Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 915: The Poison Ninja Village in the Land of Waves

But the problem is, even if Madara is resurrected, can he really control Virgil?

"Are you sure Madara can deal with Virgil? The difference in their strength may not be as small as you think."

"The reincarnated Madara is naturally no match for Virgil, but if Nagato resurrects Madara, Madara with the Samsara Eye can definitely deal with Virgil easily!"

Black Zetsu said confidently.

Uchiha Obito was silent. He couldn't imagine how strong Uchiha Madara with the Samsara Eye was. Maybe he was stronger than Nagato?

But can he really defeat Virgil?

He was very uneasy about this.

Black Zetsu sneered. Of course, he knew that Uchiha Obito was unwilling to resurrect Uchiha Madara, but he was prepared, not to mention that there was now another Virgil to threaten him. At that time, Uchiha Obito would definitely have to resurrect Uchiha Madara.

In fact, in order to prevent the plan from failing, Black Zetsu planned to find Orochimaru to resurrect Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara had been fooled by him and believed what he said completely. With Uchiha Madara around, even in the state of Impure World Reincarnation, he could suppress all disobedience.

Virgil currently has no one who can match him, so he must appease him, not to mention that he half-truthfully told the real purpose and plan. Although Virgil said that he only wanted the fruit of the sacred tree and didn't care about anything else, Black Zetsu also had to prevent him from regretting or intervening.

So he has sent White Zetsu to find Orochimaru, this S-level rebel ninja who is proficient in science. Orochimaru's ambition is exactly what can be used.

As long as he is given enough benefits and temptations, such as the mastery of the secrets of the ninja world or the promise of greater power, he will naturally become the most loyal ally.

"So, what should we do next?"

Konan's voice suddenly sounded. She has always been the calmest and most rational person in the Akatsuki organization, and now she also joined the discussion.

"Continue to advance our plan,"

Uchiha Obito said firmly.

"At the same time, strengthen the surveillance of Virgil. We must ensure that his every move is under our control. In addition, we must also start preparing for possible variables, including but not limited to Virgil's sudden betrayal or interference from other forces."

After they chatted for a while, they disbanded.

Uchiha Obito left with a lot of anxiety and unwillingness.

Black Zetsu took a look and didn't pay attention.

Both Nagato and the Outer Path Demon Statue need to recover and recover. After experiencing the benefits of the White Zetsu fusion, Nagato has changed and likes the White Zetsu fusion.

"Ze, I need a new White Zetsu."

Nagato said to Black Zetsu.

"I will prepare it for you."

Black Zetsu also knew that the most important thing now is to make Nagato stronger, so he didn't refuse.

In his opinion, even if Nagato was provided with White Zetsu, he would not be able to turn the world upside down. At most, he would become a little stronger and more durable.

At the same time, a new ninja village appeared in the Land of Waves!

On the isolated island of the Land of Waves, gently embraced by the blue sea, an unprecedented change is quietly taking place.

This small country, although sparsely populated and lacking in resources, unexpectedly became an undercurrent in the new era of the ninja world.

With the emergence of the "Poison Village", the Kingdom of Waves seemed to be revitalized by a mysterious and powerful force.

The birth of the Poison Village was not accidental, but the masterpiece of Wesker and Alex Mercer.

In this world of the jungle, ordinary ninjas can hardly gain a foothold, not to mention those wandering ninjas and rebels abandoned by the mainstream ninja villages.

So they created an unprecedented "bloodline limit" - using viruses as a medium to give ninjas unprecedented power and special abilities.

This unprecedented temptation, like a bright light, illuminates the hope in the hearts of those ninjas wandering in the dark.

These individuals abandoned by the mainstream ninja villages, either because of their mediocre qualifications, or because they betrayed their original belonging for various reasons, they longed for a place that could accept themselves and prove their value.

The emergence of the Poison Village undoubtedly provided them with a new world.

Wesker and Alex Mercer knew that these seemingly abandoned ninjas could become a force that could not be ignored if they were given a chance.

As for the issue of loyalty, neither of them cared. They just wanted to achieve their goal. Only by controlling a ninja village and becoming a force could they better get intelligence.

After Wesker investigated, he couldn't understand why a powerful ninja would obey a powerful daimyo for so many years, but it saved him trouble.

So, under the control of Wesker and others, the daimyo of Wave Country issued a notice that shocked the whole country.

In the notice, the daimyo announced the establishment of the "Poison Hidden Village" in the name of national security, aiming to cultivate a strong ninja team to cope with the increasingly severe international situation and potential ninja world crisis.

This move not only gave the legitimacy of the Poison Village an official coat, but also aroused the curiosity and expectations of the people of Wave Country for the new force.

It is located in the north of the island of Wave Country, a tidal flat swamp that was once eroded by sea water and shrouded in thick fog all year round.

This place used to be a forbidden zone for life and seldom visited by humans, but with the joint efforts of Wesker and Alex Mercer, this desolate land has undergone earth-shaking changes.

They used viruses to fill the swamp and introduced special plants to dispel the fog, giving the land a new lease of life.

The newly built village looked very strange, with tentacles and biomass tissues grown from various viruses.

Weird and scary.

This is what Wesker wanted.

With the establishment of the Poison Village, a series of recruitment activities were also carried out in full swing in the Land of Waves.

Notices were posted all over the streets and alleys, from bustling towns to remote villages, all conveying the Poison Village's desire and commitment to talents.

The recruitment conditions seemed loose, but in fact they contained a mystery - in addition to basic ninja skills, what was more important was the recognition and loyalty to the Poison Village's philosophy.

Once you become a formal member of the Poison Village, you can not only receive generous material subsidies, but also obtain "virus bloodline" under the guidance of Wesker and Alex Mercer to achieve self-transcendence.

This news quickly caused a sensation in the Land of Waves and even the entire ninja world.

Countless young people with dreams, wandering ninjas eager to prove themselves, and rebellious ninjas seeking asylum flocked to this new land.

Some of them seek power, some seek honor, and some seek a true home.

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