Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 913 Virgil: Another fruit?

"Loyalty?" Virgil sneered, "In this world, so-called loyalty is just a plaything in the hands of the strong. What I am more interested in is the real purpose behind you and the real connection between the Samsara Eye and this world. ”

Hei Jue couldn't help but panic when he heard this. He realized that he might have touched the bottom line of Virgil, a man whose wisdom and strength were far beyond his imagination.

But at this point, he could only bite the bullet and continue to make up: "Lord Virgil, you are right, but there are some things that even I cannot fully know. The power of the Samsara Eye may have a lot to do with the nature of this world. Inextricably linked, and all of this needs to be explored by yourself.”

Virgil stared at Hei Jue, his deep eyes seemed to be able to see into people's hearts.

He slowly walked to the edge of the statue between Senju Hashirama, then stepped into the air, approaching Hei Zetsu step by step. Every step was accompanied by an invisible pressure, which made Hei Zetsu feel suffocated.

"Hei Ze, your lies are beautiful, but to me, they are meaningless. Now, tell me, where is your real value?"

Facing Virgil's questioning, Hei Jue felt more desperate than ever. He knew that he had reached the end of his rope.

But at this moment, an idea suddenly flashed through his mind - perhaps, he could use Virgil's desire for power in exchange for a glimmer of hope.

"Master Virgil, I know a secret, a secret about the deepest and most powerful power in the ninja world. If you are willing to let me go, I am willing to tell you this secret."

Virgil stopped and a playful smile appeared on his lips.

"Oh? What secret can make you feel that it is enough to exchange for your life?"

Hei Ze suppressed the fear in his heart and said slowly: "About the secret of the Otsutsuki clan, this secret is enough to change the pattern of the entire world, and even make you a being that transcends everything."

Black Zetsu took a deep breath and tried to make his voice sound smooth and seductive: "Sir Virgil, the Otsutsuki clan is a mysterious group that existed in this world in ancient times. They possess unimaginable power and wisdom. They are the true descendants of gods. According to legend, they travel between planets in search of some kind of 'god tree fruit', and our world is just one of their many testing grounds."

"Over the long years, the Otsutsuki clan had conflicts with the aboriginal people of this world, which eventually led to their defeat. But they did not give up completely, but left behind many back-ups, the most critical of which was The 'Reincarnation Eye' that can give people endless power, and the real source of the Reincarnation Eye is the legendary sacred tree, which absorbs the power of countless lives and finally bears fruits that contain the purest energy in the universe. "

When Hei Jue said this, he deliberately paused and observed Virgil's reaction. I saw a strange light shining in Virgil's eyes, and he was obviously very interested in this topic.

"However, this is just the beginning."

Black Zetsu continued.

"Before leaving, the Otsutsuki clan also laid out a huge plan, aiming to use the power of this world to reopen the passage to their home planet. The Eye of the Moon plan is part of this plan. By resurrecting Uchi Haubara, and used his power to release the Infinite Tsukuyomi, shrouding the entire world in a dream, thereby collecting the chakra of all life to provide nutrients for the sacred tree to grow again."

Virgil looked strange when he heard this.

There is no way, the sense of déjà vu is too strong.

Isn't this what he did by eating the fruit of the Demon Realm Tree, the Inverse Kabala?

But now if Vergil wants to eat it again, he has to exchange the fruit from the Lord God.

After hearing that there were similar things in this world, Virgil became very interested.

He doesn't think that he can only gain power from the Lord God. These worlds may be able to make his power stronger!

The playful smile on Virgil's lips gradually faded, replaced by a deep thought.

He stared at Black Zetsu, as if through the other person's words, he saw the distant and mysterious past, as well as the unparalleled glory of the Otsutsuki clan.

"You said that the Otsutsuki clan traveled between the stars in search of the 'sacred tree fruit'?"

Virgil's voice was deep and magnetic.

"And this world is just one of their many testing grounds?"

Black Jue nodded, a cunning light flashing in his eyes.

"Yes, Lord Virgil. The ambitions of the Otsutsuki clan go beyond that. They desire to master the most powerful power in the universe and use it to conquer everything. And the 'God Tree Fruit' is the source of their power."

"Very well, Black Zetsu. I have seen your sincerity."

Virgil looked at Black Zetsu and said.

"However, you have to understand that even if you tell me this secret, I can't guarantee that I will let you go. Because in this world, there is no absolute trust."

Hei Jue's heart trembled, but he knew that this was the best result he could achieve.

"I understand, Lord Virgil. I just ask that you give me a chance to prove my worth. After all, in this world, only the living can create more possibilities."

Virgil smiled slightly, and that smile contained both recognition of Black Zetsu and expectations for the future.

"Okay, Black Zetsu. I'll give you a chance. But remember, your life is in my hands now. If you dare to betray me, you will bear the consequences."

After saying that, Virgil turned and left, leaving Black Zetsu standing alone, feeling mixed emotions.

He knew that although he had saved his life temporarily, the road ahead would be even more difficult.

"However, with the help of Virgil, it should be solved faster. After my mother is resurrected, Virgil will never be my mother's opponent!"

Black Zetsu began to think positively.

Not to mention, Virgil is so strong that he can implement the plan to capture the tailed beast.

Looking at Virgil, he seems to be very interested in the fruit of the sacred tree.

When the time comes, he will deceive Virgil with this reason and let him fight for the fruit of the sacred tree!

Virgil doesn't care whether Black Zetsu will betray him or not. He is not the kind of person who will easily hand over his trust.

Anyway, if Black Zetsu betrays him, just kill it. Virgil doesn't think Black Zetsu can make any waves.

Virgil felt something was watching him, and it was obviously sent by Black Zetsu.

White Zetsu followed Virgil carefully, and it wanted to ensure Virgil's whereabouts.

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