Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 817: Soul King Yhwach

Esdeath closed her eyes and relied on her keen perception to capture the weak fluctuations of a space node amidst the chaotic and complex fluctuations of spirit particles.

That's where the gateway to the Spirit King's Palace is.

When Esdeath finally captured the space node leading to the Soul King's Palace, the spiritual pressure in her body boiled instantly, as if thousands of rivers converged into a sea, surging.

The icy blue spiritual pressure was like the coldest wind in winter, sweeping across the entire battlefield in an instant, freezing everything around it.


With a deafening roar, the icy blue spiritual pressure in Esdeath's body suddenly exploded, like the coldest wind in winter, instantly sweeping across the entire Soul Society sky.

This sudden change shocked everyone. The originally peaceful night sky was occupied by a dazzling icy blue, as if a second star was born at this moment, lighting up the entire world.

This spiritual pressure is powerful enough to shake the world and make the entire Soul Society tremble. The ground continued to vibrate under the action of the shock wave, as if even the earth was protesting against the ravages of this force.

However, for Esdeath, this is only the beginning of her power. She stared closely at the location of the space node and detonated the spiritual pressure that had been condensed to the extreme in one breath.

At that moment, the entire space seemed to be torn apart, and the closed space nodes exploded violently the moment they came into contact with this terrifying spiritual pressure.

The space barrier shattered like fragile glass, turning into countless tiny fragments and scattering in all directions. The spiritual pressure pillar generated by the explosion shot straight into the sky, penetrated the layers of space barriers, and pointed directly at the different space where the Soul King's Palace was located.

The seals and obstacles encountered along the way were so vulnerable to this force that they were penetrated and destroyed one after another.

Esdeath did not hesitate at all, and while the space was not yet completely stable, she jumped into the alien space that was still vibrating violently.

When she passed through the radiant portal, an unprecedented shock came over her.

The sight she saw was far beyond her imagination - the Soul King's Palace, the most mysterious and sublime place in the world of Death, was floating quietly in the air at this moment.

The solemnity of Omotesando, the prosperity of the palace district, the tranquility of Reiban Riden, and the solemnity of Osato Nai Honden where the Soul King is buried, together form a fascinating picture.

The moment he stepped into the Spirit King's Palace, Esdeath immediately felt the rich spirit spirit breath in the air.

These souls seemed to have life, hovering and dancing around her, forming brilliant strips of light.

However, the concentration of spiritual particles in the God's World is higher than here, so there is nothing uncomfortable about Esdeath.

Esdeath took a glance and found that Yhwach had actually eliminated those members of Team Zero and rushed straight to the Soul King's Palace.

"very good."

Esdeath was also worried that he was attacking the Soul King Palace too fast and that Yhwach would not have time to deal with the Zero Division.

I didn't expect Yhwach to be so powerful. It may be that the pressure she put on Yhwach was too strong.

However, it may also be related to the fact that Ichibei, the commander of the army, had his power taken away by Luther and has not yet recovered.

Then, at this moment, an unprecedented force surged out like a furious wave, soaring straight into the sky. Its power was enough to shake the foundation of the entire soul world.

The source of this power was none other than Yhwach, who was once known as the "King of Quincies". After experiencing countless failures and rebirths, he finally touched the taboo boundary and successfully removed the soul. Take the king's power as your own.

Esdeath's eyes lit up and he ignored the Zero Squadron lying dead on the ground. He shuttled through the cracks in space like ghosts and stepped straight into the Soul King's Hall, which was said to contain the secrets of the world.

In the main hall, the light was dim and the air seemed to be frozen. Only the figure of Yhwach shone in the darkness, becoming the center of everything.

Yhwach's body is wrapped in waves of deep darkness. These darkness are not simple colors, but contain the source of power of destruction and rebirth.

They were like greedy beasts, devouring everything around them crazily, but in an instant they turned into the surging power in Yhwach's body.

His body was covered with an unknown black substance, as if night had fallen, covering him with a black shirt symbolizing absolute dominance.

The black mist shrouded, and every ray contained enough energy to change the color of the world. And his eyes, which were originally full of strange aura, were replaced by countless tiny eyes. Each pair of eyes seemed to be an independent person. The universe peeks into the secrets of everything in the world.

With the awakening of Yhwach's power, the entire Soul King's main hall seemed unable to withstand the impact of this power and began to tremble violently.

Those solid stone pillars forged by ancient power burst apart amidst Yhwach's wild laughter, letting out shrill wails, and eventually turned into piles of ruins, scattered on the ground.

The dome of the main hall also collapsed, revealing the chaotic sky outside, which seemed to herald the end of the old world and the beginning of a new era.


Yhwach's laughter echoed throughout the space, full of triumph and madness.

He felt the power of the Spiritual King flowing in his body. It was a power that surpassed all his previous knowledge. It was powerful enough to allow him to subvert all rules and reshape the world order.

He knew that he was no longer limited to the category of human beings or Quincy, but a supreme existence that transcended life and death and transcended boundaries.

However, the awakening of this power also brought unprecedented disasters.

This change quickly spread to the entire soul world - Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the real world.

These three originally independent but interdependent worlds began to experience unprecedented turmoil because of the disappearance of the wedge of the Soul King.

The collapse of high-rise buildings is no longer just the collapse of buildings, but the disintegration of the entire world structure, the distortion of space, and the confusion of time. The edges of the three worlds began to blur and even collide, as if the universe was undergoing a violent reorganization.

In this chaos, there are infinite possibilities hidden. If the essence of the world can find balance again in this chaos, then a new world will be born, a more stable and harmonious world.

But at the same time, there are huge risks. Once a new balance point cannot be found, everything will return to nothingness, all life, memory, and civilization will disappear, and return to the endless darkness.

"Yes, it seems that you have become much stronger now."

Esdeath looked at Youhabach and said.

Upon hearing this, Yhwach curled up his lips into a sneer. He looked at Esdeath as if she were an ant.

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