Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 682: Kryptonians' New Evolutionary Path

"What on earth is going on?"

General Zod's voice echoed in the empty base, full of confusion and puzzlement. He looked at the Kryptonian warriors around him who were also in doubt, and their eyes revealed the same doubts and uneasiness.

They were just ordinary warriors in the universe, but at this moment, they felt that their bodies were undergoing unprecedented changes.

At first, they only noticed that their visual ability had become extremely sharp.

Originally, they needed the help of advanced astronomical telescopes to observe the outer space planets, but now they can clearly see those distant planets with just a glance.

The textures, colors, and even the climate activities on those planets seem to be close at hand and within reach.

They seem to have the ability to penetrate the cosmic dust and interstellar clouds, and can directly peek into the depths of the universe.

Then, their hearing reached an unprecedented height.

The sounds of the entire planet seemed to gather in their ears, whether it was the sound of distant ocean waves, the clamor in the forest, or even the squeezing of rocks deep underground, all came into their ears one by one.

This medium-free hearing allows them to hear any sound without any delay, as if the whole world is under their control. They can even hear the heartbeats of other creatures and feel the rhythm of their lives.

However, what shocked them the most was the surging power in their bodies. This power shocked them so much that it seemed to be able to easily shake the entire planet.

This power was so strong that it seemed to tear their bodies apart.

They felt that the power inside their bodies was constantly expanding and spreading, like a volcano about to erupt, accumulating huge energy.

They tried to wave their fists, but found that the air around them was twisting and vibrating with their movements.

Every breath they took seemed to be causing the air around them to flow, forming invisible storms.

At this moment, they were no longer ordinary warriors, but beings with power beyond ordinary people.

They felt as if their bodies were dominated by this power, and every cell was cheering and boiling.

"This is the special thing about you Kryptonians."

Luther's voice rang in everyone's ears, his voice was calm and mysterious, as if it could penetrate everyone's heart.

Everyone turned their eyes to him, looking forward to his explanation. Luther looked at them with a smile, his eyes gleaming with wisdom.

"When you meet the right star, you can awaken your racial talent, which is a more powerful force than your technology."

Luther's words exploded in everyone's hearts like thunder.

They finally understood that these changes in themselves were not special and uncontrollable mutations caused by different planetary environments, but the racial talents of their Kryptonians.

Before this, they had always been proud of their technology and wisdom, believing that with these, they could gain a foothold in the universe and even surpass other races.

But now, they realized that they might have overlooked a more important factor - that is, their innate racial talent.

This talent can only be awakened when they meet the right star, and the huge yellow star of Terra is the "key" they have been waiting for for a long time.

"So that's it..." General Zod's voice echoed in the empty base, with a bit of relief and emotion.

He has been thinking hard, trying to find the value of Kryptonians in Luther's eyes. Krypton, a planet that was once glorious, has now fallen into such a field, wandering in a foreign land and living under someone else's roof. Their former power and glory seemed to have been forgotten until Luther appeared and rekindled their hope.

General Zod recalled his first meeting with Luther, when he was still wary and suspicious of this mysterious outsider. Luther's interest in them surprised and disturbed him. He was worried that Luther's purpose was to use them instead of really helping them to regain their strength.

However, as time went on, General Zod gradually discovered that Luther was not the kind of person he imagined. He treated the Kryptonians like his own relatives, not only providing them with the resources and technical support they needed, but also pointing out the direction for the future. All this made General Zod begin to believe that Luther really wanted to help them.

And now, he finally understood why Luther valued the Kryptonians-their racial talent. This talent allows them to directly absorb stellar energy and convert it into their own power. In the universe, such an ability is undoubtedly very powerful.

General Zod looked at the Kryptonians in front of him, and their faces showed expressions of shock and excitement. They never thought that their race had such a secret and such power. They had always thought that their armor was the source of their power, but now it seemed that it was just an external aid.

As a representative of the Kryptonians, Fiora was the first to raise her doubts: "Why have we never felt this kind of power in previous battles?" Her voice was full of confusion and puzzlement.

Luther smiled and explained: "This is because of your armor. Although your armor is powerful and can enhance your strength and defense, it also hinders your connection with the energy of the universe. Only when you take off your armor and expose yourself directly to the sun can you have a more direct contact and resonance with the energy of the universe."

Hearing this, Fiora and other Kryptonians suddenly realized. They have always relied too much on the power of the armor and ignored their own potential.

Now they understand that true power does not come from external equipment, but from their own heart and the talent of their race.

Luther continued: "The energy of Terra is very powerful. The stellar energy you absorb here for one minute is much more than the stellar energy Clark absorbs on Earth for a year. Therefore, your current power is far greater than Clark on Earth."

His words made the Kryptonians feel extremely excited. They realized that they had extremely powerful power, and as long as they could use it correctly, they could revive the glory of Krypton.

As for whether the situation of All-Star Superman absorbing too much energy and dying will occur?

Generally speaking, the relationship between Kryptonians and yellow stars is just like that between a power bank and the charged. Just like a mobile phone will not continue to charge once it is fully charged, because the battery has a protection mechanism.

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