Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 907: The real demon, chop down the demon statue of the heretic!

Vergil quickly adjusted his posture, and the Yama Sword in his hand burst into dazzling blue light, which was a sign that his power had been concentrated to the extreme. With a crisp sound of the knife, Vergil unleashed his signature skill - Dimensional Slash.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and all eyes were focused on the almost transparent crack. The cracks expanded at an alarming speed, and wherever they passed, the space was easily torn apart like fragile glass, releasing a heart-stopping power of destruction.

However, in the face of this dimensional slash that could shake the world, the heretic demon showed tenacity beyond imagination.

There was only a shallow mark on its huge body, like an inadvertent scratch on an ancient stone tablet. As a whole, it was only a negligible damage.

At this scene, even with Virgil's calmness, he couldn't help frowning and thinking secretly in his heart.

"What kind of monster is this..."

Virgil murmured to himself. He knew the power of Dimensional Slash. It was not only a physical cut, but also a direct application of the laws of space, which could touch the foundation of material existence.

But the heretic demon in front of him seemed to have a defense power beyond common sense, which forced him to re-examine this battle.

However, now the Heretic Golem has not been torn apart as Virgil expected.

The heretic demon seemed to have some kind of strange resistance. It only had a layer of skin cut off, just like a human being had a few strands of hair cut off. For its huge body, it was almost negligible.

After all, the Heretic Golem is the body of the Ten-Tails, a monster that can fly freely in space. If the damage in space can be so easily effective, the Ten-Tails will not be able to come here.

"Nagato, stop! You can't abuse the power of the Heretic Golem like this! It will drain your life force!"

Black Zetsu's voice was full of anxiety and warning, but Nagato turned a deaf ear to Black Zetsu's cries.

Black Zetsu was extremely anxious on the sidelines. He knew very well the importance of the Heretic Golem to his master, Otsutsuki Kaguya's resurrection plan.

Once the heretic golem is seriously damaged, it will not only affect the smooth progress of the resurrection ceremony, but may also trigger a series of unpredictable consequences.

It called to Nagato urgently, trying to stop him from continuing to use the Heretic Golem to carry out meaningless attacks.

"Shut up, Black Zetsu!"

Nagato continued to let the heretic golems attack.

As if sensing Nagato's will, the heretic demon once again let out a deafening roar, and the protrusions on its back began to rotate crazily, releasing more violent lightning attacks.

These thunder and lightning are like angry giant dragons, flying through the air wantonly. Each one is enough to flatten the mountain to the ground, let alone just one person.

Virgil's body danced in the cracks of thunder and lightning, and every dodge was accurate to the millisecond. His movements were smooth and elegant, like dancing, but full of fatal danger.

His eyes flashed with calmness and determination, which was the desire for the upcoming battle and respect for the unknown challenge.

The Yan Demon Sword seemed to come alive in his hands. As the blue light flashed, even the air froze, releasing a heart-stopping chill.

"Since conventional means cannot touch your core, then let me use this power from the abyss to witness your end."

Virgil thought silently in his heart, and as he concentrated his will, the magic power in his body surged out like a flood, wrapping his entire body in it.

This power comes from his ultimate pursuit of strength and his desire for self-transcendence. It transcends the scope of ninjutsu and is truly the power of the devil.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Virgil's body began to undergo startling changes.

His muscles swelled, and dark scales appeared under his skin. These scales shone with a deep light under the reflection of deep blue magic, as if each one contained endless darkness and power.

Behind him, two pairs of broad dragon wings suddenly unfolded. They were not only tools for flying, but also symbols of strength.

Two long blue fire knives made of pure magic power were condensed on the elbows.

These two long knives are not only extremely sharp, but also contain the ability to cut space. With just one stroke, they can tear apart the enemy and the space they are in.

He waved the long knife gently, and the subtle sounds of space shattering suddenly sounded in the air. That was a feat that only a strong man who truly mastered the power of dimensions could accomplish.

The pitch-black tail was as flexible as a living creature, and the pointed cone at the end shone with cold light, as if it could penetrate any obstacle.

The most eye-catching thing is the change in Virgil's head. Two hollow horns grew out of the center of his forehead. These horns were burning with blazing blue flames, which were a direct manifestation of the power of the devil.

His face also became more ferocious, and his eyes were burning with immortal fighting spirit and madness, which was the endless desire and love for fighting.

With Vergil's true demon form fully revealed, the entire battlefield seemed to be enveloped by an unprecedented power, and the air was filled with an aura of depression and shock.

The originally deafening roar of the Heretic Golem seemed to be much weaker at this moment. Although its thunder and lightning attack was still fierce, it seemed somewhat powerless in the face of Vergil's blue magic power as deep as the sea.

Virgil was suspended above the head of the heretic demon, and the dark blue magic power surrounding him was as thick as substance, and every strand contained the power to destroy the world.

The Yama Blade seemed to come alive in his hands, and the blue light on the blade echoed with the surrounding magic power, forming a heart-pounding picture.

"Now, let me show you what real power is!"

Uchiha Obito, Nagato, and the Black Zetsu hiding in the dark were all shocked by the scene before their eyes. They had never seen such a strange creature, and they had never imagined that someone would challenge the Outer Path Demon Statue in such a posture.

Their hearts were full of doubts and fear, but more of awe for the unknown power.

"What is that?"

Obito muttered to himself, his Sharingan spinning rapidly, trying to capture and analyze every move of Virgil, but even he could not fully see through Virgil in the form of a true demon.

Virgil rushed forward suddenly, so fast that he almost exceeded the limit of time, and instantly came to the front of the Outer Path Demon Statue. The blue fire long sword cut through the air, making a piercing scream, and went straight to the core of the demon statue.

Although the Outer Path Demon Statue is powerful, it seems so fragile in front of Virgil's terrifying power.

Two blue flame swords were swung out, instantly cutting two bottomless wounds on the golem's hard skin. Blue magic power poured into it like a torrent, causing a violent collision with the chakra in the golem's body.

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