Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 835: Post-war review: the devil is in the details

General Zod stood in front of the viewing window of the command ship, staring at the gradually dimming battlefield ruins in the distance, with mixed feelings in his heart.

This conflict with Frieza's army is not only a test of the Kryptonian military strength, but also an extreme challenge to their strategic wisdom and teamwork ability.

Although he had made full preparations before the war, he still couldn't hide his uneasiness and anxiety in the face of an unknown powerful enemy.

After all, even he, the commander, was seriously injured and almost had to sleep to recover, so what about others?

"Report to the general, the casualty statistics have been completed."

An adjutant in a silver uniform came forward, with a hint of imperceptible ease in his voice. General Zod turned around, glanced sharply at the report in the adjutant's hand, and secretly prayed for the best result in his heart.

"Tell me, what's the situation?"

"As you can see, since our soldiers are all century-old veterans who have been strictly selected, and they are wearing the latest black armor, their built-in bio-field enhancers and advanced defense systems have played an unexpected role and successfully resisted most of the fatal attacks. Therefore, none of our super Kryptonian soldiers have died."

The adjutant's words revealed a bit of pride, which is not only an affirmation of the strength of the soldiers, but also a trust in the technological power of Krypton.

General Zod finally relaxed his tense facial lines after hearing this, and his mouth corners slightly raised, but then frowned again.

"So, what about the injuries?"

"The injuries are mainly concentrated in several key positions. They suffered varying degrees of injuries when resisting the direct impact of the planetary blasting bomb. Fortunately, our medical team responded quickly and used the advanced technology of the treatment cabin to stabilize their life status. According to preliminary assessments, although it takes a long time to recover, there is no danger to life."

The adjutant reported in detail and handed over a detailed list of the wounded and treatment plans.

General Zod took the list, browsed through it one by one, and silently confirmed the situation in his heart.

Very good, since the evolution began, the lives of Kryptonians have become more and more tenacious.

Kryptonian civilization will surely become stronger, even beyond the past!

"Very good, arrange the best medical resources immediately to ensure that they receive the best care."

After General Zod gave the order, he turned his attention to the post-war review. He knew that learning lessons from every battle was the key to improving the overall strength of Kryptonian civilization.

In the spacious combat conference room, the huge holographic screen slowly lit up, showing the battlefield situation captured by the multi-camera camera of the Kryptonian armor.

Each frame clearly recorded the combat style, tactical layout and characteristics of the weapons and equipment of the Frieza Corps. General Zod and a group of scientific research Kryptonians sat in front of the screen, concentrating on analyzing every detail.

"Look here, although the individual strength of the soldiers of the Frieza Corps is uneven, their ability to work together cannot be underestimated."

A scientific research Kryptonian pointed to a battle scene on the screen and said.

"However, this coordination seems to rely more on a certain mandatory command system rather than real tacit understanding and trust."

"Indeed, this command system seems efficient, but it is actually fragile."

Another scientific Kryptonian added.

"Once the command system is disturbed or destroyed, the combat effectiveness of the entire legion will be greatly reduced. On the other hand, our unity and tacit understanding are deep-rooted, which cannot be easily destroyed by any external force."

As the discussion deepened, the artificial intelligence system of Krypton civilization also began to play a role.

It quickly integrated the data information uploaded by all the armors and constructed a highly realistic virtual battlefield model.

In this model, General Zod and his team can freely shuttle between battlefields, observe every detail of Frieza's army up close, and even simulate different tactical response plans.

"Surprisingly, we have discovered hundreds of new alien life forms, all of which belong to Frieza's army."

A scientific Kryptonian excitedly pointed out.

"The differences between these life forms are so great that it is almost certain that they come from hundreds of different civilizations. This chaotic personnel structure may be the root cause of the unstable combat effectiveness of Frieza's army."

"Their soldiers come from hundreds of different civilizations. This diversified combination should bring strong combat effectiveness, but in fact, the coordination and tacit understanding between them are like a pile of loose sand."

The scientific Kryptonians surrounded the virtual model, their eyes flashing with excitement.

These scientists, who are usually immersed in endless data and theories, seem to have discovered a new world at this moment.

They carefully analyzed the characteristics of each alien life form, from physiological structure to cultural habits, and did not miss any details.

They found that although the number of soldiers in Frieza's army was large, they acted independently and lacked a unified tactical concept and command system. This deformed army structure undoubtedly greatly weakened their overall combat effectiveness.

"What's more surprising is that the individual strength of these soldiers is uneven. Some are strong enough to compete with our elite fighters, while others have not even mastered the most basic combat skills."

A young researcher said excitedly.

"This is not only a problem of combat effectiveness, but also a huge waste of resource management and talent training."

"Moreover, from these data we can also see that the leader of the Frieza Corps, Frieza, has a personal strength far beyond that of other members, almost reaching an unattainable height."

Another scientific Kryptonian added.

"This deformed legion structure makes the entire legion heavily dependent on the strength of the leader. Once the leader is defeated or loses control, the entire legion will quickly collapse."

General Zod listened to the analysis of the scientific Kryptonians and gradually formed a clearer understanding of the Frieza Corps in his mind.

He realized that although the Frieza Corps showed great strength in some aspects, its inherent structural defects were fatal.

"This deformed legion structure may be deliberately created by Frieza in order to maintain his absolute rule."

A senior researcher put forward his own views.

"He ensured his absolute authority in the legion by controlling resource allocation and suppressing potential threats. And those recruited soldiers are just tools for him to realize his ambitions."

Krypton scientists acted quickly and conducted a detailed analysis and classification of these newly discovered alien life forms.

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