Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 843 Thor's Growth

"We must not let Hela return to Asgard."

This sentence hit Thor's heart like a heavy hammer. It was Odin's last words before his death and also the biggest test for him.

Hela, the goddess of death who had been imprisoned for a thousand years, once returned, it would not only mean that Asgard would fall into endless darkness and destruction, but also indicate that the entire Nine Realms would face an unprecedented crisis.

And the mysterious bond between Hela and Asgard made her almost invincible in her homeland, which made Thor feel unprecedented pressure and responsibility.

Odin was relieved that Thor's strength had increased again, mainly because he didn't know that Thor would be knocked away by his own Destroyer Sheep every day.

Whenever the first ray of sunlight in the morning penetrated the clouds, Thor would be knocked away by the irresistible power of the Destroyer Sheep, and sometimes even trampled by war, making him grow up in pain and struggle.


Thor's sudden howling broke the silence in the palace.

He knelt in front of Odin, his tears blurred his vision, but he couldn't hide his deep attachment and worry for his father.

Odin looked at his son in front of him, with a trace of relief and reluctance in his eyes.

He reached out his hand, gently patted Thor's shoulder, and said in a voice that had experienced vicissitudes but was still warm: "Child, I can still hold on for a while. You have to be strong, Asgard needs you."

Odin's words were both a comfort to Thor and a helplessness for his impending departure.

He knew that his time as the father of the gods was running out, but he believed that Thor could take over the burden in his hands and continue to lead Asgard to light.

"I'll go find the queen mother now!"

Thor broke free from Odin's hand this time.

Odin looked at Thor's leaving figure and closed his heavy eyelids with relief.

His body began to dissipate at this moment, turning into countless golden stars, dissipating in the land and sky of Asgard.

"Queen mother!"

When Thor found Frigga, this wise and gentle queen was standing on the terrace of the palace, gazing into the distance.

Her face was full of sadness and reluctance, but more of it was determination and resoluteness.

Thor's arrival broke the tranquility. He eagerly reported Odin's situation to his mother, but before he finished speaking, Frigga had already sensed Odin's departure. The sudden sadness made her almost unable to control herself.


Frigga's voice trembled. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if trying to calm her inner emotions.

"Mother, my father suddenly said that he was about to die, but there was still a while."

Thor wanted to say something, but Frigga had already rushed out, and Thor hurried to follow.

However, when they returned to Odin's palace again, they found that there was no one there, leaving only silence and emptiness.

Thor was stunned. He couldn't believe that the powerful figure who had been supporting him had left quietly.

"Where is my father?"

Thor's voice trembled, and he tried to get a little comfort or explanation from Frigga.

But Frigga just stared into the distance silently, her eyes full of worry and determination for the future.

"... He has left, but his spirit will always be with us. Now, we must move on, for Asgard and for Odin's last wish."

At this moment, Thor seemed to understand something.

He was no longer a warrior who only knew how to fight, but a leader who shouldered the fate and hope of Asgard.

He didn't even have time to be sad, because his father had left and Hela had probably broken the seal.

He had to go to Earth immediately!

Before leaving, Thor found Heimdall.

"You must not open the Rainbow Bridge."

Thor said to Heimdall.

"Yes, my king."

Heimdall's title also changed, which made Thor almost at a loss.

"... I am not the king of Asgard yet, let's talk about it after I come back."

He almost escaped from reality and raised Thor's axe, summoned the Rainbow Bridge, and sent himself to Midgard.

Odin had told him everything he should have said, so Thor knew where Hela was sealed.

And he didn't need to go looking for her because he had already felt Hela's power of death.

That was a very dangerous power. Odin said that when facing Hela, one must exert one's own power to the maximum extent, otherwise one might be eroded by Hela's power of death.

At the same time, the Illuminati also discovered Thor's arrival.

"It's Thor's Rainbow Bridge. Why didn't that kid come to Earth without saying a word?"

After receiving the report from Super Jarvis, Stark put on his latest battle suit.

To be on the safe side, he thought about it and started a secret program.

It's not that he doesn't trust Thor, but Stark likes to be prepared.

After all, Thor came to Earth without saying hello, and it was hard for Stark not to think too much.

Thor rode on his own Destroyer Sheep.

"Destroyer Sheep, go!"

At Thor's command, the Destroyer Sheep seemed to feel Thor's inner anger and started without saying a word.


Thor flew by himself, and although his speed was also very fast, it was not as fast as the Destroyer Sheep.

After all, he was transformed from the Destroyer armor, passing through layers of clouds and mist, and rushing towards the vortex of fate.

Every step of the Destroyer Sheep was accompanied by a thunderous roar, as if even the heaven and earth were shaking. Its speed was so fast that it had surpassed the limit of all flying objects in the mortal world, approaching sub-light speed, leaving space and time behind.

Hela, the former goddess of death in Asgard, broke free from the thousand-year seal, carrying a pressure and flame of revenge that should not be underestimated.

She was wearing a dark green tight combat suit, inlaid with black runes symbolizing death, and her eye makeup was as deep as the night. It was not the dark circles caused by fatigue, but the deliberate black eyeshadow, which added a bit of mystery and coldness to her.

When she slowly walked out of the vortex, the breath of death surrounded her body, as if even the air was solidified.

Her eyes were like torches, and she instantly locked onto Thor who came from afar. In those eyes, there were both memories of the past and dissatisfaction and provocation with the current situation.

"Where's Odin?"

Hela's voice was deep and magnetic, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth, with unquestionable power.

Her question was simple and direct, but it was like a sharp dagger, piercing the softest part of Thor's heart.

Thor took a deep breath and tried to calm the waves in his heart.

"Sister, father has left."

There was a bit of heaviness and helplessness in his voice, and his eyes showed both nostalgia for his father and complex emotions about Hela's current situation.

He still had a fantasy deep in his heart, hoping that Hela would wake up during the long years of being sealed, but the reality did not seem to be as he wished.

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