Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 735 Virtual

"What is their purpose?"

Aizen Sosuke was in the meeting hall of Xuye Palace, looking deeply at Tosen Kaname, and his voice revealed an indescribable sense of oppression.

Dongxian took a deep breath, calmed down, and replied: "They seem to be arresting Xu. Judging from the recent intelligence received, many Xus have been killed by them, and they seem to be particularly targeting Ya Chukas and low-level Xu were arrested."

Hearing this, Aizen Sosuke frowned, as if he could squeeze out water.

He knew in his heart that the purpose of these beings who claimed to be gods could never be that simple.

Although they have not taken direct action against Xuye Palace yet, who knows what crazy move they will make next?

"The people who informed Xuye Palace have been hiding recently."

Aizen Sosuke said in a deep voice, with unquestionable majesty in his voice.

"Yes, sir."

Tosen Kaname responded respectfully and immediately turned around to convey Sosuke Aizen's order.

Although everyone in Xuye Palace was full of uneasiness and doubts, under the leadership of Aizen Soyousuke, they still took quick action.

They know that the current situation is extremely urgent and they must be prepared to deal with emergencies.

However, Aizen Soyousuke's worries went far beyond that. He knew that these beings who claimed to be gods were extremely powerful. If they really wanted to target Xuye Palace, then he would face unprecedented challenges.

Originally, Aizen Soyousuke felt that he had plenty of time. He thought that no one would disturb him in Hueco Mundo.

After all, even if Soul Society knows its conspiracy, it is impossible to easily enter Hueco Mundo to destroy its plan.

However, he never expected that the God of Destruction would invade Hueco Mundo, and their actions were completely beyond his expectation.

Aizen Sosuke couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He began to think about what the purpose of these gods was in capturing Xu.

Do they need Hollow's power to strengthen themselves?

Or do they have more profound plans?

These problems gave him a headache.

Don’t they need to worry about the balance of souls in the three realms?

Aizen Sosuke was thoughtful, and then he came up with the answer.

They really don't need it. If the God King is really the omniscient and omnipotent God King, he will naturally be able to do what the Spirit King can do!

"It seems that I am used to seeing things from the perspective of Death. This is my limitation, but soon, I will become an existence that transcends Death and Hollow."

Aizen Sosuke reflected on himself and said some very cool words to enhance his fashionableness.

At the same time, news of the large-scale invasion of Hueco Mundo by the God World also spread to Soul Society.

This news shocked and puzzled everyone in Soul Society. They couldn't understand how these gods could invade Hueco Mundo so brazenly, let alone why they would do this.

"Don't these gods need to care about the balance of souls in the three realms?"

Captain Yamamoto's voice was full of anger and confusion.

"We don't know, we still can't grasp their motives and purposes."

"This cannot continue. We must take action as soon as possible."

Captain Yamamoto said.

"While we cannot intervene directly, we must be prepared to deal with emergencies."

As a result, Soul Society also began to prepare intensively. They mobilized a large number of elite forces to prepare for possible emergencies at any time.

Luther looked at Xu who was captured.

Most of them are crooked melons and cracked dates.

He can see the upper limit of Xu's development. After all, it is not difficult for Luther.

Xu's evolutionary path is very simple, relying on devouring to evolve.

Most have a common appearance (black body, white mask with long nose) and relatively low abilities.

They are huge in size, but their movements are very slow, and their IQ is about the same as that of wild beasts.

It is formed by a particularly powerful Hollow swallowing the spiritual power of hundreds of ordinary Hollows.

It needs to rely on constantly devouring spirits to evolve. In the process of evolving to the Achucas level, it will leave the lowest state and become a Hollow close to animal-shaped armor. There are also Hollows like Aronillo who absorb the spiritual power of other Hollows and become themselves. A special aggregation of abilities.

Then evolves into Achukas.

Achukas has high abilities, and most Arrancars are of this level.

He has a very high IQ, his combat power is several times that of Gillian, and he is responsible for commanding a huge group of Gillians.

It still needs to rely on continuous devouring spirits to evolve. Once bitten by a higher-level Great Void, it will permanently stop evolving or even be devoured and become part of the latter's power.

There are two directions for the evolution of Achucas: 1. His strength reaches a bottleneck and he cannot continue to increase his strength and he will always be Achucas;

2. Break through the bottleneck and rise to a new level of strength to become Vastod.

Among the "Ten Blades", except for the No. 9 Arrancar, which is of the Kilian level, the others basically belong to Achiukas.

Finally, there is Vastod.

The highest level of Hollow is several times smaller than Hollow, and is about the same size as a human.

The first four blades in the "Ten Blades" are of this level.

He has the strongest ability, surpassing the level of a Shinigami captain, and there are only a few in Hueco Mundo. The higher the Daxu's level, the closer he is to a human body and mind. The changes in the body after liberation are also smaller.

The very demanding evolutionary route actually limits the number of "Hollows".

After all, Hollows can be said to be the most promising race in the world of Death Gods, even the Quincy cannot compare to Hollows.

The Hollows are benchmarked against the Soul King. If the Soul King is not born, the world will be swallowed by a Hollow.

Luther was curious and wanted to see if he could cultivate a "Hollow King".

The Hollow King naturally does not have the omniscience and omnipotence of the Soul King, but it can swallow everything and make itself omniscient and omnipotent.

However, at first glance, most of the Hollows that were captured have the potential of only Achucas.

The same is true for those low-level Hollows.

However, Luther accidentally discovered a low-level Hollow with the potential of Vastod.

"Forget it, the other Hollows are arranged to be ordinary gods, and this Hollow will stay."

Luther must not waste the Hollow with the potential of Vastod.

However, this low-level Hollow still has to go through the two processes of becoming a Great Hollow, Killian and Achucas.

This is easy to solve. Luther had someone capture a Great Hollow Killian and feed it. After it ate the Great Hollow Killian, it successfully upgraded to a Great Hollow Killian.

The next step is to protect it from having its mask gnawed and evolve into Achucas.

This requires at least hundreds of Great Hollow Killians, but Luther doesn't need to do it himself. The ordinary gods captured these Great Hollow Killians.

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