Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 319 The Green Goblin Appears

Liu Nan shook his head and said:

"What you did is a good thing, how can I blame you, but you still have to pay attention to safety!"

When Peter heard that Liu Nan did not object to his behavior, a big stone suddenly fell in his heart.

Since his uncle Ben Parker was almost killed last time, he came up with the idea of ​​​​helping those in need as much as possible.

So after school in the evening, after dinner, he would put on his spider suit and transform into Spider-Man, patrolling around Queens to stop criminal gangs from committing crimes and protect innocent citizens like his uncle.

"Yes, Master, I will pay attention to safety!"

Liu Nan nodded, patted Peter on the shoulder and said:

"It's very late now. Go back to bed quickly, otherwise it will be bad if you are discovered by me. Master has been at home these two days. If you don't understand anything about cultivation, please come to Master at any time!"

When Peter heard the news that Liu Nan had been resting at home for the past two days, his eyes lit up, he nodded in agreement and said:

"Master, tomorrow the Lincoln Center Plaza will hold the Osmanthus Enterprise Peace Ceremony, which is very lively. Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Brother Duggan have made an appointment to go shopping there together tomorrow. Master, if you have nothing to do tomorrow, come with us. !”

Liu Nan looked at Peter's expectant eyes, thought for a while, and finally nodded and agreed.

celebration! It should be similar to the temple fairs in China. It’s not bad to go shopping!

At the same time, Norman Osborne, the boss of Osborne Group, was sitting on the sofa in the house drinking red wine with an angry look on his face.

Thinking of the meeting of the group's board of directors during the day today, Norman Osborne could not suppress the tyranny in his heart and crushed the glass. He would never allow the Osborne Group he founded to disappear.

Some time ago, the human enhancement agent invented by Norman Osborne could not be tested on humans because it was not perfect enough. The general who came to inspect the military department at that time informed him that

If he continues to be unable to perfect the human enhancer, he will cooperate with Exploration Aerospace, the largest competitor of the Aoshi Group, and transfer funds to Exploration Aerospace's humanoid armor project.

After all, Iron Man Tony Stark made them see the war value of humanoid armor, and human body enhancers have been studied for so many years, but they have always had various defects. It really doesn't hold much hope.

In desperation, Norman Osborne found Dr. Stein, who had always disagreed with human experiments, and secretly used his own body to conduct human experiments, hoping that the experimental results could change the general's decision.

After Naihe's experiment, although his body was greatly enhanced, due to the defects of the potion, Norman Osborne's personality changed drastically and he became cruel and murderous.

He first killed Dr. Stein, then stole the glider that the company was developing, then directly found the military general who wanted to change the investment plan, and used explosives to blow him to pieces.

In the past few days, he had finally suppressed his bloodthirsty thoughts, but the board of directors told him that he had been dismissed collectively by the board of directors. The board of directors would announce at tomorrow's Aoshi celebration that it would sell his Aoshi Group to his long-standing rival Discovery at a high price. Hangtai,

The bloodthirsty thoughts in his heart were completely suppressed, and he decided to kill all the members of the board of directors tomorrow!

The next morning,

Liu Nan, Duggan, Peter, Mei, and Ben drove Duggan's taxi and Ben's classic car to the already bustling Lincoln Center Plaza.

At this time, the square was already crowded with people. Small shops selling a variety of different items filled the entire square. There were also many huge animated character balloons, and many well-known band stars were invited to perform live. The atmosphere was very warm,

When Peter saw this, he immediately picked up his precious camera and started taking pictures. Before he became a teacher, in addition to loving learning, he was also a photography enthusiast. Now that he encountered such a lively and exciting scene, of course he couldn't miss it.

The shutter of the camera keeps falling, and each beautiful picture is frozen in an instant.

However, when he moved the camera lens to the rooftop in the distance, he saw a young man and woman kissing passionately in the corner of the rooftop. Taking a closer look, he saw that it was his friend Harry and a familiar figure with his back to him.

At this moment, Liu Nan suddenly frowned and looked up into the air. Then Peter also put down the camera and looked in the same direction as Liu Nan.

Dagen noticed that Liu Nan and Peter were both looking in the same direction, and immediately asked in confusion:

"What's wrong?"

"It seems like something is coming!"

Peter was unsure,

"Something is flying over, a clown wearing green leather tights and dressed like a goblin!"

Liu Nan squinted and looked into the distance. His body had been strengthened many times, and his senses were much stronger than Peter's spider sense.

Sure enough, as soon as Liu Nan finished speaking, Peter and Duggan saw a green-skinned clown similar to Liu Nan's description, flying towards Lincoln Square on a hang glider with a strange smile. This person had been injected into the human body. Norman Osborne of Enhancer,

At this time, the citizens of the square who were celebrating below also noticed Norman Osborne with a hang glider on his head. They thought it was a new performance and clapped one after another.

"Is it a new performance for this year's celebration?"

Peter said with some uncertainty,

"No, be careful!"

Liu Nan felt that the green clown in the sky was exuding murderous intent and laughing crazily. He obviously didn't look like a performer.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the green clown flying on a hang glider to the high platform where the directors of the Aoshi Group gathered, and threw a few balls over.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several violent explosions were heard, accompanied by the green clown's violent and proud laughter.

Immediately, all the ordinary citizens in the square were awakened by the sudden explosion and fled in fear.

"Duggan, go protect Ben and May. They are older. Be careful not to be knocked down by the panicked crowd. Peter, go and hold the green clown down first. Don't let him throw any more bombs. I'll go save people!"

Liu Nan quickly assigned tasks to his two apprentices, then blessed himself with a flying technique, and flew towards the high platform where the bomb was detonated in the north.

After receiving Liu Nan's order, Dagan immediately rushed towards Ben and Mei, who were choosing hats at the nearby store.

Peter tore off his own clothes, revealing the spider suit underneath, put on his hood, jumped up, and as soon as the spider silk spun out, he swung towards Norman Osborn, who was laughing wildly in the air.

Liu Nan flew to the rooftop after the explosion. At this time, many people here had been seriously injured due to the explosion, and there was even a fire in the room inside the rooftop.

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