Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 833: Frieza's Defeat

Frieza was stretched to the limit in the face of the attacks of General Zod and Fiora. He was unable to defend himself and only cared about his head and not his buttocks.

The beginning of the battle was like the collision of stars, releasing dazzling light and deafening roar. Frieza, the overlord who once dominated the universe, now looked extremely embarrassed.

The tacit cooperation between General Zod and Fiora almost reached the point of telepathy. Every attack was accurate, as if calculated by the most sophisticated computer in the universe, whether it was power, speed or angle, it was impeccable.

Their movements were smooth and swift, like two lightning bolts shuttling across the battlefield, forcing Frieza to retreat step by step.

Frieza's roar echoed in the universe. He was angry at his powerlessness, and was unwilling to be defeated by two guys like this.

However, anger could not change the status quo. The super speed and ability of the Kryptonian made it almost impossible for him to escape this deadly pursuit.

He tried to fight back with energy attacks, but those energy waves that were once powerful enough to destroy the planet seemed so pale and powerless in front of the almost impeccable defense of General Zod and Fiora.

If it was General Zod and his group, then Frieza's first form would have killed them.

Unfortunately, after a hundred years of yellow sunlight, Superman could become a god. Even if General Zod and his group could not become gods, they had evolved to the strength of "super Kryptonians".

Even if they were not as good as Hale, the super Kryptonian, a group of evolved "new super Kryptonians" would have no problem dealing with Frieza.

Luther even saw the future of General Zod and his group.

In about two hundred years, super Kryptonians will have to take two divergent paths.

One is to be like Blue Superman, with the body pure energy, becoming a quantum life form.

The reason why Superman became Blue Superman later is because he has energy different from ordinary superheroes in his body. When the energy is accumulated too high, he begins to lose control.

The new superstar Terra provides more and stronger energy, and the transformation of General Zod and his men is inevitable.

Another evolutionary route is cell nuclear fusion, where cells evolve one by one and eventually become miniature stars or miniature nuclear fusion reactors.

Anyway, no matter which evolutionary route you take, it is the kind with unlimited prospects.

Not long after, Frieza, who was not as tough as the Kryptonians, was quickly defeated.

"Damn it! Am I really going to die here?"

A sense of unwillingness and despair surged in Frieza's heart.

He recalled his former glory, the planets that were easily destroyed by him, and the lives that trembled at his feet, which were now going to become the background of his end of life.

But at this moment, a crazy idea flashed through his mind-since there is no escape, let everyone be buried together!

So, Frieza made a crazy decision.

He gathered energy and prepared to release the explosive bomb that was enough to destroy the planet.

This explosive bomb was his last trump card and his last madness.

He knew that once the explosion occurred, not only would the Earth be wiped out, but he, General Zod, and Fiora would all be wiped out in the explosion.

"Come on, let us perish together in destruction!"

His voice echoed in the universe, with an indescribable sense of tragedy and determination.

As the words fell, Frieza slowly raised his hands, and in his palms, streams of dark purple energy surged like a tide, gradually converging into a dazzling ball of light.

This ball of light was not only a sign of death, but also the embodiment of Frieza's despair and anger in his heart. It exuded a terrifying breath that made people's heart palpitate, as if even time and space were trembling.

General Zod and Fiora, two powerful warriors from Krypton, witnessed all this, and they couldn't help but feel an unprecedented sense of crisis in their hearts.

Their super brains completed the analysis of this energy in an instant, and the conclusion they came to was chilling-this was indeed a bomb that was enough to destroy the planet, and Frieza was obviously ready to perish with him.

"We must stop him!"

General Zod and Fiora looked at each other, and there was no need to say more. They had reached a tacit understanding. They burst out at an astonishing speed in an instant, like two lightnings that cut through the night sky, heading straight for Frieza.

However, Frieza seemed to have anticipated their actions. He sneered, and the light ball held in his hands suddenly burst into a dazzling light, which was a sign that the explosive bomb was about to explode.

"You are late!"

Frieza's voice was particularly harsh in the explosion, and he detonated the explosive bomb in his hand without hesitation. A destructive energy wave spread out from him to the surroundings, instantly forcing General Zod and Fiora back.

This energy wave was so strong that it was enough to make the stars tremble and distort time and space, but Frieza's madness did not stop there.

Almost at the same time, another planetary explosive bomb in his other hand flew out of his hand, like the sickle of the god of death, cutting through the sky and heading straight for the earth.

The bomb expanded rapidly in the air, and its size was so large that it almost covered half of the sky. The Kryptonians on Earth were all panicked, but they did not give up resistance.

"Oh no, the enemy used a planet-destroying weapon!"

The Kryptonians reacted quickly. The scientific Kryptonians used super speed and bio-force fields to pack up and take away all valuable things, while the military Kryptonians flew into the sky and released thermal vision to offset the huge planet-destroying bomb.


At this moment, General Zod's roar broke through the sky.

He couldn't accept that his people were about to suffer a catastrophe, and he couldn't tolerate anyone hurting his compatriots, even at the cost of his life.

He took a deep breath and gathered all his strength on his right hand. At this moment, the hand seemed to be wrapped in golden red flames, and the light was bright enough to illuminate the entire universe.


The entire universe seemed to be shaken. When General Zod's fist touched Frieza's body, a force that was enough to shake the stars broke out.

Frieza's body was instantly pierced, blood and flesh splattered, and the million-degree high temperature comparable to the core of the sun began to vaporize his body, emitting bursts of piercing hissing sounds.


Frieza's throat and trachea were filled with his own blood. He widened his eyes and looked unbelievable.

He never thought that he, the emperor of the universe, would be defeated by an alien.

However, the facts are before him, and his ambition and his power seem so pale and powerless at this moment.

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