Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 734: Release a group of catfish to bring Aizen Sosuke back to life!

Esdeath has become very proficient in mastering the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

In other words, there is no need to master this knife at all, and it is not a particularly complicated rule system.

As time went by, she gradually mastered the size, weight and style of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, as if the knife had become a part of her body.

Moreover, she had the luxury of not removing the sword, and allowed the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood to remain as they were after the sword was drawn.

However, although Esdeath has become proficient in using the Corpse Mountain and Sea of ​​Blood, she still has no clue how to master the Return Blade.

Return of the Blade is an ability of the Arrancar in Bleach, which allows the Arrancar to return to its original form of Hollow, thus exerting greater power.

The Return of the God of Destruction is a power similar to this, but it allows the soul blade to return to itself, achieving the situation where Sosuke Aizen fused Kyoka Suigetsu in the later period.

However, this ability is a completely new field for Esdeath. She tried countless times, but she still couldn't get the hang of it.

Drawn swords and returning swords seem to be of the same origin, but in fact they are very different. According to Luther, drawn swords are at least as powerful as Captain Death and Vastod-level Arrancar, or even stronger.

As for Gui Ren, he basically competes with perverts like Captain Death and Team Zero.

The destructive power of the Great God of Destruction is too dominant. No matter what rule-based ability or what, it is essentially a spirit child structure. If the spirit child and the spirit child structure are destroyed, it will be directly transformed into nothingness.

It's just that the limitation of the destructive power is that the recovery speed is not fast, which is barely a shortcoming.

"Returning Blade...what exactly is it?"

Esdeath muttered to himself.

She looked at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in her hands, a trace of doubt flashing in her eyes. The knife seemed to be alive in her hands, but she was unable to make it exert more power.

This made her feel a little frustrated, but at the same time, it also strengthened her determination to master the Return Blade.

"Luther, I want to go to Hueco Mundo to strengthen my ability in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood."

Esdeath found Luther.

Luther smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and lightly swiped in the void, and a divine gate appeared out of thin air.

This divine gate is not an ordinary black cavity, but a space passage defined by Luther himself, which can lead directly to Hueco Mundo, bypassing the barrier of the broken world.

There will be no such thing as Jutu, and even the power of the Spirit King cannot interfere or influence it.

"Go ahead, Esdeath."

Luther said.

"Go to Hueco Mundo to find your battle and make your mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood sharper."

"And, by the way, find Aizen Sosuke and give him a little excitement."

Luther said with a smile, he didn't want Aizen Soyousuke to hide and remain immobile for a hundred years.

Esdeath nodded and disappeared into the divine gate in a flash.

Hueco Mundo is a place full of dangers and unknowns, where there are many kinds of virtual beings and they are powerful.

But for Esdeath, this is an excellent testing ground.

Esdeath stepped into this strange world with her mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

In Hueco Mundo, Esdeath showed amazing strength.

She waved the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, cutting down each and every one of them to the ground. Her attacks are not only powerful, but also extremely fast, making them difficult to dodge.

They seemed to have turned into lambs to be slaughtered in front of her.

However, Esdeath was not satisfied. She knew that although these virtual strengths were good, they were not enough for her to fully grasp the potential of the Corpse Mountain and Blood Sea.

She needs a stronger opponent to stimulate her potential.

She started heading deeper into Hueco Mundo.

There, she met a more powerful Hollow. These Hollows are not only powerful, but also highly intelligent. They can use various means to attack Esdeath.

However, Esdeath did not flinch, she became even more excited. She wielded the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood and launched a fierce battle with these powerful virtual beings.

The ordinary gods have received a new mission - to hunt the intelligent Hollows in Hueco Mundo, and to find powerful beings that may exist, and bring them back as candidates for the God of Destruction.

Madarame Ikkaku and Zaraki Kenpachi were very excited after hearing the news.

That was Hueco Mundo, and for those of them who loved fighting the most, there was simply no way to refuse.

"Captain, let's go too!"

Madarame Ikkaku said excitedly to Zaraki Kenpachi.

Zaraki Kenpachi nodded, his eyes shining with excitement.

He knew that this would be a rare opportunity for them to fight in Hueco Mundo. In the past, they would be rejected if they wanted to go to Hueco Mundo, saying that they wanted to maintain the balance of the three realms.

Zaraki Kenpachi doesn't understand these things at all. Who cares about the balance of the three realms.

As for the guards of God World and Soul City?

Just leave it to other ordinary gods.

In the depths of Hueco Mundo, there was originally a dark and unknown area. However, recently, this place has been invaded by a group of uninvited guests - ordinary gods and gods of destruction.

Their arrival swept through the entire Hueco Mundo like a storm, breaking the original tranquility and balance.

Hueco Mundo, as the gap between the world of Death and the real world, is home to countless kinds of Hollows in different forms.

Some of these voids are extremely weak and rely only on instinct to survive; some are powerful and cunning, possessing wisdom and strength.

However, no matter how strong or weak they are, they are a link in Hueco Mundo's ecological chain and jointly maintain the order here.

However, with the invasion of ordinary gods and gods of destruction, the ecological environment of Hueco Mundo was severely damaged. Their hunting behavior spread like wildfire, and wherever they went, the hollows were slaughtered.

Those hollows who survived by instinct had almost no power to resist and could only become their prey. Although the intelligent hollows could resist, they seemed powerless in front of powerful enemies.

In this disaster, the Hueco Mundo was naturally alarmed.

As a powerful force in Hueco Mundo, the Hueco Mundo has many powerful hollows and leaders.

When Tosen found Aizen Sosuke to report the situation, he was busy awakening the Collapsed Jade.

Collapsed Jade is Aizen Sosuke's goal all along. It has a powerful force that can allow him to break through his own limits.

However, at this moment, Aizen Sosuke had to temporarily put down his work and face this sudden crisis.

"Captain Aizen, there are many invaders in Hueco Mundo recently."

Tosen said anxiously.

"According to the intelligence, they are most likely ordinary gods and gods of destruction from the world of gods."

Aizen Sosuke frowned, and a bad feeling welled up in his heart.

He knew very well that these gods were powerful. If they really invaded Hueco Mundo, then things would be troublesome.

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