Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 842 The God King is about to die!

At this moment, Dou Jian saw a person who looked very similar to himself.

However, the situation of Sword Fighting Karak is special. He did not become so powerful because of his racial talent.

Karak was born on the planet Strontia hundreds of years ago. It is said that he comes from a noble bloodline, but his family has never appeared. He was raised by the Elders of Strontia.

The Elder Council of Strontia trained Karak and a group of young people in order to participate in the selection of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. Planets under the rule of the Shi'ar Empire must select their strongest warriors to join the Shi'ar Empire. The Imperial Guard of the Empire.

Karak and nine other companions who completed training conducted genetic enhancement experiments and participated in the selection of the Imperial Guard on behalf of Strontia.

Swordfighting's abilities come from his race's unique physiology and are genetically enhanced by his race's modifications, but most of his abilities are psionically based.

The title of the sword-fighting (gladiator) Kalak is actually the same as the accuser of Ronan the Cree. They are official positions in the army, not personal titles.

For five hundred years, Dujian has been the leader of the Imperial Guard, serving the Emperor of the Shi'ar Empire. He assisted many emperors of the Shi'ar Empire.

Unlike Karak, the broom-head, this new sword-fighting clan member is the kelp-head.

"Karak, I didn't expect that you are really one of my tribe."

Kelp looked at Karak and said.

"Are you a clone of the Galactic Empire?"

Karak looked at Kelp's head, whose face was exactly the same as his own except for the hairstyle. Even with his microscopic vision, he could see that the other person's cell structure was the same as his own.

This allowed Karak to immediately know the identity of Kelp Head, who was probably his own clone.

"I don't know what you're talking about, my name is Kal-El."

Kelp shook his head. He had complete memories, how could he be a clone?

Galvatron has already arranged all his identities. Even if Hai Tie leads the investigation, he will only investigate scenes that match his memory.

"You were deceived."

Doujian looked at Haitai and said, he was very sure that the other party was his clone. The technology of the Galaxy Empire was really terrifying, and he copied another of himself so quickly.

It simply subverts the imagination of sword fighting. You must know that the Shi'ar Empire also wants to do this. It's not that sword fighting doesn't want to, but that they can't do it.

Even if Dou Jian cooperates with their research, they will fail in the end.

Dou Jian always thought that he was a unique existence, but now after seeing the seaweed head in front of him, he knew that the Galactic Empire was more terrifying than he imagined.

Just a copy of himself would be able to sweep across the Shi'ar Empire.

Of course, the Shi'ar Empire must be prepared for sword fighting and betrayal, but I don't know if the countermeasures they prepared can handle it.

Theory and practice are very different.

"Surrender, Karak, you are our tribe. The Galactic Empire welcomes any race to join. There is no need to stay in the Shi'ar Empire, because the Shi'ar Empire is destined to be annexed by our Galactic Empire!"

The head of seaweed continued.

Dou Jian shook his head.

"There's no way I'm going to surrender."

He spoke.

Kelp nodded and said nothing further.

It was a pity for him that his people were so stubborn.

So Kelp Head left.

Luther copied the Dou Jian and added it as a new race to the family of the Galactic Empire.

At the same time, something big happened in Asgard.

God King Odin dies!

Before his death, God-King Odin brought Thor back.

Since Thor, the God of Thunder, tamed the Goat of Destruction, he has often flown around on the Goat of Destruction. Of course, the place he most often goes to is the Earth, because there is always the danger of Saiyan invasion on the Earth.

The Saiyans are the most enjoyable enemies Thor has fought in all these years.

It was so good that he was pressed to the floor and rubbed.

But not anymore.

Because Thor, the God of Thunder, was severely beaten by Vegeta and the others, he awakened his power of Thunder God in advance and took full control of it.

During this time, he was also constantly getting stronger.


Thor, God of Thunder, doesn't understand why God King Odin wants to find him back. He is still looking for traces of the Saiyans.

"Thor, I'm dying."

God King Odin's first words left Thor, God of Thunder, in disbelief.

"Impossible, Father."

Thor, the God of Thunder, quickly retorted.

"You are so strong, how could it be possible..."

God King Odin stopped Thor, God of Thunder, from continuing.

"I want to tell you something, you actually have a sister."

God King Odin said to Thor.


Thor looked confused.

"I have a sister? This is impossible. How come I have never heard of it, including when I was a child. I never heard you and my mother say that I have a sister."

"There's a reason for that, Thor."

God King Odin shook his head.

"In the pioneering period, what is needed is an iron-blooded ruler."

"Your sister, Hela, was once the vanguard of the nine realms, the executioner of Asgard, and the master of Thor's hammer."

God King Odin said calmly.

Thor was stunned for a moment and glanced at the ax in his hand.

Fortunately, Mjolnir has integrated with his "Thunder Ax".

"After conquering the Nine Realms, I wanted to rule the country with kindness, but Hela's ambition expanded rapidly and I couldn't control it at all."

"She challenged me and wanted to defeat and kill me and take the throne."

Odin narrated calmly. Thor couldn't believe that he had such a sister, bloody and cruel, who could even kill his own father.

"In the end, I sent the Valkyrie Legion to conquer Hela, but Hela was completely destroyed. But Hela was eventually deprived of her divine power and sealed in Midgard."

Odin continued.


Thor immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Now, I can't do it anymore. I can't continue to support Hela's seal. After I die, she will break the seal. At that time, she will definitely come back to Asgard. Thor, you are the only one who can hope to stop her. Now, you are more powerful than me."

Odin looked at Thor and said finally.


Thor didn't believe that he was stronger than Odin, but his father's imminent departure also made him very painful.

"That's impossible. I will find a way to keep you alive!"

Thor refused to believe it and planned to ask Stark for help. Maybe Stark has a way?

"Thor, listen to me. The most important thing now is your sister's matter. Don't let her hurt Asgard."

Odin grabbed Thor's hand and was almost freed by Thor.

He became much stronger!

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