Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 920 Shadow Plan

In the dark and secret meeting hall of the Poison Ninja Village, the candlelight flickered, reflecting Wesker's deep eyes and Alex Mercer's face.

The two stood in front of a huge map, which marked the major areas of influence in the ninja world, especially the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire around the Kingdom of Waves, as well as the famous five ninja villages-Konoha. , Sand Hidden, Cloud Hidden, Rock Hidden, and Kirigakure, they are like five bright stars, but they have undercurrents surging among themselves and fight endlessly.

"The actions of the five major ninja villages are just inevitable actions driven by interests."

Wesker's voice was low and powerful, and his fingers tapped lightly on the table. Each tap seemed to be calculating every move in the future.

"Although our Poison Ninja Village is located in a remote corner, our technology and our strength are enough to make any force that despises us pay the price. Their actions just gave us an opportunity to show our strength."

Alex Mercer had a playful smile on his lips. He knew that Wesker was not only a strategist, but also an ambitious leader.

"Indeed, they are short-sighted and only see immediate benefits, but ignore the power that can truly subvert the situation."

His words revealed his contempt for the five great ninja villages, but also his confidence in his own abilities.

"As for the infiltrators, our defense system has captured their whereabouts."

As Wesker spoke, he walked to the console beside him and slid his finger across the screen. Groups of surveillance images appeared on it, showing several ninjas in different clothes and with sneaky movements wandering around the outskirts of the Poison Ninja Village.

"These people are just the vanguard of temptation, and the real challenge is yet to come."

Alex Mercer stepped forward and stood side by side with Wesker, staring at the screen.

"So, how do you plan to respond? Eliminate them directly, or..."

There was room in his words, clearly curious about Wesker's next plans.

Wesker smiled slightly, with a sly look in his eyes.

"It is simple to eliminate them directly, but that is too crude and cannot demonstrate our wisdom and strategy. Alex, your black light virus ability is the key to our deeper layout."

He turned around, faced Alex, and elaborated on his plan: "I want you to use the ability of the black light virus to separate the personalities and memories of the ninjas or important people who have been swallowed by you, but It must be carefully modified and disguised. These 'clones' will become our intelligence network, penetrating into the five major countries and other ninja villages, collecting information that is beneficial to us, and even creating chaos and weakening their power when necessary."

Alex Mercer heard a cold smile on his lips.

What flows in his body is the almost perfect black light virus blood that has been obtained through countless experiments and fusions. This power allows him to swallow life, imitate abilities, and even create new life forms.

He knows very well that his existence is the sharpest sword and the most secretive shield.

"It's not difficult for me to split personality and memory."

Alex continued, his eyes sparkling with a desire for the unknown challenge.

"But the question is how to ensure that these fragments integrate into the target environment."

Wesker nodded in agreement.

His long fingers moved slowly on the map, and finally stopped at the border between the Kingdom of Waves and surrounding countries.

"The Country of Waves, this seemingly peaceful small country, is actually the springboard for our outward expansion."

Wesker said solemnly.

"But our position is too delicate. Once a war breaks out, we can easily become the focus of crossfire between the two sides. Therefore, we need more flexible tactics, and your ability is the key to our implementation of a latent strategy."

He turned around and stared at Alex with bright eyes: "I will send you to personally select and split out the most elite 'shadow troops'. These split bodies will possess part of your memory and abilities, but their minds will Completely independent and carefully programmed to perform specific tasks, they can be merchants, travelers, or even ninjas, lurking in every corner of the Five Kingdoms and other ninja villages."

Hearing this, Alex's eyes flashed with excitement. He knew that this would be an unprecedented challenge and a perfect opportunity to demonstrate the true power of his Blacklight Virus.

"What's the specific plan?"

he asked, leaning forward slightly, obviously eager to know the next steps.

Then, Wesker further detailed the plan: "First, we will select a group of important targets to devour, including but not limited to senior ninjas, political figures, and even core members of the Ninja Village. Then, use the ability of the black light virus "Avatars" that have their own identity but are controlled by us will be given new identities and memories and undergo rigorous training to enable them to move freely in different environments."

"At the same time, we will also establish multiple secret strongholds within the Kingdom of Waves and surrounding countries as rest and contact stations for the 'clone'. Through these strongholds, we can monitor the movements of the 'clone' in real time and adjust strategies as needed. "Wesker added.

"Don't worry, Wesker, I will personally supervise every link to ensure the smooth progress of the plan."

Alex nodded.

"Then next, we need to screen out targets suitable for division."

Wesker is still very serious about this aspect.

"First, regarding target screening,"

Wesker continued.

"We must ensure that these targets have sufficient intelligence value and will not arouse too much suspicion. Senior ninjas are naturally the first choice, as they often hold the core secrets of the ninja village, while politicians are key figures influencing national decision-making. But more importantly, these targets must be devoured by you recently to ensure that their memories and skills are the freshest."

Alex nodded slightly, closed his eyes, and the fragments of life he devoured flashed through his mind quickly.

Every life is a unique memory bank, which contains countless secrets and skills.

"I already have a few suitable candidates."

Alex opened his eyes, with a confident light flashing in his eyes.

Wesker nodded with satisfaction, knowing that Alex's choice would never be wrong.

"Very good, the next step is splitting and programming. This is a delicate and complex job that requires us to be extra careful."

He walked to the table, opened the drawer, and took out an exquisite metal box.

The box contained several seemingly ordinary injections, which contained the control drugs they carefully developed, which could ensure that the split bodies would faithfully execute their orders while maintaining independent thinking.

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