Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 320 The Poor Green Goblin

Forming seals in his hands, Liu Nan hurriedly recited a spell, and several large water balls were condensed by him. He threw them and flew to the inside of the burning rooftop, extinguishing the increasingly fierce fire.

Then he landed on the rooftop and began to give injections to the seriously injured people to stop the bleeding to ensure that they would not die before the ambulance arrived.

Norman Osborne, who was standing on the hang glider in the air, saw Liu Nan actually putting out the fire and rescuing people. He immediately became furious and flew in again with great force, wanting to repeat his same trick and blow up Liu Nan too.

However, what Norman Osborne did not notice was that Peter had already approached him by relying on the spider silk. At this moment, seeing a rare opportunity, he swung over directly and, using the inertia, kicked him off the hang glider. Go down,

With his strong body, Norman Osborne did not suffer much damage after landing. He dusted himself off and stood up again as if nothing had happened. At this time, several police officers who were maintaining the security of the celebration also gathered around.

Seeing that the police were about to draw their guns, Norman Osborne immediately raised his hands and said with a scared look on his face:

"Don't shoot, I surrender!"

When several policemen saw Norman Osborne raising his hands, their expressions immediately relaxed. They put away their pistols, took out handcuffs, and prepared to arrest him.

Unexpectedly, when Norman Osborne saw the police put away their pistols, he immediately changed his fearful expression and quickly stepped forward and knocked several policemen away.

At this time, Peter also fell from the air to the ground. Seeing several policemen being knocked down by Norman Osborne, he quickly took two steps and punched them in the air.

Norman Osborn had always kept a trace of his attention on Peter. When he saw Peter punching him, he stretched out his hand to catch the punch. Although the human body enhancer he invented has huge side effects on the human spirit, But the effect of increasing strength is still very obvious. At least Peter now cannot compare to him in terms of pure strength alone.

"Little reptile, you are nothing more than that!"

After Norman Osborn felt Peter's power, he immediately became more arrogant. He raised his foot and kicked Peter in the stomach.

However, after all, Peter had learned grappling with Liu Nan for several months, and he still had some skills. Unlike Norman Osborn, who was a pure scientist and company boss before, and his fighting skills relied on strength and speed.

After dodging Norman Osborn's attack sideways, Peter immediately used a set of big grapples. Within a few moves, the more powerful Norman Osborne was locked by Peter's arms and pinned down. on the ground,

"I surrender, I surrender, let go, my arm is going to be broken, I was just kidding!"

Seeing that he was unable to defeat him, Norman Osborne immediately repeated his old plan. He wanted to paralyze Peter first, and then launch a surprise attack.

But after all, Peter had just seen the scene where Norman Osborne deceived the police. How could he be easily fooled?

While increasing his strength to suppress Norman Osborn beneath him, he reached out to pull the green leather Goblin hood that Norman Osborn wore on his head.

"I want to see who you really are!"

However, the moment the hood was pulled off, Peter was stunned and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Uncle Norman!"

It turns out that Norman Osborne is the father of Peter's best friend Harry Osborne. The two met several times. Every time they met, Norman Osborne was very friendly to Peter because he I really appreciate that Peter can have his own unique insights into a lot of advanced knowledge at such a young age.

Norman Osborne heard Peter shouting and reacted. He immediately said with pain on his face,

"You are Peter, Peter, uncle's arm is about to break, please let go of uncle!"

Seeing that the green clown was really Norman Osborn, Peter hesitated for a moment, and the strength in his hands was obviously much lighter.

Norman Osborne took the opportunity to press a button on his arm and showed a weird smile.

At the same time, the glider that was floating in the sky quickly flew behind Peter after Norman Osborne pressed the button. Two gun barrels popped out, and bullets immediately rained down on Peter. poured out,

Peter's hair stood on end, his spider sense exploded, and his body instinctively jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the fate of being beaten into a sieve.

Of course, with his body, if he was really hit, he wouldn't turn into a sieve, but it would definitely not be very uncomfortable. He would still have to lie in bed for several weeks.

As soon as Peter left, Norman Osborn immediately put on the green Goblin hood again, laughed and hooked the hang glider, flipped it up, and stood on it again,

"Peter, you can't escape!"

Norman Osborne stood on the glider and began to attack Peter with machine guns and bombs from a high position. Peter was forced to escape with all his strength.

However, just as Norman Osborne was laughing proudly, he was kicked hard on the back. The force was beyond his imagination, and it directly knocked him off the hang glider again.

This time was different from before. Norman Osborne was like a cannonball, hitting the ground hard, and even made a large human-shaped crater on the solid granite ground. Liu Nan visually inspected, At least half of the bones in his body were broken.

With his enhanced physique that could be called abnormal, he couldn't help but slumped in the pit at this time. He couldn't even move his little finger, and he fainted not long after.

The person who attacked him was none other than Liu Nan, who had just been treating the injured on the rooftop.

He was on the rooftop and had just given some simple treatment to the injured when he turned around and saw Peter being chased by the green clown standing on a hang glider.

Immediately, he teleported behind the green clown with his magic foot power, and kicked him down with a whip kick, eliminating the terrorist who was throwing bombs everywhere.

For a guy like this who has power but no actual combat experience, it is actually very simple. Such a person has no fighting intuition at all. After Liu Nan teleports to his side, he is basically undetectable and can easily be successfully attacked. ,

If he is facing someone with rich combat experience, Liu Nan will not teleport directly to the opponent, because his magical foot power is not an offensive magical power. There will be a slight pause when the teleport appears.

This slight pause is not noticeable to most people, but people with rich combat experience, especially masters of close combat, can quickly detect it with their excellent combat intuition or instinct.

If he reacts quickly enough, Liu Nan will become a target, just like in Foshan when he used his divine foot power to sneak attack the great priest Nozawa, but fell into his scheme.

If it weren't for his powerful spiritual consciousness and Buddha nature, which happened to restrain the opponent's evil ghost, he might have died on the spot.

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