Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 933: A great victory

"These summoned beasts are very powerful, but fortunately we have puppet troops."

Maki looked at the puppets that had been destroyed by the Lickers.

Yura nodded and added: "That's right, but we must be careful. The Poison Village should have a backup plan, so we can't take it lightly."

"Wind Style: Big Breakthrough!"

With the roar of a Sand Ninja, a strong wind pressure burst out, instantly tearing the surrounding air apart, forming a powerful storm wall, blocking the Lickers' offensive.

Following this, wind style ninjutsu such as "Wind Style: Wind Cut" and "Wind Style: Tornado Hurricane" followed one after another. These wind style ninjutsu were like the violent storms in nature, sweeping across the battlefield and engulfing the Lickers. Many Lickers were torn to pieces under this force.

However, these seemingly fatal blows did not completely eliminate the Lickers.

After a short silence, the lickers destroyed by the wind escape technique miraculously stood up again, and their wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they had never been hurt.

This scene made all the Sand Ninja present feel a palpitation, and they began to realize what kind of terrible enemies they were facing.

It seemed that they did not belong to this world at all, but demons crawling out of hell.

"How can they... how can they still stand up?!"

A young Sand Ninja shouted in horror, with a bit of despair in his voice.

Lickers are all biochemical weapons created by viruses, not to mention that this world also has the magical energy of chakra. These lickers are now almost immortal, and their regeneration ability has been enhanced.

Moreover, after eating the Sand Ninja, the lickers obtained fresh DNA and chakra, and evolved into Type II lickers, which are larger, stronger, and faster.

"Maki, it seems that we have to go down in person."

Yura said in a deep voice. Maki nodded.

"Yes, it's time to show the true strength of the Sand Village."

After saying that, he stretched out his body and rushed to the battlefield like a cheetah.

"Wind Style: Wind Cut!"

In the air, Maki clasped his hands together, and sharp wind blades burst out from his fingertips, cutting the air like a sharp blade, directly approaching the vitals of the Type II Licker.

However, the monster seemed to have a premonition, flexibly dodged the attack, and opened his bloody mouth, trying to swallow Maki whole.

Maki was not afraid of danger. As one of the few jonins in the Sand Village, he had rich combat experience and even more powerful strength.

"Wind Style: Wind Blade!"

This wind style ninjutsu is to use three fingers as the center of the circle to form an extremely thin circular wind blade with a diameter of about 20 centimeters and throw it at the enemy.

The extremely thin circular wind blade drew an almost invisible trajectory in the air, cutting through the huge body of the Type II Licker at lightning speed.

Instantly, the monster's huge body was split in two, and black blood spurted out, interweaving with the raging storm around to form a doomsday scene.

However, seeing the scene of the licker coming back to life just now, Maki was not careless at all.

The vitality of the Type II licker was beyond imagination.

After a brief twitch, the broken body began to slowly wriggle, and granulation appeared again at the broken wound, healing at an astonishing speed.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Wave!"

As Maki chanted in a low voice, he quickly formed seals with both hands, and the airflow around him began to surge violently, as if even the surrounding air was pulled by this force.

Then, a series of rotating wind cuts gushed out of his mouth, like a tornado composed of sharp blades, with a whistling sound, sweeping towards the surrounding Type II lickers.

These wind cuts are not only fast, but also highly accurate. Each one is aimed directly at the enemy's vital points, trying to completely destroy these seemingly invincible monsters.

Type II Lickers were cut into pieces by the wind blades of the vacuum wave.

But Maki did not give up and continued to attack. He planned to find the weakness of the Lickers.

As the battle progressed, Maki gradually discovered that whenever the Lickers suffered a heavy blow that affected their chakra flow, their resurrection speed would drop significantly, and some Lickers even completely lost their ability to move due to chakra exhaustion.

This discovery gave the Sand Ninjas a glimmer of victory.

This is indeed the weakness of the Lickers. The energy of any creature is limited. The Lickers seem invincible, but as long as they are not given the opportunity to replenish their energy, they can be exhausted to death.

However, there are not only Lickers on the battlefield, but also Poison Ninjas.

However, facing the wind ninjutsu of the Sand Ninjas, the chakra toxins generated by their poison ninjutsu can be easily dispelled, so they can only rely on close combat.

"For ninjas, the effect does not seem to be ideal."

Wesker did not use the Tracker and the Tyrant because even if these two biological weapons were strengthened, they were just large targets for ninjas.

The power of ninjutsu of ninjas is very strong, and most of them can even be said to be more powerful than modern weapons.

Lickers are different. They move fast and are agile.

You should know that lickers can dodge supersonic bullets without being strengthened. Although they only dodge according to the muzzle of human guns, this is enough to show how smart they are.

Now that they have obtained the strengthening of chakra, these lickers can even fight against Genin and Chunin.

"Sure enough, Lickers are still suitable for assassination. If they fight on a large scale, they will be easily covered and hit by a large number of ninjutsu."

Wesker records this.

Of course, the casualties among the Sand Ninjas were also very high. After all, Wesker brought hundreds of Poison Ninjas here, and with the Lickers included, it was impossible for them to be the only casualties.

The Sunagakure Village could not accept the casualties suffered by the Suna Ninja, so they had no choice but to retreat.

If it weren't for the puppet troops, they would even be in danger of being annihilated!

And even with the puppet army, the puppet army has already fought tooth and nail.

Making every puppet is not easy, but for Wesker, the Licker is a biological weapon that can be thrown away every day, and its low cost is simply outrageous.

So far, the price/performance ratio is pretty good.

Sunagakure Village was beaten by the Poison Ninja Village and had to retreat. This news was quickly noticed by the Ninja Village who cared about it.

This also made them despise Sunagakure Village for becoming more and more miserable. At the same time, it also shocked the Poison Ninja Village. Is it really going to do what Sanshouyu Hanzo can't do and subvert the structure of the ninja world?

However, in this battle, none of the three strong men of Sunagakure Village, including Kazekage Rasa, Chiyo and Ebizo, took action.

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