Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 934: Repairing the plank road in the open, but marching through Chencang in secret

After the unexpected and brilliant victory in the Poison Ninja Village, the entire ninja world seemed to have been hit by a shock bomb, causing ripples everywhere.

The Kingdom of Wind, a country that has always been respected by Sand Hidden Village, is currently experiencing unprecedented changes and challenges.

Kazekage Rasa, the powerful ninja known as the "Golden Shield", faced the sudden defeat, a look of solemnity and deep thought flashed in his eyes.

Just relying on force alone may not be able to completely eradicate the threat of the Poison Ninja Village. What's more, the mysterious and unpredictable poisonous technique of the Poison Ninja Village makes any attempt to underestimate the enemy likely to pay a heavy price.

Therefore, he decided to adopt a two-pronged strategy: on the one hand, he strengthened the defense and intelligence gathering capabilities of Sunagakure Village to ensure that he was fully aware of the movements of the Poison Ninja Village; on the other hand, he relied on the deep knowledge of Chiyo Granny and Ebizo to conduct in-depth research. And crack the poison in the Poison Ninja Village and weaken its threat from the root.

After all, the most troublesome thing about the Poison Ninja Village is their poison.

"Can the Wind Release Ninjutsu effectively curb their poisonous techniques?"

Luo Sha saw this vital information. In front of the wind escape ninjutsu, the poisonous ninjutsu could not be used.

He has already understood that this kind of poisonous ninjutsu is actually a unique ninjutsu from a secret arts family like the Nara clan, but there is also the existence of "poison escape", but poison escape is said to be unique to the poison ninja leader.

At the same time, Granny Chiyo and Ebizo, two elders of Sunagakure Village, also took action quickly. They are not only one of the oldest and strongest ninjas in Sunagakure Village, but also a symbol of wisdom.

Grandma Chiyo is famous for her superb medical and poison skills, while Ebizo is good at strategy and layout.

Sunagakure Village recovered the bodies of all Suna ninjas, except those eaten by Lickers, which could not be recovered. This is a common practice for ninjas, to obtain intelligence and information from corpses.

It's a pity that the poisonous ninja corpses in the Poison Ninja Village can't be found. In order to prevent the corpses from leaking secrets, the corpses of the ninjas in the Poison Ninja Village will completely destroy the corpses after losing control of their own poison.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to obtain any information from the poisonous ninja's body. Even if there is a problem with this self-destruction mechanism, the poisonous blood or toxins flowing in the poisonous ninja's body are not easy to come into contact with.

The two teamed up to conduct a meticulous inspection of the recovered Sand Ninja corpses. From the scars, toxin residues and other clues on their bodies, they wanted to piece together the full picture of the Poison Ninja Village's combat effectiveness, as well as the secrets behind those terrifying poison techniques. .

In the dim laboratory, Granny Chiyo's eyes flashed with sharp light. She carefully pierced the skin of the corpse with a special silver needle to extract a trace sample of the toxin.

These toxins are colorful, some are as green as emerald, while others are as deep as violet, and each one contains deadly power.

Granny Chiyo knew very well that these toxins were not only the weapons of the Poison Ninja Village, but also a symbol of their identity. Unlocking their secrets would be equivalent to finding the key to fighting the Poison Ninja Village.

After days of sleepless research, Granny Chiyo finally made a breakthrough discovery.

She discovered that these toxins do not occur naturally in nature, but have been carefully cultivated and improved artificially.

This means that Poison Ninja Village has a complete toxin research and development system, and the scientific and technological strength behind it cannot be underestimated.

After all, most common poisons are just naturally occurring poisons in nature. Sanshouyu Hanzo was so poisonous that he conquered the world. In fact, they are also poisons from nature. As long as this kind of poison that is not a systematic poison can be cracked, it will be easy to deal with.

But now, the Poison Ninja Village has obviously developed its own tricks, which makes it difficult to deal with them.

Chiyo felt that it was more difficult than ever.

What is even more shocking is that there seems to be some kind of delicate balance and symbiotic relationship between these toxins. Once triggered, it will trigger a chain reaction and form unimaginable lethality.

Faced with such a complex toxin system, Granny Chiyo and Ebizo decided to adopt a two-pronged strategy:

On the one hand, continue to study these toxins in depth and strive to create corresponding antidotes as soon as possible;

On the other hand, the defense and intelligence collection of Sunagakure Village were strengthened to prevent the Poison Ninja Village from launching another raid.

At the same time, the Poison Ninja Village is also busy preparing for their next move.

Wesker quickly selected a new station on another land in the Kingdom of Wind.

The terrain here is difficult, easy to defend and difficult to attack. As for the problem of barren land, it is not a problem at all, so it is an ideal place to establish a Ninja Village.

If the Poison Ninja Village wants to gain a foothold in the ninja world, it must have its own base, a place where new ninjas can be trained, new poison techniques can be developed, and strategic materials can be stored.

Under Wesker's call, the great names of the Kingdom of Wind also gave unprecedented support to the Poison Ninja Village.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind knew that the rise of the Poison Ninja Village was of great significance to the security and stability of the Kingdom of Wind. Therefore, he not only provided land and material assistance, but also personally came forward to recruit those who aspired to become ninjas and were willing to work for the Poison Ninja Village. Efficient young people.

Some of these young people were orphans who were born in poverty and longed to change their destiny (the master was kind-hearted and looked down on the poor, so he sent them all away), some were rebellious ninjas who were dissatisfied with the rule of Sunagakure Village, and some were attracted by the reputation of the poisonous ninja village. Lang Ren.

With their own dreams and ambitions, they gathered under the banner of the Poison Ninja Village.

The prosperity of a ninja village cannot be separated from the injection of fresh blood.

The arrival of these new members not only brought vitality and vitality to the Poison Ninja Village, but also allowed it to grow rapidly in a short period of time.

However, Wesker always maintained a clear understanding in his heart.

He knew that although the station of the Poison Village in the Wind Country was important, the real power was still the Poison Village in the River Country.

There was a secret base that he had carefully arranged, and it was the cornerstone of his grand plan.

He used the strategy of "openly repairing the plank road and secretly crossing Chencang" to attract the attention of the Sand Village and even the entire ninja world in the Wind Country on the one hand, and quietly accumulated strength in the River Country to prepare for future challenges on the other hand.

Not only the Wind Country, but now the Poison Village has defeated the Sand Village, even if the Sand Village has not deployed all its combat power.

This has made the reputation of the Poison Village shock the entire ninja world. Many wandering ninjas and rebellious ninjas saw the opportunity and came to join. The scale is much larger than when the Poison Village was first built. After all, the Poison Village at that time was just an unknown and mediocre small ninja village.

These ninjas from other big and small countries have given the Poison Village a certain basic combat power.

Wesker plans to start experiments on strengthening ninjas using the T-virus and G-virus.

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