Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 829 Final Form

However, Frieza did not give up.

He struggled to get up from the ground, his eyes flashing with a more crazy fighting spirit.

However, this was not the end.

At this moment, the sky seemed to be shrouded by an invisible shadow, and General Zod's figure was like a ghost, quietly shuttling between the light and shadow, and finally fixed behind Frieza's arrogant back.

His movements were swift and precise, like the last leap of a cheetah before hunting, without a trace of extra sound, only the slight fluctuations in the air revealed his whereabouts.

General Zod knew that facing a powerful enemy like Frieza, the emperor of the universe, any rash action could be fatal.

With a perfect posture that was almost like a sculpture, he suddenly appeared behind Frieza, and his hands were like iron pliers given power by the gods, tightly grasping Frieza's seemingly indestructible neck.

At this moment, time seemed to have really solidified, and the originally noisy battlefield around became unusually quiet, and even the wind stopped blowing, leaving only the life-and-death contest between the two that seemed to tear the space apart.

In General Zod's eyes, there was no fear, no hesitation, only the desire for victory.

He knew in his heart that facing a cosmic overlord like Frieza, conventional fighting methods were tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg.

Therefore, he made a bold and decisive decision - directly attacking Frieza's vital points, ending this protracted war in the most direct and violent way.

"You... can't... beat me..."

Frieza's voice became hoarse and intermittent due to suffocation, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

He never thought that he would face defeat in this way, and he could not accept that he would actually lose to a warrior from a low-level planet.

This humiliation and unwillingness burned in his heart like a raging fire, stimulating the stronger power hidden in his body.

General Zod felt the terrifying power brewing in Frieza's body, but he did not retreat at all. He took a deep breath, and at this moment, the muscles of his whole body seemed to be injected with infinite power, tense to the extreme.

An unprecedented powerful energy surged in his body, as if to break through the restraints of his body and release the power of destruction.

With a deafening roar, General Zod began to twist Frieza's neck. His movements were swift and powerful, and every bit of strength condensed his persistence in victory and hatred for the enemy.

Frieza's body was twisted and deformed under the power of General Zod, making bursts of harsh bone friction sounds. Those mutant shells and limbs that once made him proud, in the face of this irresistible force, were broken and scattered like fragile porcelain.

More importantly, because of the coverage of the biological force field, Frieza couldn't use Qi to break free.

However, at the moment when General Zod was about to win, Frieza suddenly burst out with an amazing force. This force was so strong that even the space trembled.

Frieza directly transformed into the final form, which was a terrifying existence that surpassed all his previous forms.

With a deafening roar, Frieza's body seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force, and the heavy shell fell off piece by piece like peeling snake skin, revealing his more hideous and more powerful true body.

His body became more slender and powerful, his skin showed a deep purple, and mysterious lines that seemed to contain the power of stars flowed on it.

This transformation brought not only changes in appearance, but also a qualitative leap in strength. Frieza was surrounded by a powerful air wave, which was the result of the surging energy in his body that could not be suppressed.

This air wave was like a violent storm. Wherever it passed, the stars trembled and the space was distorted. Even the stars in the distance seemed to feel the threat of this power, and the light became a little dim.

General Zod was shocked and retreated repeatedly, and was instantly repelled a thousand meters away.

At this time, Frieza was like a demon returning from hell, exuding a terrifying breath that made people's hearts palpitate. He slowly turned around, staring at General Zod in the distance with a torch-like gaze, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You should feel honored to be the first person to see my true form."

Frieza's voice was low and full of magnetism, and every word seemed to come from the abyss, with unquestionable majesty.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was a kind of indifference to life and absolute confidence in strength.

"You are indeed worthy of my serious attention for allowing me to use this form."

Frieza continued, revealing an indescribable excitement and expectation in his tone.

As Frieza's words fell, the entire battlefield seemed to freeze in time.

All eyes were focused between him and General Zod, waiting for the decisive blow.

Suddenly, Frieza slowly stretched out a finger, and the seemingly ordinary action contained the power to destroy the world.

A dazzling beam of light condensed at his fingertips, which was the purest and most powerful power in his body, enough to tear space and destroy stars.

"Next, I will let you see what hell looks like."

Frieza's voice echoed on the battlefield, with unquestionable determination. The beam of light was like an arrow shot from a bow, cutting through the sky at a speed faster than the speed of sound and heading straight for General Zod.

This beam of light was not only incredibly fast, but also contained terrifying energy that was enough to destroy the entire galaxy. It cut through the darkness, illuminating everything around it, and also illuminating General Zod's resolute face.

Seeing this, General Zod's eyes flashed with a trace of determination and indomitable spirit.

He knew that he could not avoid this fatal blow, and could only confront it head-on.

So he mobilized all the strength in his body, gathered it between his eyes, and then shot out a hot line of sight.

The two forces met in the air, instantly causing an earth-shattering explosion.

It was not just a collision of energy, but also a fierce confrontation between two souls and two beliefs.

The shock wave generated by the explosion spread around at an astonishing speed. Wherever it passed, the stars shattered and the nebula dissipated, as if the entire universe was trembling at this moment.

The light and flames intertwined into a chaos, submerging everything around.

On the edge of destruction and rebirth, the figures of Frieza and General Zod were looming.

But this was just an attack for Frieza, so he continued to shoot the death ray.

Only this time it was a double death beam, much faster than the normal death beam, and it was fired with two fingers.

General Zod was unable to dodge and was hit.

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