Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 908: Epic Enhancement of Nagato

The roar of the heretic demon echoed on the empty battlefield. It was a kind of despair and anger originating from the ancient abyss. Its huge body trembled with severe pain, and every inch of its skin seemed to be burning with flames. It's an unprecedented blow.

Vergil, the warrior known for his ruthlessness, left a crack on the solid surface of the outer demon statue that almost split it into four with just one blow, and blood spurted out like a fountain, dyeing it red. It shook the surrounding air and shocked everyone present.

Hei Jue, as a conspirator hiding in the dark, also showed unprecedented panic at this moment.

He knew the importance of the Heretic Golem. It was an indispensable part of their plan, but now it suffered such a heavy blow, which not only affected the progress of the plan, but also may lead to a series of unpredictable consequences.

He called to Nagato eagerly, his voice filled with unquestionable urgency: "Nagato! We must take action!"

At this moment, Nagato was suffering the backlash caused by the injury of the heretic demon. His vitality seemed to be pulled away by invisible ropes. His body was getting thinner, but his eyes were shining with unyielding light.

He snorted coldly and responded to Hei Jue's call, already making a decision in his heart. He knew that the Heretic Golem's own recovery ability alone could no longer cope with the crisis at hand, and he must personally intervene to reverse the situation.

"Bai Jue, it's time."

There was a hint of determination in Black Zetsu's voice, and he made a bold suggestion to Nagato - to possess White Zetsu.

This proposal is undoubtedly full of risks, but it is also the most direct and effective way.

Bai Zetsu has strong vitality and recovery ability, and is the source of power that Nagato needs most at this moment.

Nagato did not hesitate for too long, he was well aware of the urgency of time.

He recalled the heretic demon, and the huge body slowly landed under his control, but even so, Nagato could feel the weakness and uneasiness coming from its body.

He stared at Black Zetsu and nodded in agreement.

White Zetsu, this creature with changeable forms and tenacious vitality, seemed to sense the call and quickly climbed up Nagato's body.

Xiaonan was extremely anxious on the sidelines. She knew very well the consequences of White Zetsu's possession, which meant that Nagato's life and death would no longer be completely under her control.

Once Nagato loses himself, he will completely become Black Zetsu's puppet.

But at this moment, there was nothing she could do but pray and trust.

Nagato's body gradually merged with Bai Zetsu's, which was a strange and terrifying process. Bai Zetsu's body seemed to be in a liquid state, intertwined with Nagato's flesh and blood, making a sizzling sound, accompanied by bursts of green smoke.

It was a chemical reaction produced when two completely different life forms were forcibly fused, and it was also the rebirth of Nagato's vitality.

"Ah, you guy, you actually took my body openly..."

Bai Jue's voice seemed a little blurry during the fusion process, but the unwillingness and anger were clearly audible.

However, Nagato was not easily controlled as Black Zetsu expected.

Relying on the unique power of the Samsara Eye, he quickly built a solid barrier, locking Bai Jue's consciousness in an unreachable corner and suppressing it under his own will.

It was a silent battle, but the result was obvious - Nagato became the dominant one.

This kind of control is not only physical, but also mental. Nagato seems to have become the master of two lives at this moment.

After all, Nagato was also wary of and wary of them.

Of course, Bai Jue must be controlled immediately.

At the same time, he increased his use of the ability of the Samsara Eye, gradually digesting and absorbing the external power.

He seemed to be performing a silent practice. Every breath was accompanied by an increase in strength, and every heartbeat was a challenge to the limits of life.

As the fusion deepened, Nagato could clearly feel the subtle changes taking place in his body.

Bai Jue's nearly infinite vitality was like sweet rain and dew, nourishing his body that had been depleted by long-term battles and exhaustion.

The scars left by the detonating talisman were healing at an astonishing speed, and the power surging under his skin seemed to be reshaping him into a brand new existence.

His complexion gradually returned to rosy, and his eyes became deeper and more powerful.

He heard Bai Zetsu's complaints, but Nagato didn't care. He felt an unprecedented power filling his body.

"Is this... what it feels like to be reborn?"

Nagato muttered to himself.

He stood up and clenched his fists, feeling the strength and hope brought by this reborn body.

"Nagato, can stand up!"

There was incredible surprise in Xiaonan's voice.

"Are you really okay?"

Xiaonan couldn't help but ask again, her voice full of concern and worry.

Nagato smiled slightly, with both relief and determination in his smile.

"Don't worry, Xiaonan. I am stronger than ever before. Bai Jue's power will become my weapon to protect the world and achieve peace."

"From now on, Bai Jue belongs to me, and I am very satisfied with this body."

Nagato said to Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu.

Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu seemed relatively calm.

To them, Bai Zetsu's disappearance was just a blip in the plan.

Obito asked directly: "Whatever you want, but what about Vergil? Our plan cannot be delayed." His words revealed his persistence and determination towards his goal.

However, at this moment, Nagato's expression suddenly became complicated.

He lowered his head to examine his body, with a flash of surprise and confusion in his eyes.

"Hey, my body..."

He muttered to himself, and then seemed to have discovered something incredible.

"This is my body!"

The head of White Zetsu shouted, but Nagato naturally ignored him.

He carefully felt this sudden power and consciousness, and found that White Zetsu's vitality was not a simple supplement, but more like a catalyst, stimulating the infinite possibilities hidden in his body.

The vigorous vitality spread quickly to Nagato's limbs like wildfire, and completely awakened his body that was exhausted due to overuse of his abilities.

Chakra surged in his body, as if it was about to break through the torrent of restraints.

Nagato took a deep breath and tried to refine this huge power, but was surprised to find that his refining speed was several times faster than before.

"This kind of cell..."

Nagato used the special ability of the Samsara Eye to temporarily suppress White Zetsu's consciousness, and took this opportunity to deeply explore the mysteries in White Zetsu's body.

He found that behind White Zetsu's seemingly simple vitality, there was a very special cell structure hidden. This kind of cell can not only quickly repair damage, but also stimulate amazing potential under certain conditions.

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