Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 318 Good Neighbor Spider-Man

He did a few more experiments and discovered that spiritual consciousness can now interfere with reality and move objects.

But because it is not strong enough, it can only move some light and small objects, and it cannot move at all if it is too heavy.

"Liu, where is Captain America? Is he still alive?"

Coulson rushed in with the other search team members full of excitement. When they saw Captain America frozen in the ice, everyone opened their eyes wide. This is the real hero he has heard about since childhood!

Liu Nan signaled Colson to calm down and replied with a smile:

"It's okay. I checked briefly. Captain America is currently asleep in the ice, but he is not dead. His heartbeat is still beating at a rate of once a minute. As long as the ice is unsealed, he should be able to wake up. !”

Colson knew that Liu Nan knew some magical medical skills. When he heard his judgment, he was overjoyed.

"Liu, we need to transport Captain America back to the headquarters immediately for resuscitation treatment!"

"give it to me!"

Liu Nan slashed at the ice around Captain America several times. Suddenly, all the ice around Captain America was chopped into powder.

Liu Nan easily raised a rectangular ice cube with Captain America frozen on it with one hand and said to Coulson:

"Okay, let's leave!"

Coulson looked at Liu Nan holding up Captain America, twitched the corner of his mouth, and ordered the remaining people:

"We'll leave first. You wait for the excavation equipment to arrive and dig out the entire wreckage of the plane before transporting it to the headquarters!"

"Yes, sir!"

The group members of the search team replied,

Colson nodded and said:

"Today's matter is confidential, first-level confidentiality, and is not allowed to be leaked!"

"Understood, sir!"

When the members of the search team heard about the first-level confidentiality, they did not dare to neglect it and quickly saluted with a military salute and replied,

Seeing that there was no problem, Coulson took the shield and Liu Nan took the frozen Captain America away from the wreckage of the plane and rushed to the transport truck parked outside.

Five hours later, SHIELD headquarters,

Director Fury commended Liu Nan and Colson. After the commendation, Colson smiled and said:

"Liu, you've worked hard these past two days. You go back and rest for two days. If there is any news about Dr. Banner from the headquarters, I will let you know!"

Liu Nan naturally nodded in agreement. Although his main purpose of coming to S.H.I.E.L.D. was to find information about Hydra, after all, he had just joined now, so he still had to do more tasks to show his value and find out the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D. The situation makes it easier to take action.

In addition, the Hydra organization's main opponent in the country is SHIELD, and now Captain America, who destroyed their leader Red Skull, is about to be "resurrected".

Liu Nan believed that they would not hide for too long and would take action sooner or later. As long as they took action, as one of SHIELD's most powerful agents, he would definitely be informed of Hydra's intelligence.

By then, as long as he finds traces of Hydra, with his current cultivation ability, revenge will not be a problem.

When Liu Nan was about to leave, Coulson suddenly said:

"Oh, by the way, Liu, wait a minute, let me show you something!"

After saying that, he took out a newspaper from his arms and handed it to Liu Nan who looked confused. He smiled and left a few words before leaving.

"You will know just by looking at it. Our SHIELD has paid attention to him. He is still young. After graduating from college, we will have the opportunity to recruit him!"

Liu Nan's heart moved, so she opened the newspaper and read it.

Front page headline: Your good neighbor Spider-Man strikes again to stop a robbery!

The following content tells the story of a masked man wearing a red spiderweb tights who has appeared many times in Queens in recent days, subduing robbers, and interviews with passers-by:

"He's not human, my dude saw him spinning cobwebs at Lincoln Center!"

"I think he is human, a man, of course, maybe a woman!"

“He raises his hand and it spins out silk, and then he crawls on it!”

"I saw the spider web, oh, that's his logo, and I knew Spider-Man was here!"

"He will protect us and the citizens!"

"The man with eight hands looks very sexy! And his tight clothes and perky butt, I like it very much!"

Liu Nan almost laughed out loud when she saw the last interview. Peter was still a high school student and not yet an adult.

However, he had no problem with Peter attacking criminals. With Peter's current body, it would be difficult for ordinary criminals to hurt him.

Besides, everyone has his own choice. As long as he is not doing something illegal, he will not interfere with his apprentice's choices.

After exiting the warship at SHIELD headquarters, Liu Nan flew towards Queens on a cloud.

It was around nine o'clock in the evening, and the sky was completely dark. Not long after Liu Nang flew over Queens, he saw Peter wearing a red tights, swinging around, using spider silk to fly around various buildings. shuttle between

After a while, he seemed to have discovered something, and then the thread swayed and he got into a remote alley.

In the alley, a wretched man with a beard was caressing the sexy blonde in front of him with his hand, while threatening the woman with a gun and taking out the cash from the bag.

But suddenly, a strand of spider silk suddenly shot out from above and just stuck to his gun. Then a huge force came and the gun was pulled away.


As the blonde screamed in surprise, a masked man in a red tights descended and knocked the robber to the ground with three punches and two kicks. He spun out the spider silk from his hand and quickly weaved a spider web. The whole thing was stuck to the ground, unable to move.

The blonde was overjoyed when she saw this, and just as she was about to step forward to thank him, she saw Spider-Man jump up, spin out the webbing in his hand, and the man had disappeared before his eyes.

After Peter rescued the blonde, he swung to the top of an empty building with a spider's silk. Just as he was about to take out the backpack he had hidden in advance, change out of his suit and go home to sleep, a hand suddenly hit him from behind. on the shoulders,

Peter was so frightened that he trembled all over. He quickly turned around and made a backhand grapple. However, the opponent retreated and evaded his grapple.


After Peter saw the face of the visitor clearly, he immediately stopped his intention to continue attacking and shouted with surprise,

"It's me. I saw it just now. It seems that your master has been away for a few days and your kung fu has improved a bit!"

Liu Nan put his hands behind his back and praised with a smile,

Peter's reaction speed just now was obviously faster than before. It seems that he has developed some of his potential recently.

When Peter heard Liu Nan's compliment, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Compared to Master, I'm still far behind. Just don't blame me for wandering around at night!"

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