Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 675 What is the meaning of

"We can give everything!"

General Zod said without hesitation.

"As long as it is for the future of Krypton, we are willing to pay any price!"

Fiora also nodded, agreeing with General Zod's decision.

Luther smiled and nodded and said, "Very good, then let's talk about the specific conditions."

The following time seemed like a long and intense marathon for Luther, General Zod and Fiora.

General Zod harbors deep worries.

He knew that the survival of his people depended on the success or failure of this negotiation.

And Fiora, as his right-hand assistant, was equally focused, her eyes shining with curiosity about the unknown and expectations for the future.

Luther looked unusually calm, with an indifferent smile on his face, as if everything was under his control.

He knew that he was not only a participant in this negotiation, but also the director of this interstellar drama.

His goal is not only to help the Kryptonians find a new home, but also to demonstrate the power and wisdom of the Galactic Overseer.

Negotiations began, and they first discussed the conditions for the new planet.

General Zod proposed that the new planet must have enough resources to support the survival and development of Kryptonians.

At the same time, the planet's environment must be suitable to accommodate their life forms.

Luther said that he would conduct a comprehensive scan and assessment of the target planet to ensure that it meets all conditions.

Next, they discussed the allocation of resources.

General Zod hopes that on the new planet, the Kryptonians will have enough resources to sustain their life and development.

They then discussed the rights and obligations of Kryptonians on the new planet.

General Zod emphasized that Kryptonians should enjoy the right to live freely, reproduce and develop technology on the new planet.

At the same time, they should also assume corresponding obligations, such as respecting other life on the new planet, protecting the environment, and maintaining peace and equality.

After some intense discussions and negotiations, they finally reached an agreement.

This agreement is undoubtedly a huge turning point for the Kryptonians. They finally have a chance to start over, on a brand new planet.

This agreement is not a piece of paper.

They have to pay a certain amount of resources to the Galaxy Overseer as compensation and gratitude, and they also have to serve the Galaxy Overseer for a period of time.

But compared to the pain and despair of losing my home, it was all worth it.

When the agreement was signed, Luther stood up, with a mysterious light shining in his eyes.

Then a shocking diorama was shown to the crowd.

It was a lifelike appearance of the earth, with blue oceans, green land, white clouds... everything seemed so real and vivid.

Everyone was deeply attracted by this model, as if they saw a new home waving to them.

However, Luther did not let them indulge in this beautiful fantasy for too long.

With a slight wave of his hand, the model began to change.

The picture began to shrink gradually before everyone's eyes. The earth was like a blue marble, quickly disappearing into the background of the universe, and finally turned into an almost unrecognizable dot, and finally disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the picture on the screen jumped, showing many magnificent pictures of stars and nebulae. Each planet is like a bright gem, dotted in the dark universe. Like the earth, they are constantly shrinking until they disappear from sight.

Everyone present was deeply shocked by the scene before them. They seemed to be in a huge sandbox of the universe, witnessing the vastness and infinity of the universe with their own eyes.

That sense of boundless vastness made them feel their own smallness and insignificance. At the same time, their hearts were filled with awe and curiosity, and they began to imagine what it would be like to live in such a vast universe.

Luther stood in front of everyone, smiling and observing their reactions. He knew that the sight before him was enough to shock them.

He waved his arm slightly, and the picture on the screen changed again. This time, they no longer just saw scattered stars and nebulae, but a magnificent view of the entire galaxy.

It was a brilliant Milky Way, like a huge vortex, slowly rotating in the universe.

They saw countless bright stars twinkling in the universe, and mysterious celestial objects such as nebulae, black holes, and pulsars... all of which made them extremely shocked and amazed!

Luther began to introduce them to various regions of the galaxy. He pointed to the galaxy map on the screen and explained in detail the characteristics and conditions of each area.

Although the area near the center of the galaxy is rich in resources, it has a harsh environment and strong radiation; while the edge areas are relatively quiet but have relatively few resources.

He also told them that when choosing a planet, they should not only consider the abundance of resources, but also consider factors such as whether the planet's environment is habitable and whether there are potential threats around the planet.

General Zod listened carefully to Luther's introduction, filled with anticipation and anxiety. He knew that this choice was related to the future of the entire race.

He must find a place that is both safe and fertile as a new home. He turned to look at Fiora and the other generals beside him. Their faces were also full of anticipation and nervousness.

Luther saw their anxiety and smiled and comforted them: "Don't worry, I will find a place that meets your requirements for you." After that, he waved his arm again, and the picture on the screen began to change rapidly.

This time, they directly observed the entire Milky Way!

They saw countless bright stars flashing in the universe, and saw mysterious celestial bodies such as nebulae, black holes, and pulsars... All of this made them feel extremely shocked and amazed!

They seemed to be on a huge cosmic stage, witnessing the magnificence and mystery of the universe with their own eyes.

The physical model changed again, as if zooming in on a cantilever of the Milky Way. It began to move inward quickly along the cantilever from the edge of the galaxy.

Whenever the picture turned to the stars, it would pause for a moment to let everyone observe carefully. These stars are red or blue, big or small, emitting different light and heat. They seemed to see a new world unfolding before their eyes.

Five minutes later, the picture suddenly paused.

A planet with mottled green and red appeared. This planet is about twice as large as the earth, and its surface is covered with mountains, rivers and oceans.

Its appearance excited General Zod so much that he quickly stepped forward and looked at the virtual image of the planet carefully.

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