Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 156 Famous in Foshan

At this time, Xiao Ye Zhun suddenly ran out on a toy car. Ye Wen and Jin Shan approached two people to see this. They were afraid of hurting Xiao Ye Zhun, so they immediately stopped their moves.

Xiao Ye Zhun was riding a toy car and shouted to Ip Man:

"Dad, Dad, Mom said that if you don't take action, everything in the house will be broken!"

Ye Wen smiled and said, "Okay!"

Jinshan looked at Xiaoye Zhun who was riding a toy car back to the room, and couldn't help but muttered "You bastard!" and got back into position.

Ip Man also made the same Wing Chun gesture again. In fact, not long after the fight with Jin Shanzong, he had a rough idea of ​​Jin Shanzong's kung fu level.

The reason why he never fought back was because he didn’t want Jinshan to embarrass himself in front of so many people, and he wanted him to give up and give him a step down.

Since Jinshan doesn't appreciate his kindness and must compete with him, Ip Man will no longer hold back.

It's time to show off your real skills!

Ip Man-Wing Chun-Spread Hands and Hands

Looking for Jinshan - Fall to the ground - Get up and fight again

Ip Man-Wing Chun-Day Chongquan

Looking for Jinshan - Falling down ×2 - Get up and fight again

Ip Man-Wing Chun-Lian Cun Jin

Looking for Jinshan - Falling to the Ground × 3 - Getting angry and fighting with a knife

Ip Man - Feather Duster - Six-thirty fooling around with sticks

Jinshan looks for-KO!

With a bruised nose and a swollen face, Jin Shan leaned his back against a pillar. Ye Wen put the tip of a feather duster against his throat and touched his swollen buttocks. He didn't dare to move.

Ye Wen smiled softly at Jinshan and asked:

"How about it, Master Jin, my kung fu is not bad!"

Jin Shanqiu, who was slapped in the face in public, felt like he had lost his face. He didn't expect Ye Wen to be so powerful. He was beaten so hard that he had no power to fight back. Since he was defeated, he had nothing to say at this time and could only reply angrily: |

"Needless to say, Northern Boxing lost to Southern Boxing today!"

After hearing Jin Shanzong's answer, Ye Wen frowned, put down the feather duster and said:

"You are wrong, it's not Nanbei Quan's problem, it's your problem!"

When Liu Nan saw that the competition was over, he took the initiative to open the door and shouted to Jin Shan and others who were still standing there staring:

"Why are you standing still? Why don't you leave yet!"

Jinshan’s boxers who were looking for him hurriedly stepped forward to help Jinshan look for them. A group of northern boxers staggered out of the gate.

A group of onlookers from Foshan saw Jinshan and others walking out of the gate, and they all stepped aside to clear a path for them. At this time, someone asked loudly:

"Who lost and who won?"

"No need to ask, look at his pig-headed appearance, he is a loser at all!"

"Then get out of here!"

"get out!"

"get out!"

Amidst bursts of cheers from the common people, Jinshan and the others left with their faces flushed.

Liu Nan looked at the slightly forlorn backs of Jinshan Zhao and others, and shook his head. He did not sympathize with them, because if Ye Wen lost today, he would inevitably be humiliated by Jinshan Zhao and others.

Just like the martial arts masters wrapped in gauze standing in the crowd now, Liu Nan could only send Jinshan to find others, saying that he will not survive because of his own evil!

Um! There is another saying, modesty makes people progress, arrogance makes people beaten!

After Jin Shanxun left, everyone, led by Li Zhao, swarmed in front of Ye Wen, and all kinds of compliments and praises could be heard.

"Thank you everyone, luck, it's all luck!"

Ip Man bowed his hands to everyone. After dealing with the enthusiastic crowd, he immediately turned around and went back to the house to see Zhang Yongcheng.

Seeing Ye Wen leaving, Liu Nan and Li Bo politely sent everyone away from Ye Mansion.

After the common people left, they were full of pride and showed off the fact that Ip Man easily defeated Jinshan. In one afternoon, this incident spread throughout Foshan, so Ip Man became famous!

Because Jinshan found these northern boxers, they fought through Wuguan Street, and their words were extremely arrogant, which made the entire Foshan people feel aggrieved. At this time, Ye Wen easily defeated them, making him instantly become a hero in Foshan.

In the next few days, Ye Wen and his family went out to buy things. The boss was not even willing to take their money. Every day, a large group of people gathered at the door of Ye Mansion, wanting to become apprentices. Among them, police captain Li Zhao was the most active.

Of course, Liu Nan's initial move to fly away from Jinshan to look for his subordinates was also seen by the common people who watched the whole process that day, so he was imagined by the common people as Ip Man's apprentice and joined this legendary story. , widely spread in Foshan,

Of course, Liu Nan didn't care about these, because he was still working hard to regain his strength.

However, this legendary story circulating in Foshan has brought breakthrough progress to some people who have been looking for him.

Foshan, a secret point of a certain military intelligence system,

A military special agent quickly sent the secret information that had been investigated during this period through the telegraph machine.

At the same time, the Military Academy in Qianyang County, Hunan Province,

Wang Tianfeng, chief of the Intelligence Section of the Kuomintang Military Reunification Shanghai Station, received a piece of intelligence handed over by his subordinates.

"Quick, call instructor Guo!"

After Wang Tianfeng read the information, he immediately stood up with red eyes and shouted towards the door.


The guard at the door responded loudly, then ran away quickly.

Wang Tianfeng slowly sat on the chair with red eyes. The piece of paper in his hand seemed as heavy as a thousand pounds. The information in the note was still in his mind:

"Target One passed away two years ago, and Target Two was taken in by a wealthy family in Foshan two years ago. He is currently safe!"

The first target is Wang Tianfeng’s wife, and the second target is his son.

The person sent to Foshan to find his wife and children this time was one of his close intelligence agents. The content of the intelligence sent was not so specific and clear. This was also to prevent the intelligence from leaking. After all, as the intelligence chief of the military commander, he was related to him. All information must be treated with caution.

When Guo Qiyun, Wang Tianfeng's most trusted subordinate, came to the military academy office, he had already suppressed all his emotions and once again became the ruthless intelligence section chief - Poison Bee.

"Section Chief, do you have something to do with me?"

Guo Qiyun walked into the office and saluted Wang Tianfeng before asking.

Wang Tianfeng sat on the chair without saying anything, and motioned to the table with his eyes.

Guo Qiyun stepped forward and took a look at the paper on the table, and immediately said to Wang Tianfeng:

"This! Section Chief?"

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Tianfeng raised his hand to interrupt him and ordered:

"Stop talking, I know what's going on. You can go to Foshan now, find Heifeng, and find out the details, and then,"

Wang Tianfeng paused here and continued:

"Bring him back!"

"Yes, section chief, I'll leave right away!"

Guo Qiyun stood at attention and saluted, turned around and prepared to leave.


Wang Tianfeng called to Guo Qiyun, handed him the black-and-white family photo on the table, and whispered:

"If he doesn't believe you, show him this!"

Guo Qiyun took the photo respectfully, saluted the military salute again, turned and left.

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