Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 818: Frog in the Well

"Esdeath, you can't understand my pursuit. Everything I do is to create a more perfect world, a world that only belongs to me."

His words were full of confidence and arrogance.

"And you are just one of the remnants of this world that is about to be eliminated."

Then, Yhwach stood on top of the broken palace, surrounded by ominous black mist, and every eyeball on his head shone with a complicated light, showing both shock and unwillingness.

His words revealed awe of the unknown and a deep understanding of Esdeath's unimaginable power.

"That's it! All the mysteries are finally revealed at this moment!"

Yohabach's voice echoed in the empty and broken ruins of the Soul King's inner palace. His tall and tall figure was like an unshakable black tower. His whole body was wrapped in thick darkness. Those inlaid on his head were shining with ghostly light. The "eyes" of light were as deep as stars, looking at Esdeath with an almost obsessed look.

These "eyes" are not only an extension of vision, but also a symbol of his omniscience and omnipotence. However, when facing Esdeath, he felt powerless and confused for the first time.

"No wonder, my proud omniscience and omnipotence are like nothing in front of you. It turns out that you have already crossed the boundaries of mortals and stepped into the legendary realm of gods."

There was both reluctance and relief in Yhwach's words. His voice was low and magnetic, with an indescribable sense of vicissitudes of life.

It took him a thousand years and countless hardships to finally reach the mysterious threshold with the help of the Spirit King. However, Esdeath seemed to stand there easily, which made him have to re-examine himself. pursuit and existence.

Although Yhwach claims to be omniscient and omnipotent, he is only in the world of the God of Death, so he cannot understand some of Esdeath's qualities.

"Youhabach, your pursuit and your arrogance originate from ignorance, but it is just a dream in a narrow world. Your so-called omniscience and omnipotence are just the fantasy of the frog at the bottom of the well. And I have already transcended these constraints and seen Truly infinite.”

Esdeath said pitifully that Yhwach could only see the world of Death, but Esdeath, who had been to the main god space, had seen all the worlds and infinite universes, and knew how high the sky was.

As Esdeath's words fell, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, and even time stood still. Her spiritual pressure continued to rise, and the icy blue light became more and more dazzling, like the rising sun in winter, both beautiful and dangerous.

"Omniscient and omnipotent? That's just the arrogance of a frog in a well."

Esdeath smiled contemptuously.

With a slight wave of Esdeath's arm, the tip of the sword pointed accurately at Yhwach. At this moment, the entire space of the Spirit King Palace seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and began to tremble violently.

There was an overwhelming sense of tension in the air, and even the void itself seemed to be making way for the sword that was about to reveal its true power.

"Let me tell you what real power is!"


As Esdeath gently waved his sword, fine ice crystals suddenly condensed in the air. They circled and danced like living creatures, and finally converged into an unstoppable ice-blue torrent, heading straight for Yhwach.

This power transcends the boundaries of physics and is the ultimate secret released by Esdeath after her profound understanding of the Law of Ice - "Absolute Zero Time and Space Splitting".

It not only cuts space, but also leaves cracks in the gaps of time that are difficult to heal, as if even the flow of time has stopped at this moment.

Yhwach possesses the power of "omniscience and omnipotence" that can rewrite destiny and control the future. After devouring the Soul King, he became a torrent of the Soul King's power. Faced with this sudden attack, he did not show the slightest panic.

The power of the Spiritual King surged up like a torrent of black material, trying to resist this devastating blow.

However, Esdeath's power is too powerful, and even the defense of the Soul King's power seems to be crumbling in front of this power.

"Boom!" With a deafening loud noise, Yhwach's Spiritual King's power shattered like fragile glass. His huge body was hit by the sword energy, and he instantly lost his balance, like a fallen leaf blown up by the strong wind. Mercilessly thrown towards the barrier of another space.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and everyone could feel the terrifying power that could shake the world and tear apart the void.

As Yhwach's figure broke through the space barrier, the endless void seemed to open its deep maw, swallowing everything up.

And Yhwach, like a star falling into the mortal world, finally fell into a desert in the Soul Society with unwillingness and anger.

Above the desert, the sky is filled with yellow sand and dust is flying. Yhwach's figure is gradually revealed in the smoke and dust. Although the black robe is torn, his majesty of dominating the world has not diminished at all.

He slowly stood up and patted the non-existent dust, the black and white eyes on his face twinkling.

Yhwach was surprised that Esdeath's power was indeed beyond his imagination, but this did not make him feel fear or despair. Instead, it inspired the desire and fanaticism for conquest deep in his heart.

"Sure enough, you are more powerful than I imagined."

His voice was low and powerful, echoing over the desert, with a hint of imperceptible approval and admiration.

"But because of this, you are one of the last obstacles to my conquest of the world."

Yhuhabach continued, his tone full of determination and expectation.

In his opinion, a strong opponent is the best proof of his strength and the source of motivation that drives him forward.

"As long as I defeat you, no one can stop me. Whether it is the guardian of the Soul King Palace or the powerful people in the Soul Society, they will all surrender to me, and the whole world will be bathed in my glory."

Yhuhabach's words are full of infinite vision and ambition for the future, but he also knows in his heart that to achieve this goal, he must overcome countless difficulties and obstacles, and Esdeath is the biggest obstacle he must overcome at present.

"What about the God King?"

Esdeath's voice suddenly appeared.

Yhuhabach's eyes instantly stared at her figure.

"God King, hum, after dealing with you, I will go to him in person."

Yhuhabach slowly raised his hand with the power of the Soul King. He had already devoured the Soul King's right hand and most of the Soul King's torso. With a flick of his fingertips, an indescribable wave suddenly surged in the air.

As his thoughts gathered, the spirit particles between heaven and earth seemed to be pulled by invisible ropes, gathering into huge arrows shining with dark light.

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