Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 810: Counterattack and Double Counterattack

But this was just a trivial injury to her, and it could not shake her foundation at all. However, she could not help but feel more apprehensive about Hasward's defensive ability.

Just as Esdeath was about to launch another attack, trying to break the deadlock with overwhelming force, a sudden strange feeling spread in her abdomen.

It was an indescribable feeling, as if an invisible force had erupted from her body, trying to tear her defense apart, causing her to tremble.

But the tremor was fleeting, and Esdeath quickly adjusted her breathing to suppress the sudden impact.

She realized that this was the special feature of Hasward's ability - he could convert some of the damage into invisible force in some way while attacking and feed it back to her, as if to remind her that any attack against him would pay a corresponding price.

"Humph, what can a mere counterattack do to me?"

Esdeath snorted coldly, her tone full of disdain. The long-dormant power in her body began to boil, surging out like a volcanic eruption, quickly devouring the invisible attack.

Her body seemed to be wrapped in an invisible armor at this moment, and any external damage could not penetrate this solid defense.

However, Haschwald did not show any panic. He spoke slowly, his voice calm and deep: "No, Esdeath, you misunderstood my ability. This is not just a simple counterattack. The scapegoat shield in my hand is the guardian of fate. It can transfer the "misfortune" I encounter to those who are considered "lucky" to maintain the balance of the world. And your attack is one of the sources of this misfortune. But please rest assured that these misfortunes will not really hurt me, because the scapegoat shield will bear everything for me."

At this point, Haschwald's eyes suddenly became deep, as if he could see through the essence of all things in the world: "Furthermore, these "misfortunes" caused by you will be transferred to those who originally have "luck" through the world's reconciliation power. This is the cycle of fate, and it is also the rule I master."

Esdeath heard this and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

She was not shaken by Haschwald's words, but strengthened her determination.

On this battlefield, only strength is the key to victory or defeat.

So, she waved the long sword in her hand again, turning into a dazzling cold light, and approached Haschwald.

Haschwald frowned when he saw this, but then regained his composure. He knew that Esdeath's power should not be underestimated, but he believed in his own ability and belief.

He did not retreat, but straightened his back, holding the "Scapegoat Shield" with cracks in his left hand, and holding the long sword in his right hand, ready to meet this fatal blow.

When the ice blade touched the shield, a piercing roar broke out in the air, as if even the space was torn apart.

Haschwald only felt a huge force coming through the shield, which made his arm numb, and the whole person was also blown away by this force, smashing the wall behind him, dust flying, and gravel splashing.

Although Esdeath seemed to have stabilized her body, her heart was full of ripples.

She clearly felt the force that bounced back from Hasward. Although she resolved it with her strong strength, the impact still made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She realized that Hasward's ability was far more complex and powerful than she had imagined.

"It can be seen that you are very confident in your body."

Hasward's voice came from the ruins, and he walked out slowly with the sound of stones being pushed away.

There were several eye-catching cracks on the shield in his left hand, which were traces left by Esdeath's powerful attack.

But this did not affect the calmness and determination on his face.

He still maintained the posture of holding the shield in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, as if ready to meet new challenges at any time.

"I also believe that even if I can reflect such misfortune, you can easily bear it, and my substitute shield will be shattered first."

"However, injuries will accumulate. How long can you hold on?"

"Besides, it's almost dark."

Hasward's words revealed a faint worry, but more of a question about Esdeath's ability to fight a protracted war. He knew that everything would be different as night fell.

By then, he might be able to turn the tide of the battle with the help of Yhwach's power, but before that, he had to survive this difficult time.

However, Esdeath had Luther's spoiler, so she knew what he would say next.

He could borrow the power of Yhwach at nightfall.

"That's all."

Esdeath snorted lightly, and his figure suddenly rose again, shuttling across the battlefield like a ghost.

He chopped down with a knife, slashing at Haschwald with the momentum of destroying the world.

Wherever the blade passed, the air was cut into pieces.

Seeing this, Haschwald immediately raised his shield and tried his best to resist.

He tried to resist the knife that could shake the world.

However, reality is always more cruel than imagined. When the blade and the shield came into contact, an irresistible force surged like a tide, pushing him and the shield into an unknown abyss.

A shock wave that was difficult to capture with the naked eye spread out at an astonishing speed. The air was compressed to the extreme and then suddenly exploded, forming circles of ripples visible to the naked eye.

Hasward felt an indescribable force coming from the shield, as if a huge weight was pressing on his chest, almost suffocating him.

His body fell down involuntarily, penetrating layers of soil and rocks until it slowly stopped hundreds of meters underground.

It was pitch black all around, and only the sound of dust and gravel falling accompanied his heavy breathing, which was particularly harsh.

Hundreds of meters underground, it was pitch black all around, and only the faint light occasionally coming through the cracks allowed him to barely tell the direction.

He struggled to stand up, and dust and gravel continued to fall from above, and every impact made him feel a sharp pain.

A trace of astonishment and unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

He looked down at the scapegoat shield in his hand, and saw that the newly added cracks on it spread like a spider web, almost tearing the entire shield apart. He couldn't help but begin to doubt, can he really hold on until night?

At this moment, Esdeath's voice came from above, cold and resolute: "Flash of the God of Destruction!"

Suddenly, the world above seemed to be torn apart by some mysterious force, and a beam of deep blue light penetrated the thick soil layer, illuminating the dark space where Hasward was.

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