Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 836: Battle

The unique features of each life form are recorded one by one, and their physiological structure, cultural customs, technological level and even social structure have become valuable research materials for Kryptonian civilization.

These materials not only enrich the Kryptonians' understanding of the universe, but also provide valuable references for their future interstellar exploration and civilization exchanges.

Because of Luther, Kryptonian civilization now feels that exploration and communication between interstellar civilizations are necessary.

It is impossible to invade mindlessly as before, and they are not sure whether the Galactic Supervisor will allow them to do so.

Seeing that General Zod and his men were actually reviewing and studying the Frieza Corps, Luther felt that it was unexpected but reasonable.

It can only be said that doing so is worthy of the background setting of Kryptonian civilization as an interstellar civilization.

Any interstellar civilization must attach the most importance to various intelligence and details.

Even Kryptonian civilization recovered and collected the bodies of most of the Frieza Corps, and then studied these bodies, analyzed them, and established a database model so that they would know how to deal with them in the future.

These things will be remembered by every Kryptonian with their super brains. In the future, they will know each other's weaknesses as soon as they meet and kill them with one blow.

Luther returned to his loyal Galactic Empire.

This time he brought back a lot of new species of super Kryptonians.

Of course, they are all particle recombinants copied by Luther one-to-one.

This also includes General Zod, Fiora and others.

Today, Luther is no longer worried about the leakage of Kryptonian genes. Regarding the safety of Kryptonian genes, Luther has quantum-locked Kryptonian genes.

Once these genes leave a specific environment or carrier, they will immediately trigger particle annihilation and quantum erasure mechanisms to ensure that genetic information cannot be stolen or abused.

Fundamentally solve the problem that genes may be leaked and used.

Thousands of super Kryptonians form a new race of the Galactic Empire, and form new species with Boros's one-eyed aliens, the golden humans from Saitama, and various monsters in the world of One Punch Man.

The Galactic Empire continued to develop after Luther left, and with its strong strength, no civilization in the Milky Way could fight against them.

After all, most of the cosmic civilizations in the Marvel world have very weak individual combat capabilities. Many superheroes on Earth can become overlords in the universe. The Kree Empire even relied on this technology to transform super soldiers to overthrow its creator, the Skrulls.

Most of the monsters in the Galactic Empire are powerful life forms that can kill many superheroes on Earth, which naturally makes the Galactic Empire invincible and unstoppable.

During the time when Luther left, the Galactic Empire did not stagnate, but continued to grow and develop at an astonishing speed.

The empire has made great progress in science, culture, military and other aspects, making other civilizations in the entire galaxy far behind.

The strength of the Galactic Empire is not only reflected in its huge military strength, but also in its open and inclusive civilization concept, as well as its continuous exploration and conquest of the unknown world.

However, as the territory of the Galactic Empire continues to expand, friction and conflict with surrounding civilizations are inevitable.

Recently, the Shi'ar Empire, an equally powerful and long-standing empire, has become a new opponent of the Galactic Empire.

The Shi'ar Empire has a vast territory and its strength cannot be underestimated. The conflict between the two is imminent.

But fortunately, the Galactic Empire has a powerful guardian, No. 18.

When Dou Jian personally led the elite troops of the Shi'ar Empire to provoke, No. 18 easily resolved the crisis by himself, forced Dou Jian and his troops to retreat, and demonstrated the inviolable majesty of the Galactic Empire.

After learning the news, Luther was full of curiosity.

He used the time and quantum he mastered to explore the truth and impact behind the conflict.

He was surrounded by a light network woven by complex algorithms. Each light filament represented a tiny fluctuation on the timeline. They intertwined and collided to form a vivid and accurate historical picture.

His eyes were deep, as if he could penetrate layers of fog and see directly into the deepest secrets of the universe.

In his quantum information vision, time and space seemed to have lost their boundaries, and he could clearly see the interweaving and collision of the past, present and future.

The movements of the Time Administration and Conqueror Kang could not escape Luther's eyes.

Although they tried to control everything behind the scenes, their actions were transparent in front of Luther.

However, Luther was not interested in looking for the Time Administration and Conqueror Kang. They were useless to Luther now.

It's a pity to throw away what is useless.

Then Luther saw everything that happened at that time.

Dou Jian, as the last guardian of the Shi'ar Empire, his existence itself is a legend.

His purple skin glowed with a metallic luster in the sun, and his red and blue battle robe was not only a symbol of his identity, but also the source of his power.

His cloak fluttered on the battlefield like a flame, and every swing was accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, showing his extraordinary momentum. And his eyes that seemed to see through everything made countless opponents fearful before the confrontation.

"I am Dou Jian, the captain of the Shi'ar Empire Guard."

His voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to come directly from his chest, with unquestionable majesty.

His words showed both contempt for his opponent and absolute confidence in his own strength.

In Dou Jian's view, this battle was just another opportunity for him to prove the inviolability of the Shi'ar Empire, and he was the hero who could turn the tide with his own strength.

"Today, I will challenge your entire Galactic Empire with my own strength."

There was no arrogance or contempt in his words, but the confidence and strength that emanated from his bones were enough to make anyone feel his invincibility.

Such a declaration was undoubtedly extremely arrogant to the strong men of the Galactic Empire, but when they really fought with Dou Jian, they deeply realized the strength behind that confidence.

Dou Jian's strength is one of the best in the entire universe, which is proved by countless battles!

He has the top super power in the universe, and can easily lift mountains and even shake the stars; his speed exceeds the speed of light, and can cross interstellar distances in an instant, leaving the enemy no time to react; his endurance is even more amazing, even in the face of endless battles and torture, he can stand firm and never give up.

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