Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 681 All Kryptonians awakened!

Kryptonians, a race from a distant galaxy, have a physiological structure that is undoubtedly unique on Earth.

Their bodies are like an efficient and complex energy converter that can directly draw energy from sunlight and convert it into the bioenergy they need.

When Kryptonians are exposed to sunlight, the first thing that is activated is the deepest genetic mechanism in their bodies.

These genes encode sensitivity to sunlight radiation. They are like awakened ancient guardians and begin to guide biochemical reactions in cells.

After receiving sunlight signals, the ribosomes in cells begin to busy synthesize sunlight-like proteins. These proteins are not only key components of cell activities, but also bridges between sunlight and cell functions.

This is a biological mechanism at the cellular level, which can be said to be very exaggerated.

As sunlight-like proteins are delivered to the cell membrane, a series of amazing changes begin.

The phospholipid bilayer, which is the basic structure of the cell membrane, interacts with the proteins and sugars embedded in it to form a dynamic barrier.

Under the stimulation of sunlight, this barrier seems to be injected with electric current, producing a sunlight transmission reaction similar to electric shock. This reaction is quickly transmitted between cells, just like the flow of current in a circuit, efficient and precise.

Next, the organelles, as if activated by electric current, began to efficiently convert energy and transmit information.

In particular, mitochondria, as the "energy factory" of cells, began to accelerate respiration, produce more ATP (adenosine triphosphate), and provide sufficient energy for cells.

At the same time, organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus also participated in this process. They worked together to ensure that various substances and information in the cell could be efficiently transmitted and coordinate various biochemical reactions.

In the cytoplasm, the boiling phenomenon of vacuoles is particularly eye-catching.

These vacuoles are filled with various biological molecules and ions. They began to move violently under the stimulation of sunlight, producing a visual effect similar to burning.

The rotation of the electron reaction in the vacuole intensified, and the electron concentration quickly increased by more than ten times.

This super-strong electron movement not only provides a powerful source of energy for cells, but also enables Kryptonian cells to have the ability to control biomagnetic fields.

The electron movement in the cytoplasm is fed back to the entire body, forming a controlled biomagnetic field network, allowing Kryptonians to accurately sense and control the changes in the surrounding magnetic field.

It can also be used to manipulate objects, sense distance and direction, and even generate powerful energy waves.

Whether it is heat vision, freezing breath or steel body, they are all manifestations of this biomagnetic field under different conditions.

When Kryptonians need to release heat, they can adjust the movement of electrons in the biomagnetic field to make the body emit strong light, which is their heat vision ability.

When they need to lower the temperature, they can change the nature of the biomagnetic field to make the body emit cold energy and form freezing breath.

However, all this is just the beginning.

In the body of Kryptonians, the innermost cell nucleus also began to change.

The cell nucleus is the command center of the cell, which stores genetic information and guides the growth and division of cells.

After multiple sunlight feedbacks such as cell membrane, cytoplasm, chlorophyll absorption factor in the cytoplasm, green leaf decomposition fluid, reconstruction fluid, protoplasm, etc., the energy of sunlight finally enters the cell nucleus.

When the energy of sunlight penetrates into the cell nucleus, more amazing changes occur.

In the cell nucleus, the cytoskeleton network channel becomes an important channel for energy and information transmission.

Under the stimulation of sunlight, the cytoskeleton network channels in the cell nucleus begin to become active. They are like high-speed channels that quickly transmit the energy and information of sunlight to every corner of the cell nucleus.

In the cell nucleus, chromosomes are the carriers of genetic information.

They are composed of DNA and protein and carry the entire genetic code of the organism.

Chromosomes begin to separate and the process of cell division is initiated.

In this process, the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in the cell nucleus begins to replicate and recombine, providing the necessary genetic information for cell division and differentiation.

When the first cell exposed to the sun successfully divides, this process is like starting a chain reaction.

The cells after division begin to change in different directions in morphology, structure and function. This is the process of cell differentiation.

Cell differentiation is the basis for the development and maturation of organisms.

In Kryptonians, this process is more complex and efficient.

These differentiated cells gradually form different tissues, such as muscle tissue, nerve tissue, epithelial tissue, etc.

These tissues are combined into organs in a certain order, such as the heart, liver, brain, etc. These organs coordinate and cooperate in the body of Kryptonians to form an efficient biological system.

It is this series of biological processes that give Kryptonians a series of superpowers.

For example, their muscle tissue is differentiated into highly developed muscle fibers, which gives them great strength and speed.

At the same time, their nerve tissue is also extremely developed, allowing them to sense weak magnetic field changes and control their own biomagnetic field.

In addition, the liver of Kryptonians can quickly synthesize and decompose various biological molecules, giving them strong healing and adaptability.

The steel body of Kryptonians is because their cells become tougher and stronger under the sunlight.

Their cell walls become as hard as iron and can withstand huge impacts and pressures.

At the same time, their cells also have extremely strong regenerative abilities. Even if the body is severely damaged, it can recover quickly. This is their super healing ability.

In addition to the above superpowers, Kryptonians also have sensory abilities such as super vision and super hearing.

These abilities are also the product of their biomagnetic field and cell structure under the action of sunlight.

Their eyes can see farther and weaker light, while their ears can hear smaller sounds and farther distances.

All this can be said for days and nights, but in fact it only happened in an instant.

General Zod and his men are all military Kryptonians after all, and their adaptability is much stronger than Clark, a naturally born Kryptonian.

Especially General Zod, who did not lose control of his body throughout the whole process. Even if the drastic changes in his senses affected his body's balance, he did not fall down.

So he quickly mastered the new power.

Fiora and his men were more than a beat slower, and it took them half an hour to recover.

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