Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 674 Give a Chance


General Zod didn't know what to say. A Kryptonian wouldn't be able to survive a ten thousand year sentence.

After all, they are not basking in the sun now, and they don't know the relationship between the Kryptonians and the Yellow Sun.

I don’t know whether it is the punishment of eternal sleep, the punishment of keeping them conscious but freezing them and making them unable to move, or the punishment of doing nothing and just imprisoning them for ten thousand years?

His eyes revealed the fear of the unknown future and the helplessness of reality.

He looked at the clansmen who had fought side by side, and their faces were also filled with shock and despair. General Zod knew that this sentence was not only a personal punishment for him, but also a heavy blow to the entire Kryptonian people.

"a thousand years……"

He murmured to himself, his voice full of bitterness and unwillingness.

He couldn't imagine how they would survive this endless darkness and loneliness for such a long time. What was even more difficult for him to accept was that this verdict might mean the complete destruction of the Kryptonians.

"The order to launch the invasion was made by me alone. This matter is my responsibility alone. If I am going to be punished, punish me!"

General Zod took a deep breath, straightened his chest, and said loudly.


Seeing that General Zod was going to take all the blame on his own, how could Fiora and the others accept it.

"Obey orders!"

General Zod said coldly, if he is sacrificed, the remaining Kryptonians will still have hope. If all the Kryptonians are imprisoned, then the Kryptonians will have no hope at all.

"Overseer, take me away."

General Zod said to Luther.

"No, General, this was caused by my unauthorized actions. It should be my responsibility!"

Fiora stood up and said.

"This is my last order as commander, obey orders, Fiora!"

General Zod snapped.

Fiora was startled. The instinct of obeying orders in her genes made it impossible for her to continue to disobey, so she could only remain silent.

After all, the military genes among Kryptonians have been restricted and adjusted for countless thousands of years. She cannot break through the restrictions of this gene by relying on temporary emotions.


Fiora's voice was trembling, she didn't know how to face this difficult choice.

"As the commander, I have the right to decide how to bear responsibility. You just need to remember that no matter what punishment I receive, you must work hard for the future of Krypton!"

General Zod's words are full of deep love and sense of responsibility for the tribe.

He turned to face Luther and said in a sonorous voice, "Supervisor, take me away. I am willing to accept this sentence and bear all the responsibility for the crime."

Fiora, General Zod's loyal deputy, felt mixed emotions when she heard these words.

She is both a loyal supporter of General Zod and one of Krypton's hopes for the future.

However, at this moment, she was forced to stand here, watching helplessly as her leader was about to be judged.

Clark stood aside, filled with unbearability.

He understood General Zod's helplessness and pain, but as an Earthling, he couldn't just watch the Kryptonians invade his homeland. He stared at General Zod silently, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Batman watched all this coldly. He has never had any principle of not killing alien life forms.

He knew very well that if these Kryptonians really succeeded in occupying the earth, what kind of disaster would be faced by the creatures on the earth. Therefore, he has no emotional resonance with General Zod's sentence.

Wonder Woman also said nothing. She stood aside silently, her eyes full of determination and determination. She knew that no matter what the outcome, she would fight for peace and justice on Earth.

However, at this moment, Luther smiled and said: "Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

General Zod and Fiora were stunned. Could things be turning around?

Luther smiled and continued: "Although you have broken the law, you did not know it before, so in some ways, I can give you a chance to change your ways."

General Zod and Fiora's eyes suddenly lit up when they heard this, and they knew that this might be their only hope.

"What do we need to do?" Fiora couldn't help but ask.

General Zod also stared at Luther closely, waiting for his answer.

Luther smiled slightly and said: "You just want a living planet, and I am the supervisor of the Milky Way. It is easy to find a living planet that conforms to the law of justice in the galaxy for you. But the question is, what can you give? "

Of course Luther will give General Zod and the others a way out. They are all Kryptonians, although he is not a pure Kryptonian, but has become a Kryptonian.

Batman stared deeply at Luther, the overseer of the galaxy.

He found that the supervisor was not a fair and strict person who strictly abided by the law. There was an indescribable light shining in his eyes, as if he was thinking about some deeper issue.

At this moment, Batman was thinking a lot.

He was naturally very interested and relieved that there was such a thing as law in the galaxy.

After all, this means that the civilizations in the galaxy also have their own set of rules and order, instead of being completely in a state of disorder and chaos.

However, Batman also knows that different species, civilizations and ideological forms will inevitably lead to differences and conflicts in legal concepts.

He began to imagine what contents of the Galactic Justice Law might be inconsistent with the legal concepts of the Earth.

Perhaps, on some planets, in order to maintain the continuation and survival of the race, some seemingly cruel behaviors are allowed by law.

On other planets, the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom may be regarded as the supreme value, and the formulation and implementation of laws must also revolve around this value.

Justice is the principle of maintaining fairness and justice, and the law is the means to achieve justice.

Law and justice are not completely consistent. In some cases, law may conflict with justice.

Batman is eager to understand the Galactic Justice Law, but the Earth has just been sentenced to not join the Galactic Civilization Alliance for 10,000 years, and he has no channels to understand it.

However, General Zod's current situation seems to be able to be used to make Luther, the Galactic Supervisor, cancel the judgment on the Earth?

Luther's words made General Zod and Fiora fall into contemplation.

They knew that this opportunity was not unconditional, and they needed to pay some price in exchange for this opportunity.

General Zod and Fiora looked at each other, and hope surged in their hearts at the same time. They knew this was their only way out.

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