Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 914: Trends

Virgil seemed unusually indifferent to Bai Jue's ubiquitous surveillance.

In his opinion, this is just a weak peek at the strong by the weak, unable to touch the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

And he has also mastered the method of finding Black Zetsu, but it is just a matter of time.

However, having a reliable contact would undoubtedly make his operations more efficient and more secretive.

When Hei Zetsu returned to the Akatsuki organization base with a dusty aura, there was a subtle tension in the air.

Uchiha Obito had a hint of imperceptible disappointment in his eyes.

He originally hoped that Black Zetsu's "accident" would allow him to control the entire process of the Eye of the Moon project alone, but the reality did not go as he wished.

However, as a far-sighted mastermind, he quickly adjusted his mentality and turned to pay attention to the intelligence brought back by Hei Jue.

"Hei Ze, you are back."

Hei Jue smiled slightly, and there seemed to be countless secrets and calculations hidden in that smile.

"Yes, I'm back, Madara-sama."

Nagato also seemed quite concerned at this moment.

"Where's Virgil?"

He asked eagerly, his eyes flashing with curiosity and vigilance towards the unknown strong man.

Hei Jue shook his head slightly, with a hint of unnoticeable pride in his tone.

"He left, but I have successfully persuaded him to join our plan. However, Vergil has his own principles, and he made it clear that he will not directly participate in the capture of the tailed beasts."

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Obito and Nagato both looked surprised.

They knew that Vergil's strength was unfathomable, and if they could get his help, it would undoubtedly greatly accelerate the progress of the Eye of the Moon project. However, Virgil's unique behavior made them feel a little uneasy.

"Tell me in detail!"

Uchiha Obito said immediately.

"Virgil, that guy, is indeed an elusive being. His pursuit of power is almost paranoid. But when I mentioned the Eye of the Moon project and the permanent peace it can bring, he showed "

"What does Virgil want?"

Obito was the first to break the silence, a hint of urgency in his voice.

He knows very well that when cooperating with a strong person, he must be clear about the other party's demands, otherwise he is likely to get burned.

Nagato judged others by himself, guessing: "Does Virgil also want eternal peace? A strong man like him may really have pursuits beyond ordinary people."

Nagato frowned slightly.

He knew that Vergil's strength was unfathomable, and if he could get his help, the success rate of the Moon Eye Project would undoubtedly be greatly increased.

But Vergil's conditions also confused him. After all, within the Akatsuki organization, every member exists to realize the Eye of the Moon plan, and any behavior that deviates from this goal is not allowed.

"What does Virgil really want? Is the peace he pursues different from what we understand?"

"That being the case, we have to proceed with caution."

Nagato thought about it for a while and found that he couldn't think of an answer for the time being, so he said in a deep voice.

"Although Vergil is not directly involved in our operations, his presence itself is a deterrent. We must ensure that he does not become an obstacle to us, and we must also consider how to use his power."

Uchiha Obito is more vigilant. He is well aware of the variables that Virgil's joining may bring.

Especially when he thought of Virgil's desire for power, an ominous premonition quietly arose in his heart.

He stared at Black Zetsu, suspicion gleaming in his eyes.

"Black Zetsu, what exactly did you say to Vergil? Does he... want to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki?"

Obito's voice was so low that only he and Black Zetsu could hear it, every word revealing his deep concern about this possibility.

Hearing this, Hei Jue raised a mysterious smile on his lips.

"Oh? Obito, you are really smart. However, you don't need to worry too much."

Uchiha Obito gritted his teeth after hearing Black Zetsu's words.

"Are you crazy? If you tell him about this, wouldn't it be..."

Uchiha Obito felt that it might not be that easy for him to compete with Vergil for the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

He knew that people like Virgil would never be easily restrained or used.

The cooperation between them is more like a delicate balancing game. If you are not careful, everything may be lost.

His words revealed his inner struggle and uneasiness.

He knew very well that Vergil's power was close to that of a god, and if he really allowed him to master the power of the Ten-Tails, the consequences would be disastrous.

There was both worry and determination in Obito's eyes. He knew that since he stepped on this path, every step he took had been extremely difficult, and the current challenge was undoubtedly the most difficult one.

He asked Black Zetsu in a low voice, with unquestionable seriousness in his voice: "Hei Zetsu, what are you planning? We all know Vergil's character and ability. If he really becomes the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, the consequences will be disastrous. "

The smile on the corner of Hei Jue's mouth was still mysterious, as if he had everything under control.

"Obito, I understand your concerns, but it is this power that can be the key to achieving our ultimate goal. However, please don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion."

Black Zetsu's tone was calm and profound. He continued to explain: "Vergil's strength lies in his unparalleled swordsmanship and calm judgment, but it is not easy to truly control the power of the Ten-Tails. And I took advantage of this and revealed some information to him. The purpose is not to make him become a Jinchūriki directly, but to stimulate his curiosity and desire to explore, so as to buy us more time."

Obito frowned when he heard this, and was obviously skeptical of Black Zetsu's explanation.

"Just to buy time? Then what? What if he is really tempted?"

Black Zetsu smiled lightly, turned around, and his eyes flashed with cunning light under the candlelight.

"That's what I'm going to say, Obito. If Vergil really makes a decision we don't want to see, then we have to take more radical measures."

"If that's the case, then use the Impure World Reincarnation to revive Madara-sama and let Madara-sama deal with Vergil. With Madara-sama joining in, even Vergil will have to reassess the situation."

Black Zetsu said without hesitation, although he didn't think Uchiha Madara could deal with Vergil.

Obito's face was uncertain. He knew Uchiha Madara's strength very well, and that was an existence that even he was afraid of.

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