Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 704 Sneak Attack

At the center of the collision, Gabriel and Luther's weapons rubbed and collided violently.

The Holy Spear Longinus and the Holy Light Great Sword fought countless times in a very short time, and each time produced huge energy fluctuations.

These fluctuations formed a complex energy field in space, which was strong enough to distort light and gravity.

Luther did not expect Gabriel to be able to keep up with his speed.

However, it was time to end it, because Mammon had noticed this side.

Luther's movements were as fast as lightning, and his figure disappeared from Gabriel's sight in an instant, as if blending into the air.

However, when his figure appeared again, he had come behind Gabriel.

The tip of the spear was like a silver snake, silently piercing Gabriel's heart.

Gabriel felt a sense of death coming, and she instinctively wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

The Holy Spear Longinus accurately pierced her heart, and at that moment, time seemed to freeze.

Gabriel let out a heart-wrenching cry, her voice echoing in the empty battlefield, full of despair and unwillingness.

She looked at the tip of the gun that pierced her back and broke out of her chest, her heart was full of shock and disbelief.

She never thought that she would be defeated by Luther.

She once thought that she had endless power and vitality, and could protect heaven and all living beings forever.

But at this moment, she felt as if she was bound by an invisible force and could not move.

Then, Gabriel felt the icy cold.

This chill seemed to come from the depths of hell, cold and cruel.

It quickly flowed into Gabriel's body along the tip of the holy gun, like a cold snake, raging in her blood vessels.

Gabriel's body began to tremble, and she felt that her vitality was being ruthlessly devoured by this chill.

She had endless power and vitality, but at this moment, she felt as if she had been deprived of everything.

It started from her chest and quickly invaded her whole body.

She reached out and grabbed the tip of the gun, trying to stop the cold from invading.

But as soon as her fingers touched the tip of the gun, she felt a strong sense of coldness coming from her fingertips, as if to freeze her fingers.

Gabriel's face began to turn pale, and her body was shaking constantly.

She looked down at her body, and saw that the six wings behind her that were originally shining brightly had lost their color.

Those flawless white feathers began to become dull and withered, like leaves dried by the wind, losing their vitality, as if something had taken away their brilliance.

Then, these feathers began to wither one by one, falling like fallen leaves in autumn.

A large number of feathers fell off, and they fluttered in the air, like a sad and beautiful snow.

But before these feathers fell to the ground, they had already drifted away with the wind and disappeared.

Gabriel's body was also shaking constantly.

She felt her limbs had become stiff and weak, as if they were bound by something.

She wanted to struggle and resist, but the chill made her unable to move. She could only watch her vitality disappear bit by bit.

Her face showed a look of pain and unwillingness.

Tears flashed in her eyes, which was the nostalgia for life and the helplessness of failure.

She used to be the most dazzling star in heaven, but now, she was going to fall in this endless darkness.

"Father, is this... my fate?"

Gabriel felt that he had become a joke.

He let out a wail before dying.

He found the Spear of Destiny, but lost it, so he ushered in the "end".

Luther stood there, looking at Gabriel who fell to the ground, her body trembling in the cold wind, and the holy glory she once had disappeared without a trace.

The Spear of Longinus was still deeply inserted into her body, and it was not pulled out. This was intentional by Luther.

He knew that the Archangel's vitality was extremely strong, and only by ensuring that she was completely dead could he safely pull out the Holy Lance.

Gabriel's body was gradually stiffening, and her eyes were still open, but the eyes that were once full of majesty and love were now empty and lifeless.

The fire of her life was like a candle extinguished by a storm, leaving only a dead silence.

In order to prevent Gabriel from resurrecting, Luther waited for a while before pulling out the Spear of Longinus.

"Stained with the blood of Jesus and Gabriel's blood, this Holy Lance Longinus is even more terrifying."

Luther reshaped the Spear of Longinus, and the gun body was restored to its original state. Of course, the gun body of the Spear of Longinus was made of Gabriel's spine, which made this holy gun even more terrifying.

Gabriel's soul was killed by the Holy Lance, which prevented her from becoming part of Manmon's power.

"Next, it's time to deal with Manmon."

Luther disappeared in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, Manmon naturally felt the battle between Gabriel and Luther. The battle was nearly 10,000 times the speed of sound, making it like a storm. It came and ended quickly, and ordinary people might not even notice what happened.

But Manmon saw it all.

"Gabriel is dead?"

Manmon looked at Gabriel's body in disbelief.

He couldn't believe this fact. After all, Gabriel was one of the archangels, with great power and endless life.

Who could kill her?

Who could kill Gabriel with the Spear of Longinus? ? ?

However, the fact was that Gabriel was indeed dead.

Mammon frowned, and he felt a strong sense of uneasiness. He knew that there were not many people in the world who could kill Gabriel, and there were even fewer who could do it.

The next moment, he felt a fatal threat.

Mammon's pupils shrank, but he had no time to dodge and his body was pierced.

After Luther found that super speed was very useful, he fell in love with this sneak attack.

Mammon obviously did not adjust his adaptability, so that he could not react for a while and was attacked by Luther.

Of course, even if he was attacked, Mammon would not care. However, when he saw the thing that pierced his body, Mammon panicked.


Mammon shouted the name in horror. He knew he was in unprecedented danger.

However, although Mammon had felt the threat of death, he did not die immediately.

His body began to collapse and disintegrate, but it re-condensed in an instant.

This was because his authority had been sublimated into the authority of the Lord of Hell, making him immortal.

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