Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 79 Exploding Black Hole

In the original plot, Morgana did not personally supervise the battle because of her period, and the Xiongbinglian and the demon civilization fought alone, which led to the failure of grabbing the nuclear bomb.

Now, Morgana has the command of the Taotie civilization, using the Taotie civilization's attacks to cover the actions of the demon civilization, and Morgana personally supervised the battle, so it was easy to succeed.

As for the demon civilization's prohibition of using weapons above nuclear?

At that time, the Holy Kesha was gone, and Morgana regarded Blue Star as her new home. She certainly didn't want others to destroy Blue Star.

For Morgana, the most important thing now is the success of the plan.

"This... really knows how to choose a place."

Luther was a little surprised that a city in a small country that cannot be named suddenly became a city of acquaintances.

It was still the most important city in the small country of Baga. Morgana's nuclear bomb made Luther applaud.

He thought about it and knew why Morgana didn't drop the nuclear bomb on the Celestial Empire. It was probably because she was not sure whether she had left?

Morgana must have known about the modification of the dark plane information technology, so there is a little more uncertainty. It is not known whether the God of Death Carl told her about this.

But with Morgana's gambling personality, even if he might still be on Blue Star, she would do this, because the plan prepared for such a long time could not be changed just because of Luther.

Not to mention that they have no hatred with Luther. Strictly speaking, it is Morgana who is justified.

Morgana is also very straightforward. Queen, I have been robbed of everything. It is impossible to rob again. What is the purpose?

Of course, this kind of hatred cannot be let go so easily. Morgana plans to take action against Luther after solving the problem of Holy Kesha.

He Xi's clone did not act rashly. This clone is not the clone that can beat Hua Ye later. It does not have such strong power, let alone dealing with Morgana with the computing power bonus of Demon No. 1.

She didn't know that Morgana was already the fourth generation of the divine body, otherwise she would be more certain that she could not beat Morgana.

But this time, He Xi didn't plan to let Morgana go. She wanted to put Morgana in a bottle!

Therefore, the original He Xi has begun to deploy an avatar, and then cooperate with the tomboy to catch Morgana.

The Celestial Empire is quite embarrassed. Their nuclear bomb exploded in the country of Xiao Baga.

Although it is what people want, it is a bit problematic to use their own nuclear bombs for such things.

If the world is not invaded by the Taotie civilization and is resisting the Taotie civilization, this may cause turmoil on the whole earth.

Then, when the atmosphere in the world is tense, Luther has come to a remote galaxy.

There is a black hole celestial body in this remote galaxy!

This is not the same as the black hole created by Hua Ye. After all, the black hole created by Hua Ye's black hole engine is not a real black hole celestial body. It has to swallow a lot of mass before it can become a real black hole celestial body.

This black hole celestial body has swallowed a lot of matter and has existed for many years.

"Driving stars to bombard black holes can produce void particles and void matter. Does this mean that a strong enough attack is enough to obtain void matter?"

Luther observed the black hole.

This was a sudden brainwave for him, or a possibility calculated by his super brain.

That is to use his powerful gas to bombard the black hole and extract void particles and void matter!

The setting and acquisition method of void matter in the original plot are very detailed, and the only difference is the more detailed algorithm.

Death Karl said this at a research report meeting:

Use tens of thousands of large stars to cool the edge of the black hole, and then let the divine body approach the black hole, react chemically with the black hole matter at the black hole, and extract a considerable amount of black hole matter.

It took only about less than 10 million years to study black hole matter, and all the stars were almost burned out, and then a huge explosion occurred, shattering the black hole. The black hole matter was cast again at super high temperature, so a lot of super matter was produced.

Among them, dark iron is a very rare substance, and each dark alloy armor actually only contains a trace amount of dark iron elements. The dose is too large, even the body of Holy Kesha can't control it.

And the void matter was born from there.

Because in the black hole, many things are completely subverted, matter is distorted, time is distorted, and after 1 million years of evolution and self-upgrade, finally, the first batch of void creatures were born.

Despite this, after the black hole exploded, the fragments were not completely recovered, and many fragments were scattered all over the universe. But there are very few civilizations that can find such fragments.

"Blow up a black hole... This kind of thing, I have never imagined that one day I can do it myself."

Luther condensed his own Qi with both hands!

He didn't put everything on the research of the Super Seminary. Luther has been working on the development of his own Qi.

The way to use energy is nothing more than focusing, or purifying and condensing, or explosion, fusion, annihilation and so on.

The way the Dragon Ball Warriors use and develop it is very rough, even the Qi Yuan Zhan that defeats the strong with the weak.

You know, Qi can develop incredible effects like the sealing technique of the magic seal wave.

In theory, Qi should be omnipotent energy.

However, his current combat power has at least automatically increased to more than 50 million, and it should not be a problem to destroy a black hole celestial body whose mass does not exceed that of the solar system.

"Big Bang!"

The move developed by Luther is to use the annihilation effect to exponentially increase the energy of the qi by stirring the positive and negative qi.

Anyway, he can't destroy the Milky Way now, so let's use this attack move that can theoretically double his output by who knows how many times to experiment.

Two qigong waves, one black and one white, lit up in Luther's hands, and then Luther put his hands together and made a charging start of Kamehameha.

However, he didn't put them at the waist, but aimed directly at the black hole in front.

The black and white qi began to entangle between his hands, then fluctuated and collided with each other, and the energy generated by the agitation crazily increased the energy level!

Then this terrifying energy was released by Luther. After leaving his hands, this energy rainbow light instantly expanded to a diameter of more than 100 meters, and it became larger and larger, and finally turned into a terrifying energy beam with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers!

Wherever it passed, the starry sky was torn apart, and the entire galaxy was illuminated by this astronomical light.

Then the light was twisted into a circle, and the macroscopic gravity of the black hole pulled the Qigong wave.

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