Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 157 Guo Qiyun’s visit

Foshan, Yefu Courtyard,

A full month has passed since Jinshan Xun competed with Ye Wen, and Liu Nan is still standing on the floating cloud pile as always. During this time, his strength has basically recovered.

But the twelfth layer of the Golden Bell Jar has never been broken through. It stands to reason that he has had the experience of breaking through once before, and it should be faster this time.

But in fact, every time he hit the twelfth floor of the Golden Bell, he always felt like something was wrong with his body. An obscure feeling filled his heart, as if there was a membrane between his soul and body.

If he cannot break through this membrane, he will not be able to break through the twelve layers of the golden bell. If he cannot break through the twelve layers of the golden bell, he will not have that mysterious power, and his defense will not be able to stop modern guns with slightly greater vitality.

"Hello, is anyone here?"

At this time, a strong voice outside the big iron gate suddenly interrupted Liu Nan's thoughts.

Uncle Li, who was sweeping the floor in the yard, heard the sound and hurriedly put down the broom in his hand and ran to open the door.

"Sir, who are you looking for?"

Uncle Li asked looking at the muscular man in a suit in front of him.

This man is none other than Guo Qiyun, who was sent to Foshan by Wang Tianfeng.

Guo Qiyun rushed to Foshan non-stop. After contacting the military commander Hei Feng, he obtained more detailed information from Hei Feng.

After some deliberation, he decided to go directly to the door and explain his purpose to Ye Wen. If Ye Wen agreed, he would take Wang Xiaofeng back to the military academy.

If Ye Wen does not agree, then he will be taken away by force in secret. If Ye Wen dares to stop him, then he will have to ask the gun in his hand whether he agrees. Anyway, his mission is to take Wang Xiaofeng back to the military academy, no matter what means,

Guo Qiyun took off the hat that covered most of his face, and said with a slightly stiff smile on his determined face:

"My surname is Guo. I have something to discuss with Mr. Ye. Could you please introduce me to this old man? Thank you very much!"

Uncle Li saw that Guo Qiyun had an extraordinary demeanor and was not like those people who came here every day to be his disciples. He opened the iron door and said politely:

"Come with me, I'll take you to the living room to sit down first!"

Guo Qiyun nodded and followed Uncle Li towards the living room.

When passing by the yard, I saw Liu Nan standing under a big tree in the yard. My eyes immediately focused on him, and then I looked up and down carefully.

Liu Nan's five senses are so sharp! Although he had his eyes closed, the moment Guo Qiyun locked eyes with him, he felt it.

However, there were too many people coming to apprentice during this period, so he didn't pay attention. However, when Guo Qiyun's eyes kept locking on him, he still frowned and opened his eyes.

When their eyes met, Guo Qiyun suddenly felt a strong evil aura coming straight from Liu Nan's eyes, making his hair stand up instinctively.

However, he is also a man who has experienced the battlefield for a long time, and many people died under his hands, so although he was shocked, he quickly calmed down.

But the look in Liu Nan's eyes did reveal surprise and uncertainty.

After Liu Nan glanced at Guo Qiyun, he closed his eyes again. Just now, he felt that Guo Qiyun's gaze was too wanton, so he gave him a small lesson by witnessing it.

But Liu Nan also saw that the person who came to visit Ye Wen today was not a simple person. Through his reaction to the witness and his temperament,

Liu Nan felt that he looked a bit like Yuan Shikai. Could he be from the military? Why do people from the military come to Ip Man?

In the hall, Guo Qiyun was sitting on a chair. He did not drink the tea that Uncle Li poured for him. He had a mission and had to keep an eye on everything.

Not long after, Guo Qiyun saw Uncle Li, who had led the way before, walking out of the back room followed by an extraordinary man.

He stood up and extended his hand to Ye Wen politely: "You must be the famous Mr. Ye in Foshan. My surname is Guo. I'm sorry for taking the liberty of visiting!"

Seeing Guo Qiyun stand up, Ye Wen was about to clasp his fists, but when he saw Guo Qiyun extending his hand, he knew it was a handshake, so he immediately changed his handshake and replied with a smile:

"Thank you! Thank you! Mr. Guo, please take a seat!"

After the two of them sat down, Ye Wen was the first to ask:

"I wonder what Mr. Guo wants to do with Ye?"

Guo Qiyun replied directly: "I am here mainly because of my disciple Wang Xiaofeng!"


Ye Wen was suddenly filled with doubts.

Guo Qiyun explained:

"Mr. Ye, I am actually a friend of Xiaofeng's father. This time I was entrusted by Xiaofeng's father to find Xiaofeng, so I hope you can agree with me to take Xiaofeng away."

Ye Wen frowned and was dubious about Guo Qiyun's words. Xiaofeng had never mentioned that he had a father alive.

And even if Xiaofeng's father is alive, why hasn't he come to find him in the past two years? If he didn't find him before and found him now, why didn't he come in person? All these make Ye Wen not trust Guo Qiyun.

However, Ye Wen did not ask anything, but said directly:

"I can't make the decision on this matter, you'd better tell Xiaofeng in person!"

After saying that, he ordered Uncle Li to go to the yard and call Liu Nan over.

Guo Qiyun gave Ye Wen a strange look, couldn't he make the decision?

"What evidence do you have that you were sent by my father to pick me up?"

Before Li Bo took a few steps, Liu Nan's voice came from the door,

After Guo Qiyun entered the hall, out of curiosity, Liu Nan used his keen senses to eavesdrop on what was going on in the hall.

Therefore, Liu Nan listened to every word of the conversation between Guo Qiyun and Ye Wen.

Seeing Liu Nan walking into the hall, Guo Qiyun did not explain anything, but directly took out the family photo Wang Tianfeng gave him from his arms.

Liu Nan quickly reached for the family photo and looked at the three people in the photo. He knew that Guo Qiyun might not be lying. He learned from Wang Xiaofeng's memory that Wang Xiaofeng's father left home to join the army.

"Xiao Feng, you?"

Ye Wen was stunned when he saw Wang Xiaofeng get the photo, and then tears flowed down involuntarily.

It has been two years since he rescued Wang Xiaofeng, and this is the first time he has seen Wang Xiaofeng cry. Wang Xiaofeng usually gives off a very mature look, not like an ordinary teenager at all.

Liu Nan heard Ye Wen's voice and touched his face, which was filled with tears. It seems like this is your last obsession, right?

Don't worry, since I have taken over your body, I will go to see your father. In these troubled times, I will try my best to protect your father's safety within my ability. This is my promise to you,

After Liu Nan said the last words to herself in her heart, her tears stopped instantly, and something in her body seemed to dissipate.


The last shackle between body and soul was broken, and the bottleneck on the twelfth floor of the golden bell that had troubled him for many days was also broken through at this moment, and a familiar force returned to his body again,

Although there are not as many as before, Liu Nan believes that it will not take long.

Finally, I have some capital to protect myself in these troubled times!

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