Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 828: Frieza's Weakness

Just as Frieza was in a state of embarrassment and trying to stabilize his body, General Zod's figure appeared behind him like a ghost.

Without giving Frieza any chance to breathe, General Zod took a deep breath and then suddenly blew out an extremely cold breath - freezing breath, also known as super breath.

Its coldness was almost close to absolute zero in the universe. It is not just a sudden drop in temperature, but also a terrifying force that can erode the essence of matter and freeze the flow of time.

The sharp weapon of Steppenwolf, which had made countless planets tremble, also seemed so pale and powerless in front of this cold air. It instantly lost its original luster and became fragile, as if it was just a piece of thin ice in winter, which could break at any time.

Frieza, as a leader of the frozen demon clan, should have an extraordinary resistance to cold.

However, the power of this freezing breath far exceeded his imagination.

Most of his body was covered by the cold air without warning. A layer of crystal clear ice spread out as if time had stopped, tightly binding him, as if he was imprisoned in an eternal ice prison.

Under the ice, a trace of astonishment and unwillingness flashed in Frieza's pupils, but soon, this emotion was suppressed by his strong willpower.

After all, Frieza is a member of the frozen demon clan and has a natural resistance to ice.

Even this coldness close to absolute zero only made him feel a little uncomfortable, far from being fatal.

Easily broke the shackles of the ice layer and regained his freedom.

At this moment, Frieza raised his hand to release the attack. It was a terrifying energy wave that was enough to destroy the planet, with the will to destroy everything, rushing straight towards General Zod.

Facing this sudden death energy, General Zod also showed his adaptability and extraordinary strength as a top warrior.

The black armor on his body seemed to come alive at this moment, merging with his body to form an indestructible defense barrier.

At the same time, his powerful biological force field was also running wildly, decomposing and transforming the energy wave that was enough to destroy the planet layer by layer, trying to turn it into invisible.

However, even such a powerful defense seemed to be shaky under the impact of this force, and the energy flow on the surface of the armor reached an astonishing speed, as if it would collapse at any time.


A deafening roar shook the entire universe.

General Zod was hit by this force, and his figure was like a fallen leaf blown up by the wind, and was thrown far away. The black armor on his body was dim at this moment, and the biological force field seemed a little disordered, obviously under great pressure.

The energy of the whole body armor has been overloaded, reaching an astonishing 500%, and a large amount of energy that has not been transformed has to be urgently discharged into the surrounding environment, causing a spectacular scene of the collapse of the sky and the earth.

General Zod's consciousness was not blurred by this sudden heavy blow. On the contrary, his brain was running at high speed like a supercomputer, and he conducted a meticulous review of the battle just now.

He used the super-fast analytical ability of his super brain to quickly review the battle process and came to several key conclusions: First, the effect of freezing breath on Frieza was not significant, and it could even be said to be negligible; second, Frieza's energy attack was extremely terrible, and once he had the opportunity to use his full strength, the consequences would be disastrous; finally, he noticed that although Frieza had strong physical strength, he was quite unfamiliar with close combat skills, which might be his only weakness.

So, General Zod quickly adjusted his combat strategy. He decided to give up those long-range attack methods that were ineffective against Frieza, and instead use his extraordinary speed, keen insight and superb close combat skills to start a close combat.

With a flash of General Zod's figure, he appeared on Frieza's flank like a ghost, and a thrilling close combat began.

Every punch and kick of General Zod contained a thousand pounds of power, but was extremely accurate, as if he could see through every move of Frieza, predict and respond in advance.

His fist wind contained the special energy of the biological force field, which could penetrate Frieza's Qi protection and directly act on his body, causing incalculable damage.

Frieza had to retreat again and again, unable to resist.

This was the effect of the biological force field, which was very powerful for both attack and defense. Even with the protection of Qi, Frieza was still beaten all over.

Frieza was used to bullying weaklings. He had great power but did not have much combat experience at the same level. Facing a soldier like General Zod who had experienced many battles, he was naturally no match.


Frieza's astonishment was hard to conceal.

He had never thought that someone could suppress him so easily in close combat. However, as a strong man in the universe, Frieza would not give up easily.

He roared, and his muscles swelled instantly. His body shape changed dramatically, jumping from the second form to the more powerful third form.

Although this form made him look uglier, the subsequent increase in strength was obvious.

"Now that I've unloaded the burden, my body feels much more relaxed."

Frieza's voice was deep and powerful, and every word hit people's hearts like a heavy hammer. His aura became stronger and stronger, as if even the space was distorted by it.

With his powerful aura, General Zod was pushed back several steps.

General Zod had a blank expression on his face and launched another attack.

This time, Frieza seemed to be prepared, and his speed miraculously caught up with General Zod.

As the fists crossed, the air waves rolled, and the whole earth seemed to tremble under the impact of this force.

The sky was dyed purple and black by their battle, and the light of the stars was also dimmed under the suppression of this force.

General Zod's bio-force field and Frieza's air protection constantly collided, producing dazzling light and deafening roars.

Frieza stretched out his finger, intending to poke through General Zod's armor and torture him.

But he underestimated the magic of the bio-force field, and General Zod had been exposed to the sunlight of Terra for a hundred years, and had evolved to a very strong level.

So his poke almost poked his finger off.


Frieza couldn't believe it.

General Zod took this opportunity to launch a fierce attack, a series of heavy punches rained down on Frieza's face, knocking him back again and again.

Finally, Frieza was hit hard and flew thousands of meters away, falling heavily to the ground. Smoke and dust rose up, and the entire ground shook.

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