Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 677 Choose

Batman stood aside, his eyes deep and sharp.

He was not shocked by the scene of the cosmic war like Wonder Woman and Clark, he was more thinking about what was behind it. He looked at Luther, and an inexplicable chill surged in his heart.

He realized that behind the power and rules shown by this galactic supervisor, there were details and cores that were terrifying to think about.

Luther observed this galactic arm, looking for possible life planets.

After a period of careful search, Luther found that there were many interstellar civilizations on this arm, and the prosperity was amazing.

The routes between the stars were extremely busy, and various forms of spacecraft shuttled between the stars, forming a busy and orderly interstellar picture.

These civilizations have developed unique technology and culture. Some are good at space travel, some are good at interstellar trade, and others are fighting races, known for their powerful fleets and advanced weapons.

However, these interstellar civilizations do not coexist completely peacefully. Some powerful civilizations rely on advanced technology and huge fleets to continuously expand their sphere of influence, and even launch aggressive wars against other civilizations.

They strengthened their strength through conquest and plunder, and this expansionist behavior made the interstellar order on the entire cantilever unstable.

And those weak civilizations can only survive in the cracks. They may have unique technology or culture, but they seem powerless to resist powerful enemies.

In order to protect themselves, these civilizations have to choose to rely on powerful civilizations and become their vassals or allies.

However, this kind of dependence is often unstable. Once a powerful civilization declines or disappears, these weak civilizations will also face a huge survival crisis.

Luther is well aware of the current situation of Krypton civilization.

Before the Krypton civilization was destroyed, they might still have a place among these interstellar civilizations, but now there are less than twenty survivors of Krypton civilization, which is seriously lacking in resources and strength.

If they choose to settle here, the result is likely to be destroyed by other civilizations, or fall into endless wars and unable to focus on their own development.

General Zod also said it was inappropriate.

He chose another galactic cantilever and began to advance inward from the edge area.

He observed the new cantilever, which was somewhat similar to the previous one in structure, but also had obvious differences.

There were also few planets with life in the edge area, and most of the planets had been occupied by other civilizations.

However, the owners of these planets were mostly emerging civilizations, whose strength was relatively weak and had not yet formed a stable interstellar order.

Most of these unoccupied planets were in an unstable state.

Some planets were about to be destroyed, perhaps due to supernova explosions or black hole swallowing; some planets were just born, and their surfaces were still covered with thick magma and volcanic ash.

These planets were obviously unsuitable for Kryptonian civilization because they could not meet the needs of Kryptonians for survival and development.

However, as Luther gradually moved his perspective toward the central area of ​​the cantilever, he discovered new changes.

As the perspective changed, the scene in front of Luther changed dramatically. The density of life planets here increased significantly, and planets of various forms were arranged in a staggered manner in the starry sky.

Some of them are blue and green, as crystal clear as jade; some are covered with thick ice, exuding a cold and mysterious atmosphere; others are hot lava planets, with active volcanoes and erupting magma on the surface.

These planets not only have a suitable climate and abundant resources, but also a stable environment, providing good conditions for the reproduction of life.

More importantly, several interstellar civilizations have appeared here.

In the virtual scene of the control room, the stars of the cantilever seem to converge into a gorgeous cosmic picture.

The relationship between these civilizations seems to be more harmonious than that of the civilization on the cantilever just now. They have just begun to contact and communicate, and there has been no war or conflict between them, which gives the Kryptonians a glimmer of hope.

Life planets are scattered like pearls in this star field, each with its own unique ecosystem and civilization development trajectory. However, although civilizations have appeared on these planets, there are very few civilizations that have truly entered the cosmic stage.

Those civilizations that have entered the cosmic stage have only just begun to explore the universe and are not yet able to go beyond the scope of the star system.

In the control room of the Kryptonian main ship, the soldiers' excitement surged like a tide. They looked at the scene in front of them, their hearts full of longing and expectation for the future.

They knew that this would be a moment that would change the fate of Krypton.

General Zod stood in the center of the virtual scene, his body turning with the rotation of the scene, his eyes lingering on every life planet.

His face was filled with excitement, as if he had seen the future prosperity and prosperity of the Kryptonians.

However, he also understood that this choice was not easy.

He needed to find a planet suitable for the survival of Kryptonians. This planet needed to have sufficient resources and a stable ecological environment, while avoiding conflicts with other powerful civilizations.

At this moment, Luther's voice sounded in the control room.

He casually found an area where life planets were relatively concentrated, froze the picture there, and then said to General Zod: "Choose, which planet do you want."

"Really, really let us choose?"

General Zod confirmed with Luther again. His tone was full of expectation and nervousness, and he was afraid that all this was just a beautiful fantasy.

Luther smiled and nodded, his eyes revealing a kind of confidence and calmness. He said: "The entire galaxy is under my control, and I will give it to you if I say so. However, you need to choose carefully, because each planet has its own unique characteristics and risks."

When General Zod heard this, his doubts instantly dissipated. He knew that the person in front of him was not ordinary, and his promise must have full weight. So he began to carefully select a planet suitable for Kryptonians to survive.

In the virtual scene, General Zod's eyes stayed on every life planet, and he carefully analyzed the data and information of each planet. He considered the basic information of the planet, such as the size, mass, rotation speed, and orbit of the planet, as well as the key factors such as the planet's climate, ecology, and resource distribution.

He tried to find a planet that was suitable for Kryptonians to survive and avoid conflicts with other civilizations. However, this choice was not easy. He discovered that although some planets were rich in resources, they had harsh climates and were not suitable for survival; although some planets had pleasant climates, they were short of resources and could not meet the needs of the Kryptonians.

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