Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 78 Demonic Gene Spread

Unlike the original plot, which had several months of training, the current Xiongbing Company basically did not train for a few days. They had also experienced a large-scale Taotie invasion before, and the morale of the Xiongbing Company had been shattered.

It took a lot of effort to recover, but at this time, Morgana came.

"Blue Star has a super seminary, so we can fish in troubled waters."

Morgana obtained the command of Taotie, which was given directly by the god of death, Karl.

Then Morgana didn't like these gluttons very much, and at most they were used as cannon fodder.

So Morgana's first order was naturally to test whether Luther had left Blue Star.

This time Morgana ordered the Taotie civilization to attack all parts of Blue Star to cover the demon's actions.

And the devil's action is to steal the nuclear bomb.

"Donghong 49...just set this goal."

Morgana sent out her resurrected demon minions, and this time Atuo led the team himself, which was different from the original plot.

After the subsequent revisions, there was no plot of the demon stealing the nuclear bomb. Now, it is Morgana who wants to make Blue Star become chaotic, so she did this.

Preparations for many plans have been put in place, and now what Morgana and the others have to do is to speed up the completion of their plans.

Therefore, while Morgana sent people to steal the nuclear bomb, she let Black Wind invade Direna's dark plane, leaving behind the program that controlled her.

"The gluttonous civilization is here again!"

The Black Great Wall General Administration, Dukao, Huang Ze, Huang Lao and other senior leaders of the Celestial Dynasty held a meeting.

"This time the Taotie civilization invaded the entire Blue Star. They not only invaded us, but also the capitals of other countries were invaded. A wormhole opened in the sky above New York in America, and the Taotie civilization launched several warships. Their alliance of super-soldier haters is taking on them."

Dukao explained the intelligence detected by the Deno-3 system.

"How are the preparations for the Xiongbing Company?"

Huang Ze asked with concern.

"The Xiongbing Company has been restored and is ready to go at any time!"

Dukao said immediately.

In the end, their negotiations with the angels firmly rejected the help of the angel civilization. This time, Di Leina was not needed to negotiate. In order to show his determination, Dukao went to negotiate on behalf of Blue Star.

I don’t know what the top management of China was thinking, but since they allowed Dukao to negotiate on behalf of Blue Star, they probably believed in Dukao’s judgment.

Maybe there is no other way but to do this.

Not wanting to lose their sovereignty, they refused the help of the angel civilization.

"Then don't let us down, let the heroic company be dispatched!"

Huang Ze was also under a lot of pressure, although he also knew that China and Blue Star had no choice but to give up their sovereignty or fight to the end.

If the gap is too big and they are really not qualified to fight to the death, they will not be pedantic and choose to live in pieces rather than in ruins.

But Dukao showed them the abilities of the super soldiers of the Xiongbing Company. They could defeat an aerospace-level civilization like the Taotie Civilization!

It's just that Dukao didn't say that behind the Taotie civilization was a super-divine civilization like the Death Song Academy.

And Dukao really felt that Death Song Academy would not really take action for a Blue Star.

Therefore, as long as they can persist until the super soldiers grow up, they will not lose their power and humiliate the country!

A civilization must go through such hardships before it can rise.

"Morgana went to steal the nuclear bomb after all..."

Luther noticed Morgana's movements, and then He Xi also noticed it.

"Devil? Morgana is here!"

She didn't know before that the demon appeared to capture the crocodile god Thorton but was completely destroyed by Luther. Because Luther would block the dark plane information every time, He Xi's extension did not have enough computing power, so naturally it could not detect it.

But now Morgana and the others did not hide their whereabouts. After appearing openly and openly, He Xi discovered it immediately.

"Man, Morgana is on Blue Star's side, and all her demon minions have been resurrected."

Hexi used dark plane communication to notify Holy Kesha.

"Really? It turns out he went to Blue Star."

Holy Kesha sounded like there was nothing wrong with her, but He Xi knew that she must be ready to leave for Blue Star.

The reason why there were no disturbances was because she had become accustomed to this behavior after so many years.

When you find traces of a demon, send someone or go out yourself to hunt down the demon.

Without the intervention of the Xiongbing Company and the fact that the sword demon Atuo personally led the team, they successfully snatched the nuclear bomb.

"Where should this nuclear bomb be dropped?"

Morgana easily cracked the nuclear bomb's program and put the prepared demon genes into it. As soon as the nuclear bomb exploded, these demon genes would be mutated and evolved by the radiation, and would also infect the surrounding Kamigawa body. .

At that time, the little demons created by the sword demon Atuo who massacred tens of thousands of people in Fraser will appear in batches, and even mutated demons will appear.

Not everyone will become a devil. Super genes also have a saying about the suitability of super gene carriers.

Otherwise, the demon virus released by the sword demon Atuo in Fraser would not just have a few sporadic little demons.

If you can't carry the devil gene, you will die. This is the drawback and flaw of the original super gene. The super gene engine system has changed this flaw and drawback, allowing everyone to become a super soldier.

Morgana originally wanted the nuclear bomb to explode in the sky, so that the maximum number of demons could be spawned.

However, she was not sure whether Luther, the main god of Krypton civilization, had left the Blue Planet. If he hadn't left, and she dropped a nuclear bomb on his head and it exploded, it would probably anger him, right?

"Be more stable?"

Morgana was already a little scared of Luther, although she didn't admit it herself.

"Damn guy, isn't there an island country nearby?"

Morgana cursed, and then asked her demon subordinates.

"Yes, Queen, this island country has a lot of people, and it can be used."

The demon subordinates quickly replied.

"The Super Seminary is in the Celestial Empire, it's better to get it closer, just drop the nuclear bomb on that island country!"

Morgana made up her mind.

"Yes, Queen!"

Morgana's subordinates naturally had no objection.

So, Donghong 49 exploded in the country of Xiaoba Ga.

A single nuclear bomb is not enough to destroy the entire country of Xiaoba Ga, but it can't resist the demon genes and demon viruses that spread with the radiation mutation of the nuclear bomb explosion.

The entire country of Little Baga has a population of more than 100 million. Morgana calculated that it could conservatively produce more than 10,000 little demons.

If they are lucky, the number could reach 100,000.

Even if these little demons are vulnerable, the angel warriors can cut them down, but they can't stand up to their large numbers. They can kill elephants with their large numbers!

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