Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 834 Packing up Frieza's army

The millions of degrees of heat on his fist, comparable to the core temperature of the sun, was vaporizing Frieza's body.

Frieza was struggling painfully under this unprecedented high temperature. His skin began to melt, his muscles gradually carbonized, and finally turned into dots of light and dissipated into nothingness, leaving only a desperate wail that echoed in the universe, but was soon swallowed by the endless void.

After General Zod completed the achievement of killing Frieza, he relaxed.

He exited the solar flare mode. After experiencing the baptism of ultra-high temperature, the edges of his armor curled slightly, revealing a tragic beauty.

As he slowly exited this mode, every inch of his skin seemed to be burned by the flames, the pain was unbearable, and the large area of ​​necrosis of cells made it almost impossible for him to stand.

This was the side effect of overload. Fiora quickly lifted the solar flare mode. She had not been in this state for long. Although many cells died, she was still able to move.

Her actions were swift and decisive.

After confirming that General Zod's vital signs were still there, she immediately started the emergency evacuation procedure.

Although the solar flare mode gave them unprecedented power, the risks behind this power were equally huge. She carefully carried General Zod on her back and shuttled between the stars.

The planetary blasts dropped by Frieza before had been blocked by several Kryptonians with their own bodies.

The bodies of Kryptonians are very strong and can withstand explosions without any problems.

Not to mention that they are all century-old veterans, so even the terrible energy explosions of planetary blasts can be withstood by them.

The scientific research Kryptonians acted quickly to save General Zod.

The scientific research Kryptonians acted quickly and used advanced medical equipment to conduct a comprehensive examination of General Zod. The data jumping on the screen and the flashing indicator lights all tell the serious condition of the cells in General Zod's body.

The chief scientist in the scientific research team, a Kryptonian with super brain power, quickly analyzed General Zod's condition and concluded that large-scale necrosis of cells is not irreversible, but the key lies in how to quickly and effectively repair these damaged cells while balancing the excess energy in the body.

However, hope has not been extinguished. Thanks to the technology of the Frieza Corps absorbed not long ago, the Kryptonian civilization finally has the key to reverse this situation - the treatment cabin.

"Fortunately, we have obtained the technology of the Frieza Corps."

If it was before, they could only freeze General Zod and then place him in the "treatment room" of the yellow sun spectrum. It might take up to a year or even longer for General Zod to slowly recover.

But now, the Kryptonian civilization, which has absorbed the technology of the Frieza Corps, has obtained the treatment cabin technology of the Frieza Corps.

The treatment cabin of the Frieza Corps is one of the high-tech that the Dragon Ball Warriors used to turn the tables in the early stage. Even if it is not as outrageous as the Senzu Bean, it is better that it can be mass-produced and popularized.

The super brain of the scientific research-type Kryptonians has been specialized. They digested the knowledge and technology of the Frieza Corps at a speed far exceeding any computer.

They not only successfully copied the core technology of the treatment cabin, but also made bold innovations and improvements on this basis, making it more suitable for the physiological structure of Kryptonians and greatly improving efficiency.

After all, Superman's super brain can quickly learn the knowledge of 52 galaxy civilizations, let alone these scientific research Kryptonians?

General Zod was put into the treatment cabin, and the special treatment fluid quickly filled the entire spherical cabin. The auxiliary robots inside will help repair the injuries.

In the treatment cabin, the special treatment fluid is like a warm ocean, gently wrapping General Zod's body.

These liquids contain complex biochemical components that can penetrate into the cell level and promote the regeneration and repair of damaged tissues.

At the same time, the auxiliary robots in the cabin began to work. They used sophisticated instruments and procedures to conduct a full range of scans and repairs on General Zod's body to ensure that every damaged cell can be treated in time.

As time went on, General Zod's face gradually regained its color, and his breathing became steady and powerful.

Fiora and others also received such treatment.

Luther did not let them wait too long, otherwise, they would be in trouble if they came into contact with the Earth Warriors.

As for Frieza, he was not dead. Luther packed all his particles and could completely reassemble them. Then he let Frieza attack DC and Marvel, which was a waste utilization.

And in order to restore the authenticity, all the people in Frieza's army were packed by Luther.

Things like particle reorganization are as simple as building blocks for children for Luther.

"You did a good job, Kryptonians, and completed the task of cleaning up excellently."

Luther appeared in front of the Kryptonians.

"Mr. Inspector!"

The Kryptonians hurriedly said respectfully under the leadership of the century-old veteran.

"Let's go, I'll send you back."

Luther waved his hand, and the next moment, the world turned upside down, and the Kryptonians found themselves back in the Terra Galaxy.

The warm and powerful light of the Terra Galaxy made all the Kryptonians feel comfortable.

This is their environment. In such an environment, Kryptonians basically don't need to worry about injuries. Breathing can restore blood and mana.

Luther didn't give them any rewards. They have obtained the technology of Frieza's army. What rewards do they need?

But the next time, they will probably invade Marvel's Earth, just as a show.

As for why all Earths are the same, it's simple. The universe is so big, and there are hundreds of millions of star systems in the Milky Way. It is normal for planets with the same name or even similar situations to appear.

Anyway, they can't find the existence of Kal-El on that Earth.

At that time, they will naturally believe it.

The Kryptonians didn't think they should be rewarded. After all, it was agreed that the Galaxy Supervisor would find them life planets and let them settle down. The price was that they had to become cleaners in the Galaxy.

Help the Galaxy Supervisor deal with the garbage that he was too lazy to deal with personally.

When General Zod and his group died, maybe the new generation of Kryptonians would think about resisting or asking for rewards. Now, they don't have such ideas.

After all, the fear of the Galaxy Supervisor is deeply rooted.

After General Zod came out of the treatment cabin, he found that they had returned to the Terra Galaxy.

"It's only been a day?"

General Zod thought he would lie down for a year.

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