Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 678 New Planet

The camera in Batman's bat helmet recorded frantically, transmitting these precious data to the Bat Cave, which he could never obtain theoretically.

Of course, it is essential that General Zod chooses which planet as the new birthplace of Krypton, and he must also record it carefully.

After all, he wants to avoid the possibility that General Zod and his men may make a comeback.

The vast Milky Way, in a completely defenseless state, instilled intelligence into him almost like a flood.

The vastness of the Milky Way made Batman's heart tremble.

Countless stars, planets, and galaxies interweave into a gorgeous picture, and each planet carries unique life and civilization.

At this moment, these civilizations are revealed in front of Batman like a flood, and their prosperity, decline, struggle, and cooperation are like a magnificent epic.

However, behind this spectacular scene, Batman sees more hidden worries.

In this universe, the earth is like an insignificant dust, which may be invaded by alien civilizations at any time. The humans on Earth are still immersed in their own little world, unaware of the threats from the outside world.

It's a pity that Luther, the galactic supervisor, did not show the situation of the forked cantilever branch where their Earth is located, otherwise Batman could learn about the possibility of invasion by alien civilizations on Earth.

After watching an interstellar journey, Batman's horizons were greatly broadened. He saw those dazzling stars and felt the vastness of the universe.

However, at the same time, his old problem - caution - also broke out again. He began to worry about the problem of alien invasion, even though Luther made it clear that the Earth would not be invaded and would be under his supervision.

Batman's caution is not groundless. He knows that in this universe, nothing is absolute, and any promise may vanish in an instant.

He knows that even if the Earth is not conspicuous in the Milky Way, it cannot be taken lightly. After all, the universe is so big that there are all kinds of wonders.

Those powerful alien civilizations may be looking for new targets to conquer, and the Earth may be their next target.

Therefore, Batman decided to take action.

He is no longer satisfied with being just a bystander, he is responsible for the future of the earth.

He wants to prepare for the worst for the earth and develop a comprehensive defense plan.

At the same time, he began to think about how to make a set of "anti-alien suits", which must be able to resist attacks from various alien weapons, and also need to have strong reconnaissance and counterattack capabilities.

Thinking of this, Batman's eyes became more determined.

He knew that he alone could not fight against those powerful alien civilizations.

He needed to find more partners and form a strong team to jointly protect the safety of the earth.

So, his eyes turned to Wonder Woman and Clark.

These two are also superheroes on earth. They have different abilities and specialties, but they also have the determination and belief to protect the earth.

If they can be pulled into their team, the safety of the earth will be more guaranteed.

Batman knows that if they can join his plan, the defense of the earth will be greatly enhanced.

Thinking of this, Batman walked in the direction of the two, and then he told them about his concerns and plans.

He told them that alien civilizations might pose a threat to the Earth, and they needed to work together to develop a comprehensive defense plan to deal with this threat.

Wonder Woman and Clark agreed.

They knew that they had a great responsibility and understood that no one in this universe could survive alone. So they decided to join Batman's plan and work together for the future of the Earth.

At the same time, General Zod had also completed the selection of life planets.

After preliminary screening, they locked in dozens of potential candidate planets, which showed certain habitability in terms of climate, atmospheric composition, water resources, etc.

However, for Krypton civilization, it is far from enough to just meet these basic conditions.

They need to consider more detailed factors, such as the geological stability of the planet, the maturity of the ecosystem, and whether there are natural phenomena that are harmful to Kryptonians.

After multiple rounds of screening and in-depth investigation, General Zod and his Kryptonian scientific team finally selected a planet with just emerging life forms as their new home.

This planet is located in a star system called "Terra", and its distance from the main star Terra is just right, just in its so-called "habitable zone", which means that the temperature, light and other conditions of the planet are suitable for the development of life.

First of all, the composition of the planet's atmosphere has become an important factor in attracting Kryptonians.

After spectral analysis, scientists found that the composition of the planet's atmosphere is very similar to that of Krypton, mainly composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%), in addition to trace amounts of argon, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Such a combination of gases not only provides the necessary support for the breathing of Kryptonians, but also ensures the stability of the planet's surface pressure, creating favorable conditions for the survival of organisms.

In addition, the planet's magnetic field and atmosphere also play a vital role.

The magnetic field can protect the planet from cosmic rays such as solar wind, while the atmosphere can reflect and absorb some harmful rays such as ultraviolet rays, ensuring that organisms on the planet's surface are protected from harm.

This dual protection mechanism allows life on the planet to thrive in a relatively safe environment.

However, what excites Kryptonians the most is the planet's gravitational environment.

It has been measured that the planet's gravity is more than five times that of the Earth.

The high gravity environment also helps to improve the planet's geological structure, reduce the occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes, and provides a safer environment for Kryptonians to settle.

After selecting this planet, General Zod and his team moved quickly to prepare this distant planet as a new home for the Kryptonians.

They knew that this was a large and complex task that required meticulous planning and precise execution.

"Mr. Supervisor, we have already chosen this planet."

General Zod's tone was firm and left no room for doubt. He knew that this decision was crucial to the future of the entire Kryptonian community.

Luther glanced at General Zod and nodded slightly.

"Have you made your choice? You know, once it's submitted, you won't have to change it."

Although his tone was calm, there was seriousness in his words.

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