruction of you Kryptonians."

"The purpose of my existence is to protect Krypton! Protect the people!"

General Zod suddenly said loudly, his voice full of pain and helplessness.

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