Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 921 Hunter Attacks

"We will use these agents, combined with your black light virus abilities, to deeply program the split body."

Wesker explained.

"First, you need to accurately separate their personality and memory fragments from the target's body, and then inject these fragments into the new carrier. In this process, we will guide the minds of these fragmented bodies through potions to make them think that they are Being the same person he is, but at the same time remaining absolutely loyal to our instructions.”

This will be a silent war, without smoke, but more cruel than any battle.

"We will then set up a sophisticated communication system to monitor their actions and adjust strategies at any time."

"The last and most critical step is to spread these 'shadows' quietly to the five major countries and other ninja villages. There they will collect intelligence, establish networks, and even launch raids when necessary to poison us. Paving the way for the rise of Ninja Village.”

"So, let's get started."

He whispered, determination and expectation shining in his eyes.

"Let the five great ninja villages see what real fear is."

As Alex finished speaking, the atmosphere in the chamber became more solemn and tense.

Luther had a strange expression after seeing what Wesker and Alex were doing.

"Black Light VS White Zetsu?"

It can be said that there is no problem with Wesker's idea, and it even maximizes Alex's advantages and characteristics.

But the sense of deja vu of this plan is too strong, because in the ninja world, someone has already done this.

That is Black Zetsu and White Zetsu.

Bai Jue has many clones, but most of them are weak in combat effectiveness and can only be used for reconnaissance, but there are also beings like Fei with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Bai Zetsu can absorb other people's chakra and change it into the same chakra as it is, which even the most familiar people or perceptive ninjas cannot recognize.

Zetsu's clone once absorbed other people's chakra, transformed into someone else, and sneaked into the ninja alliance to fight internally.

Although it is unknown how many White Zetsus are performing camouflage and lurking missions in the ninja world, but with the number of black light split bodies, it is difficult to say that they will not be encountered.

Then it will be fun.

In fact, the Akatsuki organization is also very concerned about the affairs of the Poison Ninja Village.

Because they also want to attract strong enough combat power.

Although the Poison Ninja Village may not be very strong, they are quite poisonous!

Hei Jue, the mastermind who hides in the dark and controls countless conspiracies, will naturally not sit idly by and ignore the rise of the Poison Ninja Village. He knew that if the power of the Poison Ninja Village could be used for his own use, it would be a great help to his plan.

So, he quietly came to the Kingdom of Waves, and with the dual purpose of exploring and wooing, he stepped into this land shrouded in poisonous mist.

"The Country of Waves..."

Black Zetsu was very confused. Why did the Poison Ninja Village choose to establish a Ninja Village in a place like the Land of Waves, which is such a shameless place?

Wouldn't other countries be more suitable, like the Country of Tang?

And they didn't know how to hide themselves, so they were exposed from the beginning, and now they have caused the fear of the entire ninja world.

He also became a public enemy of the ninja world.

But no matter what, Hei Zetsu wanted to find out the information about the Poison Ninja Village.

Uchiha Obito also came here.

"Is this the Poison Ninja Village?"

Uchiha Obito looked at the looming village in the distance shrouded in an ominous purple-black mist.

Judging from the floor space, it is really quite large.

"Those fogs are the barrier of the Poison Ninja Village. The poisonous fog technique is very powerful."

Hei Jue clicked his tongue and said, although he said he was not afraid of any poison.

Uchiha Obito doesn't even take this poison seriously. Just kidding, do you know what Kamui is?

He could just walk right in!

His interest in the Poison Ninja Village stems more from his curiosity and desire to conquer the unknown power.

In the eyes of Uchiha Obito, the poisonous mist barrier is just an insignificant barrier. His divine power space allows him to come and go freely anywhere. Even this seemingly unsolvable poisonous mist barrier cannot stop him. pace.

"Let's go in and take a look at this so-called Poison Ninja Village."

Uchiha Obito approached the poisonous mist barrier, and without any hesitation, he walked towards the poisonous mist.

At this moment, he was already in the divine space. The outside world was just a spatial projection, and the poisonous mist barrier was naturally unable to intercept Uchiha Obito.

But what Uchiha Obito didn't know was that Wesker and Alex had also placed many viruses inside the poisonous fog barrier. These viruses were like invisible eyes, quietly observing everyone who entered the poisonous fog barrier. one person.

As a result, the elusive Uchiha Obito, who came and went freely in other ninja villages, was discovered as soon as he entered the Poison Ninja Village.

When Uchiha Obito's space projection appeared in the poisonous fog, these viruses immediately activated the alarm mechanism, transmitting his position, speed and even possible action routes one by one to the command center of the Poison Ninja Village.

Of course, this command center is actually Wesker and Alex.

"It seems like a great guy is here."

Wesker did not expect that there was still the power of space, so when he saw Uchiha Obito walking through the poisonous fog barrier intact and entering the Poison Ninja Village, and his own virus feedback came back without any problems, He became interested.

This is the first time that the Poison Ninja Village has been directly invaded since its establishment.

Wesker planned to play with the other party.

"Alex, let's send our summoned beasts out."

Wesker said to Alex.

There was a communication tool in the main god space between the two of them.


Alex was silent.

"Summoning Technique·Hunter."

Alex's summoned beast was naturally a hunter.

They created these biochemical monsters according to the cultivation method of summoned beasts in this world, and then these biochemical monsters became their summoned beasts.

And the summoned beasts of the two of them were unrelated to each other. There was no way. The black light virus was too domineering and was completely incompatible with other viruses.

So even if they wanted to coexist, it was impossible to transform a more powerful biochemical monster.

The two hunters appeared under the call of Alex. These hunters were originally prepared as summoned beasts for the ninjas of the Poison Village. Now, they were going to test the waters.

Uchiha Obito wanted to go directly to the leader of the Poison Ninja, but the next moment, he felt something coming.

"Be careful, Obito, something is coming."

Black Zetsu immediately dived underground.

"Poison ninja?"

Uchiha Obito didn't care at all, he was discovered, how was he discovered?

As a result, when he saw the two monsters, Uchiha Obito's pupils shrank.

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