Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 171 Gun, haha!

Guo Qiyun nodded. It was normal not to know about guns. According to the relevant information they investigated, Liu Nan knew and was proficient in firearms. That would be a problem.

He just asked casually to facilitate his subsequent explanation and teaching.

"Then today, let me first introduce you to the rifle!"

As he spoke, Guo Qiyun picked up a rifle with the words "38 Type" engraved on it from the table and said:

"This is a Type 38 rifle. It was put into service in 1907. It is currently one of the most important and basic weapons of the Japanese Army and Navy.

Because there is a dust cover on the bolt that is connected with the bolt and the words "38 Type" are engraved on the receiver, we have always commonly called it: 38 Big Cover. "

After Guo Qiyun finished the introduction, he glanced at Liu Nan and found that he listened quite seriously, so he put down the 38 cap in his hand, picked up another rifle and said:

"Mauser 98 series rifles were installed in the German army in 1898. Up to now, it is still the standard rifle of the German army infantry. Because the caliber is 7.9 mm, we call it: 79 rifle.

This 30-year-style rifle was finalized in 1897 (the 30th year of Meiji). The bullet has a long range, high penetration, and small recoil. Because its safety lever is made of copper alloy and is hook-shaped, it is called Jin Hook rifle.

The Hanyang Type 88 rifle is commonly known as the "old sleeve" because there is a sleeve on the outside of the barrel. Later, the Type 88 rifle was improved to remove the sleeve and is commonly known as "Hanyang Made".

The M1 Garand rifle is the standard rifle equipped by the U.S. Army during the war. It is named after its designer John Canteus Garand. It is also the first semi-automatic rifle in the history of firearms to be mass-produced and put into active service. , we call it "big eight grains" or eight grains fast.

The Springfield rifle was developed by Springfield Arsenal under the license of Mauser Arsenal. It can be regarded as a variant gun based on the Mauser rifle. It was also one of the standard rifles of the US military during the war.

Because it is copied from the German 98 series Mauser rifle like the Chinese regular rifle, it looks similar to the Chinese formal rifle, so it is called the "Citi formal".

The Lee-Enfield rifle is a rifle designed by James Paris Lee and improved by the Enfield Arsenal, so it is called the "Lee-Enfield rifle". This gun is a standard manual rifle commonly used by the British army. , is also the standard equipment of the Commonwealth countries. Because the caliber is 7.7 mm and it is made in the UK, we call it: British 77.

The last one, the Mosin-Nagant rifle, is a rifle jointly named by the designer Russian Army Colonel Mosin and the Belgian firearms designer Nagant. Because the gunshot of the Mosin-Nagant rifle is as crisp as water drops, we call it It is "water connected with pearls". "

After Guo Qiyun introduced all the rifles on the table, he asked Liu Nan:

"Is there anything you don't understand?"

Liu Nan shook his head,

Seeing this, Guo Qiyun casually picked up the Sanba Gai and said with a smile:

"Let's stop talking about this today. You can have a general understanding. I will explain their specific structure and details to you in detail next time.

In the later stage, you need to be able to understand every firearm and be able to disassemble and assemble them quickly.

Of course, you have to do this slowly. In order for you to understand them better, I will first take you to the shooting range to practice with real weapons.

You must know that guns are a man’s romance!

I think you will like it! "

Liu Nan nodded uncertainly. To be honest, he didn't really have much feelings about thermal weapon guns. If it had been before, he might have had some feelings.

But since practicing martial arts, maybe due to some influence from Huang Feihong, he actually prefers cold weapons, swords, guns, swords and halberds to hot weapons and firearms.

At the shooting range, Guo Qiyun took the 38 cap and explained to Liu Nan:

"The 38-meter cap uses 6.5x50mm bullets. First we need to check the gun, and then the posture. Drag the gun body like me, put it on your shoulder, keep your eyes, scope and target in a straight line, and then - shoot! "


After a crisp gunshot, the red heart hit the fifty-meter target!


There was another crisp gunshot, and the red heart hit the 100-meter target!

Guo Qiyun calmly put down the 38-meter cover, feeling a little proud in his heart. The sword is still not old!

He handed the San Ba ​​Da Gai to Liu Nan and said with a smile:

"Xiao Feng, try it. It may be difficult the first time. Once you take the time to practice more and master the skills, you can do it like me!"

Liu Nan took the rifle from Guo Qiyun's hand, nodded, and then, under Guo Qiyun's guidance, aimed at the fifty-meter target in a very standard posture.


Eight rings!

Well, it seems that what we see in our eyes is slightly different from reality.

"The first eight rings are already very good. It shows that you are very talented in using guns!"

Guo Qiyun couldn't help but praise.


Nine rings!

"That's it, keep feeling the way you are!"

Guo Qiyun encouraged.


Ten rings!

"Well done!"


Ten rings! Ten rings! Ten rings!

Liu Nan turned the muzzle of the gun to the 100-meter target.

Ten rings! Ten rings! Ten rings! Ten rings! …

At first, Guo Qiyun was still encouraging and praising Liu Nan. When Liu Nan moved to the 100-meter target, it was still ten rings. Guo Qiyun became silent because he could not reach the 100-meter target. Keep ten rings!

The gunfire stopped, not because Liu Nan was tired, but because there were no bullets!

Liu Nan looked at the 38 cap in his hand, was silent for a moment, and asked Guo Qiyun, who looked shocked:

"How lethal is the furthest range of these 38 caps?"

Guo Qiyun replied subconsciously:

"The effective lethality is about 400 meters, but generally if it exceeds 200 meters, the bullet will drift a little and the hit rate will also be reduced!"

When Liu Nan heard Guo Qiyun's words, he was stunned for a moment. He looked at the Sanba Gai in his hand and suddenly seemed to have figured out something. He laughed and then burst out laughing.

He threw the San Ba ​​Da Gai in his hand to Guo Qiyun and said:

"It turns out I put the cart before the horse, gun, haha!"

Then he turned around and left,

Guo Qiyun was first confused by Liu Nan's laughter, and then he was shocked by Liu Nan's words.

"Xiao Feng, you are very talented with firearms, but this is just one type of firearm. You still have a lot to learn!"

He quickly stepped forward to stop Liu Nan and persuade him. He thought Liu Nan was arrogant because of her temporary achievements.

Liu Nan did not explain, but took off a button from Guo Qiyun's clothes, then pinched it with his index finger and thumb, and flicked it.

Powerful kinetic energy was transmitted from Liu Nan's index finger to the button, and then the button was shot out faster than a rifle bullet.

One hundred meter target, ten rings, hit the red heart!

"Now, you understand!"

Liu Nan left a word to Guo Qiyun and left.

Guo Qiyun looked at the 100-meter target and was stunned.

What a hell!

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