Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 811: Holy!

Esdeath stretched out her index finger, and a dark blue energy condensed on her fingertip. As she tapped her index finger, the dark blue energy roared towards the cave where Hasward was located, like a released beast.

The entire underground space seemed to be ignited at this moment, and the light shone out, sweeping away the original darkness.

But this light is not the light of life. It is cold, biting, and carries an irresistible will to destroy.

This energy is so powerful that it makes the entire space tremble, as if even time has been temporarily frozen by it.

The shock wave generated by the explosion is like countless invisible sharp blades, cutting through the space and tearing apart all obstacles.

The walls of the cave collapsed under the impact of energy, and huge stones were thrown into the air, and fell like raindrops under the influence of gravity, intertwined with the dust surrounding them, forming a chaotic gray world.

"Boom boom boom boom boom——"

Along with the deafening explosion, the ground of the entire invisible empire seemed to be torn apart, and countless gravel and dust were thrown into the air with huge energy, forming a chaotic doomsday scene.

The dark blue destructive energy surged out like a tsunami. Wherever it passed, whether it was a solid building or a tenacious warrior, they all seemed so small and fragile in front of this force.

The ground of the entire invisible empire seemed to be suddenly awakened by a sleeping giant, and the violent vibrations made everyone unable to stand firm.

The dark blue energy spurting out from that huge crack is like the scythe of death, ruthlessly harvesting all life.

Those Quincy and God of Destruction who were unfortunate enough to be affected by it turned into nothingness the moment they came into contact with this energy, leaving not even a trace behind.

Hasward, who was at the center of the explosion, felt unprecedented pain and despair.

He tried his best to hold the Scape Shield tightly in his hands, trying to use his last willpower to resist this destructive force.

But he seemed so fragile in front of this dark blue energy.

Fine cracks began to appear on the surface of the shield, and these cracks spread quickly like spider webs until they covered the entire shield.

Hasward could feel the power passing through the cracks, eroding his protection bit by bit. Every shock made him feel as if his heart was being torn apart.

However, Hasward did not give up.

He took a deep breath and concentrated all the power in his body on his arms, trying to use his last willpower to strengthen the shield and resist the destructive force.

His eyes were bloodshot with anger and unwillingness, and his muscles were tense with tension, as if he was trying to unleash all his potential. But even so, he couldn't stop the torrent of power.

Finally, with a deafening cracking sound, the Scape Shield completely collapsed and turned into countless fragments scattered around. Without the protection of the shield, Hasward was instantly exposed to the direct impact of that force.

He felt an unprecedented pain shooting through his body, as if there were countless knives piercing his flesh and blood.

Esdeath felt it, but didn't feel Hasward's energy or spiritual pressure.

Obviously he was gone, and Esdeath only had a little more scratches on his body, which was the damage finally reflected back by the Scape Shield, but for Esdeath, it was naturally insignificant.

The entire invisible empire was almost turned upside down by Esdeath's flash of the God of Destruction, and Yhwach was also awakened from his deep sleep.

Even if he wanted to ignore it, he couldn't.

Yhwach, the supreme emperor of the Invisible Empire, has been sleeping on the throne for a long time. His consciousness seems to be free from time and space, and he can observe the subtle changes of all things in the world.

However, this time his slumber was interrupted by an unprecedented crisis - the invasion of the God of Destruction. A future picture that he had neither foreseen nor included in his calculations, like dark clouds covering the sun, made the ruler feel unprecedentedly uneasy. with urgency.

"That's right, Hasward also failed."

Yhwach's voice was low and full of majesty. He slowly opened his eyes, with complex emotions flashing in those deep eyes.

Hasward, his most trusted right-hand man, was unable to prevent the spread of this disaster. This was undoubtedly a huge challenge to his strength and resourcefulness.

"God's Forgiveness Guards..."

Yhwach muttered lightly, and these four words struck his heart like a heavy hammer. As an elite force carefully cultivated by him, the Divine Guards are not only an extension of his power, but also the executors of his will.

However, at this moment they are in an unprecedented dilemma, and every member is facing a life and death test.

Lijie Barro, the captain of the Divine Guards, was naturally powerful, but he fell instantly in the duel with Esdeath. This scene cast a shadow on Yhwach's heart.

He knew well that Esdeath's power was far beyond that of ordinary people, but Lijie's defeat still surprised him and made him resentful.

On the other side, the battle between Gerald Valkyrie and Kenpachi Zaraki is in full swing.

Gerald's body had swelled to a hundred meters in height, and his body almost towering over the sky stood like a giant tower on the battlefield, complementing Kenpachi's wildness, making the space tremble with every collision.

However, this battle seems to have reached a stalemate, and neither side can achieve a decisive victory in a short period of time. This stalemate is undoubtedly an unacceptable thing for Youhabach. After all, Gerrard is not only powerful, he Or the heart of the Spirit King.

Yaskin Nakruval, who possesses the ability of "lethal dose", should have been the god of death on the battlefield, but he encountered an unprecedented setback when facing the Black Void.

Although his poison is not completely ineffective against the Black Void, it is difficult to cause fatal damage, which puts Yaskin in a difficult battle.

And Penida Pacaja was surrounded by a group of destruction gods such as Bylergan and could not escape. Bylergan's corruption ability was too restrained for him, and those nerves were basically corrupted by Bylergan.

Bylergan finally ushered in his highlight moment and solved a God's Pardon Guard alone.

"A bunch of trash."

Yohabach was furious, but he knew that now was not the time to blame. He must quickly recover his strength to deal with the upcoming crisis.

So he took a deep breath and began to mobilize the dormant spirit power in his body.

With the guidance of Youhabach's will, countless spirits gathered from all directions, and they rushed into his body like iron filings attracted by a magnet.

This power was so great that even the lives of thousands of Quincies fighting on the battlefield were taken away. Their strength and souls turned into nutrients for Yhwach's revival.

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