Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 172: Parting the clouds and seeing the bright moon

Liu Nan was walking on the way to the canteen, feeling very happy. She felt that the shadows blocking her heart seemed to be dissipated.

It turns out that I have always been affected by my inherent thinking. I always feel that no matter how powerful I am, I am still unable to withstand countless spears and cannons, so I always have some worries when doing things.

However, when he was shooting at the target with a gun today, he suddenly realized,

In this era, with my own skills, unless I really appear on the battlefield and keep beating others, who can kill me!

Relying on a rifle that can't aim accurately from two hundred meters away? It's not as harmful as the button he popped out!

Of course, Liu Nan will not seek to be king and hegemony just because he is powerful. That is not in line with his character and is not what he wants.

His goal is to learn more useful knowledge that can help him in the future.

As for thermal weapon firearms, you just need to know how to use them. There is no need to spend time studying them in detail.

If he is really fighting life and death and can't stand up to a head-on confrontation, then using a gun will be useless.

If it was an assassination, using buttons should be more concealed and harder to detect than using a gun!

Therefore, if you have time to practice and study guns, why not practice the Golden Bell in the house and transform into a golden giant as soon as possible? Isn’t it delicious?

Moreover, a gun is a foreign object after all. Its power is constant and cannot become more powerful over time.

It is also inconvenient to carry. There are strict inspections in many places and it is prohibited to carry firearms.

In the cafeteria, Liu Nan made a meal, found a seat alone, and sat down.

The students eating nearby were obviously very curious about Liu Nan.

However, due to the strict discipline of the army, no students dared to come forward to talk to them, and they all ate in silence.

After a while, Guo Qiyun also entered the canteen, took his meal and sat opposite Liu Nan. Looking at Liu Nan and his hands, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Liu Nan finished her meal, put down her chopsticks, and asked calmly:

"Instructor Guo, what are the courses I want to study next?"

Guo Qiyun thought for a moment and replied:

"The first course is about language courses in various countries. Our most basic requirement is to master at least two languages, English and Japanese. For other countries, it depends on the individual situation. Of course, the more the better.

The second one is camouflage. Through superb makeup skills and matching different clothes, you can instantly disguise yourself as another person.

The third is to learn the relevant professional knowledge of sneaking in, tracking and stealing intelligence, for example, how to quickly open various door locks and safes, how to recover the scene after obtaining intelligence without leaving a trace, etc.

The fourth is psychology, which involves analyzing the other person's psychology through language, movements, expressions, etc., mastering the other person's thinking, and predicting the other person's actions.

The fifth door is social etiquette, which refers to social etiquette and culture at different levels on different occasions, including various dances, music appreciation, etc.

The sixth door is interrogation skills and counter-interrogation skills, which refers to how to obtain information through verbal stimulation and physical torture after catching the enemy. After being captured, how to withstand the torture, induce the enemy to obtain false information, and look for opportunities to counterattack. Kill and escape!

The last step is the analysis of intelligence and the study of various knowledge, such as history, politics, economy, culture, food, etc. The more you know, the better. It would be best if you can become an expert in a certain field! "

Liu Nan nodded. This knowledge is very useful. No matter which parallel world he goes to in the future, this knowledge can help him.

"Then are you teaching these courses, or am I listening in the classroom with the students!"

Liu Nan asked again.

Guo Qiyun rolled his eyes, remembering Wang Tianfeng's explanation before leaving, and said with a smile:

"I am only responsible for firearms, combat and interrogation at school. All other courses are taught by professional teachers.

So these courses require you to go to the classroom and study with the students! "

Liu Nan nodded, yes, it was impossible to find someone to teach him just because he was alone, but this was not a big problem for him.

"Then after you finish eating, give me a class schedule. I will know which class and which classroom it is in. I won't bother you if there are more!"

"No trouble, no trouble! I have the curriculum right here. I'll give it to you."

With that said, Guo Qiyun took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Liu Nan.

In the afternoon, first grade class of the military academy,

Liu Nan sat in a seat at the back of the classroom, holding a Japanese book given to him by Guo Qiyun, and listened to the class carefully.

In fact, although Liu Nan has never learned Japanese, she still has some understanding of it in modern times.

After all, Japanese movies and animations are so famous.

Coupled with his now photographic memory ability, learning Japanese is quite easy.

The person who teaches Japanese in the class is a slightly bald, middle-aged teacher named Zhou Qi. It is said that he went to Japan to study in the past and lurked for a while.

Zhou Qi was in class today as always. He was very serious in class and taught very carefully. He especially analyzed the pronunciation differences and cultural characteristics of Japanese in different regions of Japan very clearly.

Because he knows that if he does not teach carefully and the students below do not learn clearly, they may die as a result in the future, or even implicate the entire intelligence team.

He understands it deeply!

But in class today, he always felt that something was not right and uncoordinated.

Yes, it turns out that the students were sitting very uncoordinated.

Normally during class, everyone is neatly arranged, sitting in rows and listening to the lectures.

Today, it seems that there is something different. The students in the front are sitting in neat rows, but in the last few rows, everything suddenly changes.

There was a student in the back row. There was no one sitting around him, and there was a space around him.

Zhou Qi took a closer look, hey! You are still a new face, why do you look so small!

Hey, are you going to become a dangerous spy at such a young age?

Really, really, this damn war!

In fact, there is a vacant space around Liu Nan. It's not that the students don't know him or are alienated from him. On the contrary, most students in the military academy now know him.

When Liu Nan sat down at first, there were many students who were curious about him and wanted to sit next to him.

However, they were all driven away by Liu Nan's deliberate murderous aura and aura of keeping away from strangers.

In fact, Liu Nan has a good impression of these military academy students, including Guo Qiyun.

However, Liu Nan didn't want to have too many entanglements with them. Again, he would have to leave here sooner or later, maybe one year, maybe two years, maybe tomorrow!

The Japanese class ended, Liu Nan closed the book, there was no difficulty!

The second lesson, disguise,

This class was an eye-opener for Liu Nan. The same person, under the teacher's superb disguise, instantly seemed to become another person, even his temperament was different.

The teacher in the disguise class didn't have any magic spells, he just simply changed his hairstyle, makeup on his face, and changed his clothes.

Sure enough, girls in modern society are two different people whether they wear makeup or not. This is probably where they come from.

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