Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 672 General Zod sows discord

General Zod's eyes were firm and resolute. He looked up at Luther. His eyes, forged under the heavy pressure of Krypton, were full of indomitable and fanatical.

His voice echoed in the silent battlefield, full of determination: "This is the only mission I have ever undertaken! All my actions are just for this! What qualifications do you have to preach to me! What qualifications do you have to judge the fate of our Kryptonian race for the race on this planet under your feet!"

Luther's eyes were as deep as lake water. He nodded slightly, as if he was respecting General Zod's persistence, but with a hint of imperceptible regret.

"I admire your sense of responsibility."

His voice was gentle and firm, as if it could penetrate people's hearts.

"But a sense of responsibility does not mean that you can infringe on the lives and interests of other planets at will. The destruction of you Kryptonians is a profound lesson. I hope you can learn from it and find true peace and prosperity."

General Zod frowned, his heart was full of persistence in the glory of Krypton, but he turned a deaf ear to Luther's words.

He knew that there was a huge gap between his power and that of the galactic supervisor, but the pride and dignity of the Kryptonians made it impossible for him to accept such a defeat.

However, he also knew that he was no match for Luther, and this feeling of powerlessness made him feel unprecedented frustration.

Kryptonians are indeed not afraid of death, but death without any ability to fight back is something that General Zod cannot accept. He knew that in the face of this supervisor, they could only seek other ways to achieve their goals.

At this time, superheroes such as Batman and Wonder Woman also arrived at the scene. They saw a group of Kryptonians lying on the ground, and Luther, a strange existence, were full of doubts and vigilance.

They didn't know what happened, but they only knew that the atmosphere here was extremely tense.

At this time, Luther suddenly looked at the horizon, and the others were also startled, and then looked over there.

At first, there were only three tiny black spots on the horizon, hanging quietly in the sky, as if they were just a few inconspicuous dust particles.

But as time went on, the three black spots approached rapidly at an alarming speed, getting bigger and clearer.

Their outlines gradually became clear, no longer simple black dots, but showing the sharpness and coldness unique to missiles.

"What is that?" Clark couldn't help asking, his voice full of tension and panic.

"Nuclear bomb."

Batman's pupils also shrank suddenly, and he immediately recognized the radiation signs on the three missiles.

That's a nuclear bomb! His heart was full of shock and anger. He didn't expect America to use nuclear bombs to attack them at this time.

This decision is undoubtedly crazy and stupid, because it will not only pose a huge threat to them, but also bring irreparable disasters to the entire earth.

It is not surprising that America will use nuclear bombs to attack them.

The arrival of the Kryptonians has brought a huge threat to the earth. They have powerful power and advanced technology, which makes the people of the earth feel unprecedented fear and uneasiness.

However, the problem is that the current situation is not clear. They don't know what happened between Luther and General Zod, nor do they know why these Kryptonians fell to the ground.

Batman and his friends have just arrived here and know nothing about the situation here.

They only know that the current situation has become extremely critical and they must take action immediately to prevent this disaster. However, facing such a powerful nuclear bomb attack, what can they do?

"Supervisor, it seems that you are also within their attack range!"

General Zod's voice suddenly sounded, and his eyes looking at Luther were full of provocation and complacency.

In his opinion, this is a great opportunity to sow discord and create a rift between Luther and the earthlings.

Luther nodded slightly, as if confirming General Zod's words. There was no expression on his face, as if all this was within his expectations.

"You see! The creatures of this planet have started a war against me! Next I have the right to fight back! You must not interfere!"

General Zod's voice was full of threats and provocations. He tried to use the earthlings' offensive behavior as an excuse to force Luther, the galactic supervisor, to give up protecting the earth.

He knew that once Luther gave in, it would be easy for the Kryptonians to conquer the earth.

In General Zod's opinion, Luther, the galactic supervisor, must be a proud and inviolable existence. He is in a high position and has great power. He will severely punish any behavior that challenges his authority.

The situation that was originally helpless has taken a turn for the better because of the reckless behavior of the earthlings themselves.

General Zod used his few tactical wisdom and tried to weaken the resistance by sowing discord. He knew that as long as Luther, the supervisor, stopped interfering, no one on Earth would be able to stop the Kryptonians.

Hearing General Zod's words, Batman immediately captured the key information.

He frowned and looked at Luther with a sharp gaze.

Is this mysterious supervisor the key to this war?

Was the situation of those Kryptonians falling to the ground also caused by this supervisor?

His heart was full of doubts and curiosity, but also full of vigilance and worry.

However, Luther did not retreat as General Zod wished.

He looked at General Zod calmly, without any fluctuation or emotion in his deep eyes. He said lightly: "Yes, but the situation is different now. There is a situation that threatens my personal safety, so I have the right to intervene."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge roar came from the horizon. The three nuclear warheads suddenly lost control when they approached and fell straight down. They were so fast that people could not react at all.

Clark shouted anxiously: "No, it must be detonated in an uninhabited area, otherwise it will cause a large number of casualties!"

Hearing Clark's words, Batman and others also realized the seriousness of the situation.

They knew that once the nuclear warheads were detonated in a densely populated area, the consequences would be disastrous. However, they were helpless and could only watch the three nuclear warheads fall to the ground.

Just when they were desperate, the three nuclear warheads suddenly broke apart in the air and were squeezed into a ball by an invisible force. All the control devices and reaction devices inside them were scrapped, so they naturally could not be detonated.

Throughout the process, Luther remained calm and composed.

There was no fluctuation or emotion in his eyes, as if everything was under his control.

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