Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 733: The response of the Seireitei and the Invisible Empire

In the depths of the Soul Society, hidden in the shadows of countless darkness and secrets, the members of the Invisible Empire are like lurking cheetahs, quietly observing the wind and grass of the outside world.

Their eyes penetrated the heavy clouds, crossed the long distance, and finally focused on the mysterious place called the God World.

The news of the God World spread rapidly within the Invisible Empire like wildfire.

Everyone has heard rumors about this new world, a place where ordinary people can have extraordinary power, a stage that may change the whole world.

However, for the Invisible Empire, this news brought not only shock, but also deep worry and uneasiness.

The Invisible Empire, a secret organization composed of Quincy, has been secretly accumulating strength for many years, looking for opportunities to subvert the existing world order.

Their goal is to completely eliminate all the gods of death and rebuild the order of the world.

However, the appearance of the God World is like a sudden meteorite, breaking their original plan.

In the meeting hall of the Invisible Empire, the members of the Stern Cross gathered together to discuss how to deal with this sudden change.

Hasward, as the current leader of the Invisible Empire, his attitude is particularly critical.

He insisted that the Invisible Empire should remain calm, remain unchanged in the face of all changes, and wait for the return and awakening of His Majesty Youhabach.

In his opinion, if they act rashly at this time, it may destroy their layout and plans for many years.

However, Hasward's opinion is not recognized by everyone.

Some people believe that the emergence of the God World is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and they should seize this opportunity to go to the God World as soon as possible to obtain the power there.

Only in this way can they have a greater advantage in the battle with the God of Death and the soul.

However, Hasward firmly opposed this risky behavior.

He knew the dangers and unknowns of the God World, and knew that the current strength of the Invisible Empire was not enough to cope with the challenges there.

More importantly, he was worried that the Invisible Empire had attracted the attention of the God King. If they acted rashly at this time, they might anger the God King and bring disaster to the Invisible Empire.

Hasward's heart was full of anxiety and uneasiness.

He could not be sure whether the God King had discovered the existence of the Invisible Empire.

If the God King really knew their secret, then everything they were doing now might be done under the eyes of the God King.

This feeling made him feel uneasy, and he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, he remembered what Luther had said.

Luther had specifically mentioned that the Quincy could also go to the God World and choose to become a God of Destruction.

At that time, Haschwald didn't take this sentence to heart, but now thinking back, he felt that there seemed to be some deep meaning hidden in it.

Why did Luther specifically mention the Quincy in the Soul Society, a world where theoretically there were only death gods and souls?

Has he discovered the existence of the Invisible Empire?

If so, why did he hint at them in this way?

These questions kept circling in Haschwald's mind, making him unable to rest assured.

In the next few days, Haschwald was immersed in thinking.

He kept thinking about the past, trying to find some clues and revelations.

In the end, he made a decision: he decided to continue waiting for His Majesty Youhabach to return and wake up.

During this period, they will keep a close eye on the movements of the God World and be prepared to deal with various situations that may arise. Only in this way can they ensure that the future of the Invisible Empire will not be threatened in any way.

The Soul Society has always been observing the God World, but because it cannot enter the God World, it does not know the situation inside the God World and can only understand it through the Soul City.

"At present, more than 100,000 souls have gone to the Soul City from Rukongai."

This is the data counted by the 12th Division.

In the past, they did not care about the number of these souls at all. At most, they would take action to deal with the hollows when they appeared. Even for the sake of balance, when there were too few hollows in the Hueco Mundo, they would ruthlessly clear tens of thousands of souls to balance the three realms.

As a result, now they have to calculate how many souls have left Rukongai and gone to the Soul City?

In this case, wouldn't it be better to stop them from the beginning and not let them leave?

But Captain Yamamoto asked them not to intercept, so they could only calculate the loss of souls.

What Soul Society lacks the most is Ryukon. There are not only Ryukon in Ryukon Street, but also Ryukon in the wild of Soul Society. However, with the emergence of the God World, these originally aimless Ryukon found their destination.

They all want to go to the God World and become Destroyers.

Although they don't know what a Destroyer is.

"Really? It has reached such a powerful number."

Captain Yamamoto was just sighing after knowing it.

How many of these Ryukons can become Destroyers?

At least, judging from the Destroyers who are out on missions, there are still many, but I don't know how strong they are.

Captain Yamamoto can't let the Shinigami fight these Destroyers to see their strength, which can easily cause disputes, disputes and conflicts.

"If we don't stop it and continue to let it go, it will be a matter of time before it exceeds one million."

Mayuri Kurotsuchi said bluntly that the departure of so many wandering souls would shake the foundation of the Soul Society. Although the number of Shinigami in the Soul Society has not exceeded 10,000 so far, the speed of elimination of Shinigami is too fast, and basically there are Shinigami dying every day.

This is not an exaggeration. In the past, there were more deaths, but with the continuous development of the Soul Society, the Shinigami are also constantly improving and becoming stronger, and the death rate has been reduced.

Before the invention of Zanpakuto, let alone people dying every day, there were hundreds of Shinigami killed.

Before the death hegemony was not invented, it was the same.

It is not a joke that a large hollow needs to be alerted to the royal secret service Zero Division to deal with it, but it is recorded in history books. However, the situation has changed now. There is no need for a vice-captain. A stronger officer can deal with the large hollow Gillian.

"If there is no replenishment, the Soul Society will be gone."

Mayuri Kurotsuchi continued.

"I know."

Captain Yamamoto said calmly. He was observing and waiting for the reaction of the Zero Division.

In this situation, Squad Zero will most likely send someone down to check out the details of the God World.

Rather, it would be strange if Squad Zero had no interest in the appearance of a God King who claimed to be as omniscient and almighty as the Soul King.

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