Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 673 Punishment of the Earth

Seeing this scene, Batman and others suddenly felt a huge pressure. They didn't know what kind of power this supervisor had, nor did they know how he would deal with this war.

However, they knew better that the appearance of this supervisor had changed the direction of the war.

General Zod was also shocked and angry after seeing this scene.

He couldn't accept that his plan was broken so easily, and he couldn't accept that this supervisor so easily resolved the attack of the earthlings.

He shouted angrily: "Earth attacked the galactic supervisor without authorization, is there no punishment at all?"

Hearing General Zod's words, Batman and others clearly recognized Luther's identity-the galactic supervisor.

Batman and others were instantly filled with shock and awe.

They began to realize that the direction of this war was no longer under their control.

The appearance of this supervisor was like a huge meteorite that suddenly crashed into their world and broke all their plans and strategies.

Batman's heart was full of doubts and worries. He was not sure how this supervisor would deal with this war, nor did he know whether he would pose a threat to the earth.

What he was more worried about was that if the Supervisor chose to stand on the side of the Kryptonians, the Earth would be in a more dangerous situation. This worry was like a dark cloud, covering his heart and making him feel uneasy.

"Supervisor, this is a misunderstanding!"

Batman had to stand up and say. Although his voice was firm, it was also trembling. He knew that what he said now might affect the future of the Earth.

Luther's eyes fell on Batman, and his deep eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. He listened to Batman's explanation quietly, without any expression on his face.

Then, he said lightly: "Are you the representative of the Earthlings?"

Batman's body stiffened, and he didn't know why, a strong sense of uneasiness suddenly surged in his heart. He felt like a deer being stared at by a cheetah, with nowhere to escape.

But he still said with a stiff face: "I am not, the attack just now was the Kryptonian invasion first, and the behavior of the Earthlings can only be called a defensive counterattack."

His words were full of eagerness and pleading, hoping to move the heart of the Supervisor. But Luther just said lightly: "That makes sense."

Then his eyes swept over everyone present again, including General Zod and Clark.

"The authority of the Supervisor cannot be offended!"

General Zod roared in a low voice, his voice full of anger and unwillingness.

But Luther just waved his hand, and an invisible pressure instantly fell on everyone. Batman, Wonder Woman and Clark all fell to the ground, unable to move.

This pressure made them all feel shocked and terrified. They seemed to be pressed down by a huge mountain, unable to breathe or move.

Is this gravity?

Batman asked in his heart. He tried to analyze the source and nature of this force, but soon found that it was beyond his ability.

Then Luther spoke calmly: "Okay, it's normal for the earthlings not to know the situation. But it is also a fact that I was attacked. In order to ensure the authority of the Galactic Supervisor, the earthlings are not allowed to join the Galactic Civilization Alliance in the next 10,000 years."

Luther said calmly.

This sentence exploded in everyone's heart like a thunder.

Everyone present was silent, their faces were filled with shock and despair.

Ten thousand years, what a long time!

For humans, ten thousand years is almost unimaginable.

If the first industrial revolution is regarded as the beginning of the rapid development of mankind, then the glory of mankind has not yet reached 300 years. Ten thousand years, for humans, almost means the end of an era.

The key is that Luther said this directly to the whole world live, which is equivalent to issuing a global judgment.

People looked at each other, their hearts full of shock and confusion. They could not understand this sudden judgment, let alone accept this cruel fact.

And this news will be like a blockbuster bomb, setting off a storm in their hearts.

Humans have always been full of yearning and curiosity for the unknown universe.

They are eager to contact other civilizations, learn their advanced technology, and share their resources. The name of the Galactic Civilization Alliance is both mysterious and tempting to them.

They imagine that after joining the alliance, they can get technical assistance and resource assistance from other civilizations in the galaxy, just like the United Nations.

However, now, this dream has been ruthlessly broken. They lost the opportunity to join the Galactic Civilization Alliance and were not allowed to join for 10,000 years.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to mankind. They feel extremely frustrated and disappointed, as if the whole world has collapsed.

America, a once powerful and prosperous country, has now become a global sinner. Their behavior not only angered the Galactic Supervisor Luther, but also put the entire earth in trouble.

Their behavior was spurned by the whole world and became a shame in human history.

At this critical moment, leaders of various countries issued statements condemning America's behavior and calling for global unity to jointly deal with this crisis.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not change Luther's decision.

Scientists on Earth also tried to find a solution to the problem. They studied what Luther said, trying to find loopholes or breakthroughs.

However, they soon discovered that Luther's words were impeccable. His decision was based on the authority and dignity of the Galactic Supervisor, and no one could change it.

"Remember this lesson, Earthlings."

Luther said calmly.

After hearing Luther's verdict on the Earth, General Zod and his team felt that it was too light, only ten thousand years.

Moreover, the Galactic Supervisor still did not give up protecting the Earth, which made General Zod and his team very disappointed.

Batman tried to say something, but Luther would not let Batman mess up.

So Batman and Wonder Woman couldn't say anything, and Clark was the same.

"The Earth has been punished, and it's your turn next."

Luther looked at General Zod.

"For illegal invasion of other civilizations, according to the Galactic Justice Law, I can sentence you to ten thousand years in prison."

This sentence immediately made General Zod and his team change their faces, after all, they had just come out of the Phantom Prison not long ago.

What does a sentence of 10,000 years mean?

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