Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 705: Instant Kill, Crazy Instant Kill

Luther stared at Manmon's blurry figure that gradually re-condensed in the darkness, his brows furrowed.

He thought that the blow was fatal enough to send Manmon, the son of hell, into nothingness, but the truth was far from that.

"Don't you have the concept of a heart? Or, for an existence like you, even the constraints of the body no longer exist?"

Luther whispered to himself, his voice echoing in the empty and silent space, with a bit of confusion and doubt.

Manmon's figure gradually became clear, and it widened its eyes, with a flash of anger and hatred in its eyes.

Its voice was low and hoarse, as if it came from deep underground: "It was you, the ant who dared to challenge the power of hell, who killed Gabriel?"

Manmon's voice was full of anger and unwillingness. It almost died at the hands of Luther. If its authority had not been sublimated to the authority of the Lord of Hell, I am afraid it would have been destroyed long ago.

Although Manmon, the son of hell, is powerful, he will inevitably be threatened by a divine weapon like the Spear of Longinus, even if he has no concept of form.

However, now he is the lord of hell, and the sublimation of authority has given him more powerful power and a wider domain.

Even if he is not as good as Lucifer.

However, his status and authority have changed. Now, it is impossible to kill Manmon without destroying hell.

He instantly used his super brain to analyze the possibility of killing Manmon, and there is only one possibility - that is to directly destroy the entire hell.

He understood that Manmon is no longer a simple individual existence, but an existence closely connected with hell. Only by completely destroying hell can Manmon be completely killed.

So Luther went straight to hell.

His speed was as fast as lightning that broke through the sky, and every step seemed to cross the boundaries of time and space.

The surrounding scenery quickly retreated in his eyes, as if time was accelerating for him.

His figure loomed in the darkness, like a meteor streaking across the night sky, with determination and courage, heading straight for the deep and dark gate of hell.


Seeing this, Manmon's eyes flashed with anger and shock.

It roared, waving the death axe in its hand, and chased after Luther.

However, no matter how hard it tried to improve its speed and reaction ability, it could never shorten the distance between it and Luther.

Luther's speed seemed to have reached some incredible realm, which made him unable to reach it.

Soon, Luther stepped into the dark hell that Manmon had carefully built in the world.

This is a forgotten corner, shrouded in endless darkness and despair. The sky seemed to be covered by a thick black curtain, without a trace of light, and the whole world seemed to be swallowed up in chaos.

The fire jumped in the darkness, illuminating this dead land.

However, this fire was not a symbol of warmth and hope, but the sulfur fire of hell, burning the desires and madness of the demons.

As the flames swayed, a pungent smell of sulfur filled the air, accompanied by the low and terrifying roars of the demons, which made people shudder.

Luther looked around and saw countless demons and devils of various shapes roaring and fighting each other on this land.

Some of them had hideous faces and huge bodies, like monsters from ancient myths; some were cunning and insidious, good at disguise, lurking in the dark waiting for the arrival of prey.

These demons and devils enjoy violence and death, devouring each other's lives, as if this is the stage for them to show their cruelty and power.

However, Luther was not frightened by these demons and devils.

Luther held the spear tightly and rushed forward.

Every time he swung his spear, he could take away the lives of tens of thousands of demons and devils. In Luther's eyes, they were like motionless statues, and each stab was more than enough.

Soon, Luther came to Manmon's throne.

This throne was tall and terrifying, made of countless bones.

These skeletons come from different races and creatures: there are skeletons of humans, who were once the masters of this world;

There are skeletons of demons, who were once the rulers of hell;

There are skeletons of devils, who were once the overlords of the dark world;

There are even skeletons of angels, who were once the guardians of heaven.

These skeletons piled together to form a huge throne, exuding the breath of evil and death.

After all, Manmon is the lord of hell, and he returned to his own hell in an instant. Seeing Luther rushing over, he couldn't help but roar.

He waved the axe of death in his hand and chopped at Luther.

The axe exuded a dark light and carried endless power of death.

However, Luther did not retreat.

He swung his gun violently and pierced Manmon's throne directly. This shot was as fast as lightning, with endless power and penetration.

Manmon screamed, and his body was pierced by the Spear of Longinus.

However, this was not the end.

Luther continued to swing his spear, and his attack was as fierce as a storm.

Each swing of the gun could take away the lives of tens of thousands of demons and devils.

These demons and devils were as fragile as ants in front of Luther.

Their wailings came one after another, but were soon drowned in the endless darkness.

At the same time, the demons and devils whose bodies were pierced wailed and died.

They were pierced by Luther's spear before they could even react.

Their bodies collapsed into pieces in an instant, dissipating in the air, leaving only pieces of black mist and stench.

These demons and devils had no power to resist Luther at all, and could only let him slaughter them.

"Let's see how many times you can be resurrected!"

Luther was like the Monkey King who made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace. He went in and out of Manmeng Hell seven times, and in the blink of an eye, he killed hundreds of millions of demons and devils. His gun was getting faster and faster, with an attack frequency of 100 million times per second. Before the demons and devils could react, their bodies were pierced.

They didn't even know how they died.

The same was true for Manmeng. Every time it strengthened its speed, Luther would pierce its body from head to toe in the next moment, leaving it riddled with holes.

Died and lived again, lived and died again.

There was no power to fight back at all.

Not only that, because all the souls in hell were killed by Luther, its hell began to be unable to maintain its power.

"Impossible, impossible, how could I die here!"

Mamon already felt his own death.

He would really die. As long as Hell was destroyed and he was stabbed by the Holy Spear Longinus, he would definitely die.

After Mamon died more than 180 million times, his Hell fell apart.

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